
The Klitron

I woke up from the blackout and noticed that I was in a business office sitting in a chair with a female yelling at me in anger.

this female was middle-aged she had red hair that went down her back and she wore a black colored dress as well as red colored wedges. she looked like a well put together business woman that was meant to be taken seriously despite the general male superiority that was practiced the business area of The Terran Collective.

"Danny are you listening to me at all?" she said to me as she was tapping her desk and staring at me with a look of disappointment across her face.

"yes ma'am I am listening". I said to her confused about where I was so I played along with whatever kind of scenario I had been thrown into as if it meant my life.

"you need to understand that we can only tolerate so many failures in this business. if you fail to meet your daily quota ever again you will be cast into the lowest ring of society where all of the failures go. I am assuming that you do not want to become one of the outcasts of this world". she said to me.

"no ma'am I do not want to become an outcast that would bring shame upon myself and my entire future family".

"if that is the case you need to insure that you continue to do your work effectively and that you do not end up being a waste of this company's resources. I need you to look over this document that was sent by one of our military intelligence agents and decode it. you only have three more hours to finish. that will be all that I need from you; now please get to work as soon as you leave my office Danny".

I Rose from the chair that I was sitting in and walked out of her office so that I could get my work done as she had requested even though I was still completely confused as to of how I even got here since the last thing I officially remember was getting injected with that red liquid for my Klitron process to begin.

if this was part of the process it was definitely a lot different than how I was imagining it was going to be.

the area outside of the office of the main manager of this department was completely filled with cubicles where each person was constantly typing away at a computer.

it took me a bit to find where my cubicle was since I was unfamiliar with the area that I had somehow gotten into.

when I found my cubicle I noticed that it was only large enough for one person and there was also a plaque with my name on it on the top right side of it.

inside of the cubicle I saw a desk with a PC on the top of it. against the wall that was to my left I noticed there was a special touch screen; I was curious as to of what that was used for.

since I did not want to become an outcast I made my way to the desk and began to work on the decoding of the message.

as I was working on the touch screen it began to feel natural for me too do as she had requested of me. despite the fact that I was working really hard I could not make any major breakthroughs I could only translate a few words on the message and I quickly fell asleep on top of the desk due to exhaustion since my mind was being pushed to the limit because this was nothing like what I was used to as a member of the crafting caste.

I woke up from my sleep and could hear the sounds of gunfire around me like I was in the middle of a war zone.

the area where I was hunkered down was located in a bunker that was placed on top of a hill that was located in a forest world.

when I looked around I saw a large variety of different types of soldiers that were shooting out of the bunker at whatever was approaching us.

to see who was approaching us I looked out of one of the openings in the bunker and noticed that the creatures that were rushing towards us by both land and air were quite different from one another in appearance as well as the way that they moved. despite this fact they all moved in unison as one giant army following the orders of a single creature.

these creatures must have been the Demetra that I had heard so much about. they are an alien race that is capable of evolution through absorbing a specific sequence of the DNA that is known as essence after defeating one another in combat.

I felt my adrenaline beginning to rush as the ground began to vibrate underneath me while the aliens were closing the distance between us.

as I looked out of the bunker I grabbed my assault rifle that was to my left and began to shoot through one of the openings of the bunker. when the rounds came into contact with the bodies of the dimetros that were within my line of sight they began to slow down and freeze until they shattered only a few seconds after the rounds made contact with their flesh. it seemed like I was using cryo rounds in my assault rifle.

I continued to fire the assault rifle but every time that I froze one of the Demetra they just kept coming like their numbers were endless and that they were not going to stop advancing closer to the bunker where I was stationed.

when the metra forces finally and got within about ten feet of me; some of the Demetrius who had tails began to shoot acid from behind them that begin to shower down on the bunker.

the bunker began to make bubbling and shrieking noises as the acid began to eat through the metal.

when the acid broke through and began to pour into the bunker itself I could hear all of the other soldiers screaming in pain and agony as it came into contact with their bodies.

in an attempt to avoid the acid I kept myself along the rear wall of the bunker until I made it out of the rear entrance since I was the only soldier in my squad that was left alive.

