

"A lot of things have changed in here"

"Andrea did most of the decorating in here" Kassia replied

"Huh... where is my princesita"

"Having a sleepover with her amigos"

"Since when did she start having sleepovers "

"Cut the niño pobre some slack, she needs to enjoy her childhood even if her papá is a sergeant"

snake just couldn't guess the reaction of his younger brother Martinez if he was there at that precise moment. No one had the courage to talk back at him except his dead wife Wendlin when it comes to how to raise his daughter, but this firecracker really has him in her palm.

"So when did you get back"

"About an hour and thirty minutes ago"

Kassia just stood there looking at the man who taught her how to love. She drew closer to him and hugged him like that was the last time they will be seeing each other.



"I don't know why but anytime I'm with you, I feel like mi mundo está completo"

"I feel the same way too Kinsman"

SNAKE bent his head and looked into her eyes. He slowly bent his head and took her lips with his. They engaged in a passionate kiss that left then breathless, trembling and seeking for more.



"I want to ask you a question"

"Go on, pregúntame"

"Do you love me?"

"Si mi Cariño "

"Will you marry me if I ask you to"

"Emm...Emm... Emm..."

Kassia stepped back and started pacing the room looking confused shocked and unease She didn't expect it to be this soon. Damn it. What was she going to do now? She can't just pace around like a dummy, she needs to come up with something very fast. She does not want to hurt him or Andrea, but the current situation is going to cause that.



"Emm...Emm... Emm...I....I... I... c.. ant... Mar.. Ryan you" She stammered

"Why can't you marry me?" SNAKE asked with a rage he has never felt before after his wife's death. What did she mean by 'I can't marry you'.Why? Did she have someone else?Is that why she hugged him like that earlier? Why is she doing this to him? Had he wronged her? These questions kept going on in his mind.

"Be... Be... Be... cause.. "

"Because of what Kassia, WHAT? Is it because you've found else? How do you want me to prove how I love you huh"

"No not that"

"Then what Kassia, What? You are making me confused right now. Really, I'm a fool.I thought since you had the face of your sister, maybe you are kind hearted too hahaha"

"OK Kinsman give me el tiempo to think about this"

SNAKE looked at her with rage in his eyes. Is this really the woman he fell in love with? How the hell can she think before accepting his proposal. Is she having lukewarm feelings because he spent two whole years away for that God forsaken mission?

"Really, you need time to think before accepting to become my wife and why do you look like I'm asking you to die in his stead. Is marriage that appalling to you?"

"I never said that"

"Alright then I guess we need to call it quit between us"

"I never said we need to separarse" Kassia said with frustration

SNAKE walked to the door and looked back at Kassia with uncertainty, rage and frustration in his eyes.

" I want mi princesita to be home by 9am tomorrow and please come there at a time I'm not around to see you. I don't know what to say to mi princesita, if she asks why we're acting strange"

He said that with a tone he had never used with her before. The tone he used to use when his wife passed away. The tone everyone used to dread including his mom and younger brother. The tone that changed when he met her. That emotionless tone that gives one the shivers.

"Por favor... SNAKE.. .espera"

He left without even saying goodbye, not even another glance her way. Kassia couldn't stop herself from crumbling down unto the floor. She loved him but the circumstances she was in did not permit her to get married. She wanted to tell him the entire truth, but she didn't know how he would react. Would he think she was an evil person?

She covered her face with her palms and cried like she has never done before. She needs to take care of her past and present before it was too late.

Mi princesita -> Little princess

Amigos -> Friends

Niño pobre ->Poor kid/girl

Papá -> Dad

Mi mundo está completo -> My world is complete

Pregúntame -> Ask me

Si ->Yes

El tiempo -> The time

Seperarsa -> Split up

Por favor -> Please

Espera -> Wait

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading.


Verlyn_Cyndacreators' thoughts