4 Chubby Sherry Hobbles Away.

Kaelyn's P.O.V

It's when I touch the cool metal of the locker and feel a stinging sensation against my palm, that I realise that my little encounter with miss clumsy a while ago has earned me a good few scrapes. Darn those witchy nails of hers!

A very good morning, it is.

I hold up my hand in front of me. It looks plain, dull and colourless. Just like the rest of me. The only thing that adds some colour to it was the scratch that stretches in the middle of my palm. The red contrasts with my white skin.

I feel something shift in my left. All the students are filing up the corridors, chattering obnoxiously.

I sigh.

"You know, all this sighing and frowning would make you age faster." A voice from my left informed me.

I would've been startled had I not been aware of the presence to whom the afore mentioned voice belonged. I spared him a glance from the corner of my eye to look at who exactly he was.

Caleb Harvey. Ignoring his comment I drew my gaze back at my palm. Probably unaware of the fact that he was being ignored and his comments weren't required, Harvey spoke again.

"Staring at it won't make it go away. How did you get it anyway?"

Oh yes? And why is ignoring you not making you go away?

He does have a point though. I turn around and fish out a small first aid kit and get a tube of some ointment. A skinny yet muscular arm darts from my side and gets a hold of my wrist that held the ointment. I stiffen.Turning my head rightwards, I glare at Caleb who flinches just as my eyes meets his. Why does my eyes make people flinch? it's not like I have lasers emitting from them!

He was quick to let go and he held up both his hands in mock surrender.

"Relax! I just wanted to ask...Are you quite sure about...that? That thing stings like a bitch!" I closed my eyes for a second. Releasing a breath, I opened the cap, took some of the cream on my index finger, redid the cap and threw the ointment inside the kit. I stretched my palm and without thinking twice, applied the cream wherever it was required. It had sort of a cooling effect. It wasn't bad at all!

Atleast, that's what I thought.

The coolness was replaced by a stinging pain which was 10 times worse. I clenched my jaw and clamped my teeth together. I felt as if my palm was burning. I quickly took out the tube and checked the expiry date. It still had an year left.

"Told you! It's hurting, isn't it? That's why it's better to take an advice seriously!" He exclaimed smugly.

"Would you mind leaving? I have a class to attend and I do not wish to be held back." I told him as I got my books and closed the locker. He quickly blocked my way.

"Hey, come on! Even the bell hasn't.." Just then, out of pure coincidence, the warning bell rang. I quirked up my eyebrow.

"You were saying?" I waited as he tried to think of a response. Finally,


"Thought so, Now step aside, will you?" I straightened up and walked past Caleb without giving him a second glance.

This day can't get any better!


Oh no, I was mistaken. It can apparently.

Our homeroom teacher Mr Sherrings has some other plans.

I knew that some thing was going on inside that balding nincompoop head of his just by looking at the gleam in his eyes as that chubby little man hobbled his way to the teachers desk.

When I say 'little', I mean it.

The guy can only reach the middle of the blackboard when he stretches on his tippy- toes. No-offence.

He stands in front of the whole class and peers at us with his wide doe eyes. His grin is so wide that it nearly splits his face in two parts. And for a man with the widest round face, that's saying something.

This is not good.

"Students! It's time to allot groups for the project I discussed last saturday!"

Ah! that.

"Are you guys excited? Because I am."

Yes, very much. Very Very much. I can't contain my excitement! Yay!

He rests his face on his palm as he settles on his chair. His grin falls a bit as he continues.

"But seeing as the strength of this class is 34, if we make groups of fours, we will be left with two students who could choose to either work in pairs or individually or even join a group, although I highly recommend the last one."

Yes! Yes! Go on chubby sherry!

"Is there anyone who wants to work alone? or in pairs?"

This is my chance!

My arm shots upwards before my brain even instructs it to.

"Miss Emerson." Chubby-Sherry nods in my direction.

"Chub..ehem. Sir, I would like to work individually."

"Are you sure about that? You don't want to join a group?" He asks to which I shake my head.

"Very well, You can.." That's all he says before being interrupted by a loud thud near the door. We all whip our heads towards the disturbance and see a girl sitting on the floor with books sprawled all around her. Her cheeks are tinged red as she haphazardly tames her curly hair before clearing her throat.

Wait! She is the little miss clumsy from morning! looks like someone has a knack for butt-kissing the floor. And she is wearing freaking sneakers!

"Hi.....um...new student here?"

That's when everyone starts laughing. She averts her eyes and starts picking up her books.

"Silence everyone! Please come up here in the front Miss..."

"Rose. Nura Rose."

"Miss Rose, Please come here and join the class."

She balances all her belongings on her hands and crashes in the first empty desk.

"Alright! Miss Emerson, now that miss Rose has joined us, you wouldn't have to work alone! Class! divide yourself into groups of 5, distribute the work accordingly. I will add few things and now you'll have to base the project on 5 members instead of 4. Got it?"

Wait, Wha..? No! No 'Got it' !

"But sir, like you said you didn't want more members in a single group, isn't group of fours better?"

"I said I didn't want groups of 6 or more people. 5 people in one group is fine. No need to worry miss Emerson. I'll be back in 10 minutes and I want the lists of people in groups waiting at my desk when I return." He says and hobbles out of the classroom.

Dang it !

That klutz !

I swivel my eyes to those of Nura Rose. She noticed me immediately and even dared to smile and laugh her awkward laugh.

I stalked towards her. Her eyes widened in panic but she stood where she was. She must've picked up my joyous mood. When I reached her, she took a step back and waved at me .

"Hi! we've met before." she replied in an overly cheerful tone.

"Yes and I wish we didn't." I told her curtly.

"Uh...Oh!" she uttered and turned her head away from me with a hand shielding her view of me. I clicked my tongue.

"I am not going anywhere. We are teammates."

"Whaa !?"

"Yes, go find other members."

"B..But I don't know anyone !"

"That's your problem. Hurry up!" She looked at me incredulously to which I raised one of my eyebrows she then slowly turned around and frantically started looking for someone, members I assumed.

Then,out of nowhere a person stepped in between the two of us.

Liam ! Not again!

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