
James POV:

Sarah made her way to the bathroom. She never needed to 'clean up' no matter what, she always looked beautiful. The fact that her dad and aunt had found us again ran through my blood and froze it, and the thought that she had been alone and that she had been threatened again just made it worse. The walls started closing in around me. I never felt like I could protect her, it made me want to hit or throw something. But I couldn't. I had to get out of here, so I did the next best thing. I jumped up and started running blindly. I heard the boys calling my name but I just kept running. I kept running until my lungs burned and my legs gave out. I found a bench to sit on. I stared at the park in front of me for what felt like hours. I heard a carefully approach of footsteps and looked up. There stood Sarah.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"They thought I would be best suited to calm you down" she shrugged sitting down next to me.

"You shouldn't be out on your own" I whispered

"I'm not alone, I'm with you" she stated simply

"Why do you think they said that and sent you after me" I asked casually

"I don't know. Enlighten me" she replied

"It's because they know that I like you" I said nervously

"She raised an eyebrow at me. "Anndd..."

"And nothing" I said confused

"And this is the part where you ask if I want to go out with you or be your girlfriend" she said

"What would you say if I did ask you?"

"That I'd need to think about it"

We sat in silence for another few minutes.

"Why? Why do you still believe in the goodness of people when you have every reason not to?" I asked

"Easy. Not everyone has given me a reason to distrust them, only my aunt and father" she said "believing that everyone is out to hurt you is the best way to stay lonely."

"You are so innocent and naive!" I shouted suddenly "plenty of people would willingly use your kindness and good heart against you!"

"And you don't think that I can tell when someone is trying to use me?" She asked and gave me a pointed look that made me squirm slightly.

No, I don't think you could." I said bluntly

"Okay. Fine." She huffed and stayed quiet for a minute before getting up "We should get back" was all she said before heading in the direction she came from.


When I walked through the door I saw both Josh and Harry pacing through the lounge. I could hear that Sarah was in the kitchen.

"What did you say to her?" Josh demanded when he saw me, his hazel eyes nearly popping out of his head.

"She didn't tell you?" I asked raising my eyebrows

"No. All she said was that you are just as much of a pig as you where before all of this before she stormed into the kitchen." Harry said angrily

"Oh cool it big bro. She will tell her guard dog when she wants to" I smirked.

Just them Sarah walked in with a pot of what looked to be boiling water in her hands. She walked up to me and planted her 5'1 figure directly in front of my 6'2 one. 

"Well, clearly I can't deal with my own problems either. Consider this the answer to your question about whether or not I'll be your girlfriend" she said before dumping the entire contents of the pot on me.

I screamed and cursed in pain while Sarah just stormed off.

"And I don't have not do I need guard dogs pig" she spat before closing the door.

"What the hell did you do to make the most non violent person on earth do that?" Asked Josh

"Stuff you and your dumb sister" I said and stomped to my bedroom locking the door behind me. I collapsed onto my bed, staring at my ceiling. I really messed up tonight and had to make up with them but that was tommorow mornings task because right now the idea seeing any of their faces just made me want to scream

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