
the day I became a god

as the ship left hyperspace I saw a large set of once great ships for both war and diplomacy that were now nothing but chunks of metal scrap scattered in front of us.

when we made it out of the hyperspace lane the sensors as well as all of the other devices on the ship began to be continuously since they were not working as if we were in a type of space that was not natural.

"well we have made it to The Dead Zone. now it is time for you to show me those supposed great piloting skills of yours". I said as I looked around at the debris field that we had to pass through to make it to the final endpoint of my journey.

"then sit back and watch My mad skills at work then Danny". William said very arrogantly at me as he started to move into the debris field.

William maneuvered the ship dodging every single obstacle like a pro which made me quite happy because I did not feel like dying this close to my destiny.

"did I not tell you that I could...." William said as soon as we made it past the massive debris field.

he stopped talking because I did not even look at him while he was talking to me since I was in awe at the thing that was directly in front of us.

the thing that was in front of us was most definitely the world of the gods. it was a world where on one side I saw nothing but darkness and on the other I saw nothing but light the planet did not rotate on an axis like normal planets did which meant that this world was definitely nothing like anything I had ever seen.

"you are going to have to land on the dark side of the world that is where the current Terran goddess met me in my dreams; so that will be the first place that we will go to fulfill my destiny." I said to William as we approached the world.

before William could even navigate the ship it was as if the ship began to move on its own which caused him to jump out of his seat and start panicking.

"what the hell is going on?" he asked. "I did not even start moving the ship and yet it is now moving on its own as if it is guided by something other than me and my piloting skills."

"did you accidentally turn on the auto navigation systems?"

"no I did not that is what is confusing me since I was doing it all manually after we made it to The Dead Zone." William said as he sat down confidently back in the captain chair of the ship.

"if you are not controlling it then that means that something on the world below is pulling us in". I said as I sat down and watched as we began to enter the planet's atmosphere.

as the ship began to descend I noticed that there were a lot of active lightning storms I'm going on around us which made it difficult for me to see clearly. despite my inability to see clearly around me the ship was avoiding contact with any streaks of lightning that fell from the sky around it as we made it through the atmosphere.

the ship landed on a clear opening that was separated from the rest of the baren woods around the ship.

when I made it out of the ship it felt exactly the same as it did the first time that I had entered this world through my dreams except this time I was no longer on this world alone.

"this world is quite creepy it makes me worry that something will attack me at every turn". William said stressfully as he continually turned his head while I was walking into the woods.

"come on William we are almost at the end of our journey. there is no need to get cold feet now when the end of it all is finally in sight for us both." I said as I waved my hands towards the dark woods in an attempt to try to get him to follow me.

he finally followed me into the woods After standing still for almost a full minute. when he followed me I then saw a dark blue light that showed up in front of my face and after that I heard a female voice that sounded quite familiar.

"come follow me to your destiny; you of all people have earned it". The soothing voice said to me.

I followed the light deeper into the woods until we made it to a cave which looked quite similar to the cave that I had entered while in my dreams which meant that the portal to the tree of life was most likely in the deepest part of it.

as I walked into the cave I could feel the presence of the current Terran goddess stronger than I had ever felt before as if either my connection to her was growing stronger or that we were very close to being able to see each other in person for the first time.

"William do you have the Terran statue from the ancient Osdroedian ruins?" I asked if I made my way over to the pedestal where I had originally seen a different type of sculpture.

William grabbed the statue out of his backpack; and handed it to me.

"you know I feel like I have to say something as if something great is about to happen within the next few moments". I said while I held the statue in my left hand.

"why don't we save the speeches until after you are reborn as a god". William said which caused me to snap back to the area around me because I was lost and thought about what kind of a speech I wanted to say.

I placed the sculpture on the pedestal and it locked into place as soon as I placed it down. then a short while afterwards the portal began to hum and I saw blue particles bounce all around it until there was a solid gateway to another location established.

when I thought that the gateway was stable enough I rushed in without even a second thought since I knew that I had nothing else that I could possibly lose that was of value to me.

the tree of life was in front of me with its full glory but this time I saw for different beings that I could not even begin to describe their looks justly as I looked at them.

