
Number Eighty Seven

when I approached the door it slid open and I noticed that the area around me was almost like a classroom with seats on both the left and right side of the room; and an open pathway against both walls and the center of the room. against both of the far corners of this room I saw two sliding doors that had a robotic eye above them that were turned green.

I noticed that there were loads of people here The Klitron process today. since there were so many people in the room I chose to sit down near the center row of the left column because I did not want to draw too much attention to myself by either getting too close to the front or too far to the back.

the room filled up rather quickly; so I waited and anticipation for the process to begin.

while I was waiting I thought of all the different kinds of skills that I could possibly possess. would I end up possessing some kind of warrior skill that might allow me to cheat death? would I possibly possess a mage like skill involving a really awesome elements like fire? then I could also end up possessing something really lame that my only let me control metal or machines which would mean that I would not end up being among the ranks of our army in any way shape or form since my talent might not possibly be combat oriented.

it really didn't matter whatever I thought my talent might be because it was written in my DNA the moment I was born. the truth is that I really just wanted a combat-based skill so that I could get involved in this war over the blue mineral of Paradisus. I truly loved all of the stories of the brave warriors that defended our race and I wanted to eventually have the thrill of killing a legendary Demetra after all that I have heard about their capabilities as a race.

"we will now begin The Klitron process". I heard an elderly male voice say as soon as I heard him speak I noticed that the door was pulled shut with the sound of large gears turning locking it.

"so look at the number on your ticket I will call them in numerical order. when it is your turn you will come up here and I will tell you to either go to the left door or the right one. that is all that I am permitted to tell you at this time. now let us begin the most important decision in your life as a citizen of The Terran Collective". he said in an almost monotone voice like he was not very excited about this process or the fact that he had possibly done this multiple times and it was like he was almost reading it off of the script.

I looked at my ticket and noticed that I was number eighty seven which meant I was going to be waiting here for quite some time for my process was to begin.

"candidate number one". the elderly gentleman said in a monotone voice.

then as soon as he spoke I saw a very short female that had black hair that was cut short and didn't go past her shoulders walk up to him.

"the right door; and your ticket please".

she want to the door that he told her to and the door scanned her and opened just wide enough for her to get through and shut as soon as she walked through.

I could not see what was on the other side which tensed me up quite a bit and made me more impatient about this process.

I waited in my seat for what seem to be ours until I had finally heard him call my number.

when I made it to the front of the room he told me to go to the door on the left. the door scanned me and I felt a tingle go through my body as the green ray past through my body. the door slid open and I entered it so I could begin the legendary Klitron process.

when the door closed behind me the room lit up and I noticed that I was in wet looked to be like a medical exam room.

the room had white walls and the only other door out of this room was on the center of the rear wall.

against the rear left wall I noticed that there was a table with different gadgets and devices on top of it. I then saw a cabinet that had vials of different colored liquids inside of it and in the center of the room I noticed there was a chair facing me.

wow I was looking around and observing my surroundings amazed by how different the top district of my homeworld was compared to where I had grown up I saw a tall young male that had black hair and wore a lab coat walked into this room from the rear door.

"hello my name is Dr. Taylor. I will be applying all of the things you need for your Klitron process today to you". he said with a lot of enthusiasm behind his voice which I found surprising but yet somewhat of a relief since it was such a massive shift from the last person that spoke to me before I had entered this room.

"the first thing that I'm going to need you to do sir is to please remove your shirts as well as any possible gear that you might be wearing." Dr. Taylor said as he put on gloves that were in a drawer on the left side of his cabinet.

I took off my shirt and removed all of the gadgets that I had on both of my wrists and my goggles that were on my head. when I did all of that I placed it on the left side of the chair in the center of the room.

"now that you have done that please sit down and allow me to apply these to all of your vital areas". Dr. Taylor ask me as he showed me a box of alcohol pads that he had in his left hand.

I followed his instructions and set down in the chair which sent a cold shiver down my spine as soon as my bareback touched the cold metal back of the chair.

he rubbed both of my wrists as well as the inside area of both of my elbows. finally he rubbed two areas on the top of my head followed by the four corners of the sides of my head.

after he did that he pulled down a screen and clicked something that caused some wires to drop from the ceiling above and in front of me.

Dr. Taylor took the wires and place them on the areas where he had applied the alcohol pads.

"I have applied these wires to you so that I can keep track of your vitals while you work in the middle of your Klitron process. The next step before we begin is going to be for me to remove the chip that was implanted into your neck at first by the government that is blocking your talent from manifesting." he said to me as I saw him grab a device from the table with a suction cup on the front of it.

"now relax you're going to feel a little bit of a zap as the device is trying to locate your chip and then you will also feel an even sharper zap when the device is going to pull it from inside of your body." told me as he put the device on the back of my neck which was quite bare.

I could feel a small zap of electricity run from the left and right side of my shoulders and then back to the middle as he started the device. after that I felt it go up and down my spine twice increasing and intensity with every time that it would come into contact with the upper area of my spine. then I felt the shocking zap stop moving before it's suddenly became more intense than ever before right before I could hear the small engine of the machine began to run much louder than it had.

then the shocking pain suddenly stopped and the doctor placed the machine back on his table.

"these chips have definitely been improved upon I am truly amazed at how advanced our society has become over the last forty years." Dr Taylor said to me with a grin on his face as he showed me the chips that he had removed from the back of my neck that was blocking my talent from manifesting.

he then pushed a switch that was against the right wall after putting the chip on his table which locked my wrists and ankles place in order to keep me from moving.

"now the final step before this process begins is that I will be injecting you with a red liquid that will cause you to mentally hallucinate and experience different scenarios that might possibly trigger their talent. you only have five chances to have your talent to manifest; it does not buy the fifth try your brain will overload and you will die due to too much exposure to this drug."said to me as he pulled a red vial from his cabinet and put it on top of an injector before he placed it on my main vein of my right wrist.

I felt a rush of excitement as well as stress when he said that since I knew that whatever my talent might end up being that would determine my caste until the day I die.

Dr. Taylor injected me with the red serum and I blacked out not knowing what was going to come next.

thanks for the viewing remember to vote for the book if you liked it and give it a collection ad if you wish. all support will be appreciated and I will try to keep the chapters up to date.

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