I started to run through the forest that was behind the bunker trying to escape with my life.

while I was running through the forest trying to push through all of the tree branches and ignore all the thorns that were came into contact of my body I could hear the Demetra making a loud howling like noise as they swiftly approach me.

I tripped over one of the branches that was stuck into the ground and the Demetra quickly ran towards me but they stopped in front of me before doing anything other than cutting off my ability to escape.

"so you are here on our world and you expect mercy from us. your essence is weak and your species is pathetic so I will grant you a swift death." I heard a lion like beast that had the head of a falcon bird on top of his lying like body.

my heart quickly began to pump out of stress because I knew that my life was about to flash before my eyes and the leading to metra swiped his front left claw at my face right before I blacked out.

I awoke from the blackout and noticed that this time I was located in a tent instead of the forest where I was about to die in previously.

I noticed that the area around me was a tent and that there were shelves of a large variety of different types of wild creatures as well as non traditional medicinal herbs. in the center of the room there was a massive metal table that had nothing on it.

while I was looking around at this environment that I had been suddenly brought into I was interrupted by a tall black male that was trying to get my attention.

"Danny we have another patient for you to look at. this elderly gentleman has got all kinds of swells and bites all over his body and you are the last person that he can go to since all other doctors that he has tried cannot identify how to cure what he's going through and he will die soon if it is not cured."

"okay send him in I will do what I can but I cannot promise a miracle".

the man left the tent and quickly came back with an elderly male that had massive swollen blisters all over his body and if I had not been used to seeing different types of intense diseases where I had originally grown up I would have thrown up at the site of this.

when the elderly man was carried onto the table I asked them to be gentle as they positioned him with his head on my right side and his legs on my left.

I examined his body and tried types of creatures and herbs that I had jarred but nothing was working. whatever kind of disease this man had the normal means of treatment and medicine were not working at all.

I fell to my knees; and I was about to give up since the man was breathing very heavily and I knew that he was going to die if I did not heal him soon. when my mind was at its limit and I could not find a way to heal him I felt a sudden Rush of energy unlike anything I had ever felt before rush through my body and as I touched his wounds with my hands a light green aura was enveloped around my fingertips.

the blisters and wounds from this man's possibly fatal injury began to heal themselves and he quickly looked like he was almost at full health ready to go back to work.

after he was healed I felt a large dose of stress, anger, and uncertainty rush across my entire body which caused me to lose my balance and fall onto my knees.

the area around me began to fade away and look very fuzzy until it went completely black.

I woke up and I was still strained in the same exam chair that the doctor had put me in for my Klitron process to begin.

"you have finished your Klitron process Danny Hilton. you have one of the rarest types of talents in the entire Terran Collective. you are a healer; as a healer the next part of your journey will be to spend the next 4 years educating yourself about the human body as well as the bodies of our enemies so that you can get the most out of your healing talent. I will deactivate the restrain bars now that we are finished; and you can get dressed and then go to room H".

the doctor then deactivated the restraints and I put on my clothes as well as my wrist bracelets and goggles.

now that my glitch on process was finished I was no longer a member of the same cast as my parents I had moved up in the world I was now a rare breed a member of the healer caste.

I always knew that I was meant for great things so I was truly not surprised at the kind of talent that I had possessed since in this world healers were treated almost like gods because of how rare they were and also because of the fact that they saved the government a lot of money on medicine.

after I had put all of my clothing on I walked out of the exam room and made my way to room h knowing that whoever as well as whatever awaited me on the other side of the door was going to be quite a change from what I had grown up around.

thanks for the viewing remember to vote for the book if you liked it and give it a collection ad if you wish. all support will be appreciated and I will try to keep the chapters up to date.

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