"welcome new god canodete of the human race". one of the very tall beings that looked like it had the wings of an eagle, the head of a ram, and the body of a tiger said to me.

"you have made it to the final step of your process to become a god". a very attractive white-skinned female goddess with antlers on top of her head said to me.

then I saw William stumble in front of me and fall on his face.

"who is this mortal; because we know that he is not the candidate to become the next god of your race." the first male said frustratingly at the sight of William.

"he is my trusted friend and he is here in order to protect me while I am in my metamorphosis process". I said to him as I stepped up and allowed William to regain his balance by leaning on me.

"are you ready for the final trial?; the trial of the mind and memories?" the god with the ram head asked me seriously.

"yes I am and I have this medallion as proof of my determination". I said as I showed my racial medallion that was around my neck to him.

"then step forward and begin the process by placing your medallion in the side of the tree". the very attractive female goddess said to me.

I placed The medallion in the vacant engraving area in the ground I saw a black cocoon come down and open in front of me.

I stepped into the cocoon and everything around me went dark as it closed every opening that was around me. then the area was filled with a green liquid that caused me to see all of those that I had lost.

first I saw my parents. my father was wearing his normal crafting clothes which consisted of overalls and genes and a protection mask over his face to help him fight the fire of the forges that he worked. he was muscularly toned all around due to his constant physical exercise and he looked at me with a smile before speaking to me.

"Son I am very proud of what you have accomplished. it is very amazing what you were able to accomplish with just your simple healing talent."

"father despite my talents and all of my best effort I lost the most important person in my life to a damn vampire". I sent him as I kneel down out of depression.

"rise up my son and be proud of what you have accomplished you have shown that anyone can do almost anything if they are given the opportunity. you did everything that you could within your power to try to save your wife from the vampire who turned her.

my final lesson to you son is to have patience and do not instantly react on the first emotional impulse that you will have as the new God of our race". my father said as he vanished from my sights.

shortly after my father left my sight I saw my mother standing in front of me in her common work dress that was all one solid dark blue color and she had blisters on her hands from all of the intense work that she had gone through on a daily basis.

"son; my lesson to you will be something almost as important as what your father has provided you. I want to teach you that you must let go of the past to help embrace your future". she said to me those cheap wrapped her arms around me and made me feel like a child once again because it has been such a long time since I had felt the warmth of my mother's embrace.

"but mother how can I let go of all of the pain and suffering that I have endured for both myself, my family, and for the good of our race? these sufferings have shaped me into what I have become today".

"son you must remember that you were no longer going to be a mortal so all of the things that you have suffered through have now come to an end and you have a new job with its own type of responsibilities". she said as she looked up at me and then vanished from My sight.

after both of my parents had left me I felt a great deal of burden leave my presence. it did not matter to me that I was an adult listening to my parents as most people were frustrated about those kinds of things but it felt amazing to be able to hear their honest opinions about the things that I had gone through and achieved ever since I went through my Klitron process.

"now it is my turn to give you my final word of love to you." Nova said to me as she appeared in front of me.

"Nova I have held you above all others. I have failed to do my core job as your husband when I failed to keep you alive and you turned into that disgusting undead vampire." I said to her as I held her tightly not ever wanting to let go and crying all over my face.

"Danny you did not fail me as my husband. you have provided me with the most exciting and thrilling four years that I could have asked for from any man. were the best man that I could have hoped for and that is why I agreed to marry you as soon as we had finished our Selection; and made it to our new homeworld.

it is not your fault that I was captured by the vampires and turned into one of their servants."

"I am very glad to have heard these words from you my dear. it has lifted the heaviest burden I have ever felt in my life off of my heart.

now that I have dealt with all of my problems as a mortal I can truly ascend and become the god that I was born to be for our race and for its survival." I said as I let go of Nova and kissed her one more time before she vanished from my site.

I did not know what the future held for me at all but I knew that I was no longer Danny Hilton. I was now the new Terran god; Danny the god of vengeance.

I thank you for all of your support in this journey. if you liked my book then the story will continue on. the second book is from the cyborgs point of view.

Read The Paradisus Chronicles book 2: Rampage

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