
Ch1 Begging of the new age

In the year 2025 a major discovery was announced after receiving radio transmission from another world beyond the arctic wall.

The UNG sends out a team to investigate the source of the signal and within this team are tow heroes who set out on a adventure in this new world

This is there story

*bang bang bang* as the Sargent beats against the doors of the barracks "rise and shine comrades" yells the Sargent, the men and women get out of there cots, *yawwwn* yawns Kane as he gets up "hey bud it's time to get up" says Kane as he wakes his friend lee up "shit already" lee says softly as he wakes up, they both get dressed and ready before heading out to the mess hall for breakfast, the men and women walk to the mess hall in a straight orderly fashion, the workers scan their arms so the can be granted access to enter the halls, "shit I'm next" whispers Kane, "keep your cool" lee replied, Kane holds his arm up as the man scans the bar code imprinted on him and give him the hand motion to proceed

They both arrive at the mess hall and grab their trays before heading to the counter to get their food, as Kane and Lee approach the person behind silently hands them dark green bricks made of a unknown substance and this was their breakfast, they head off to the tables to sit down

As they sit down another man sits down next to them, "hey sup" he whispers, "nothing much" Kane replies, "hmmm well I heard something surprising in the command room last night" says the man "yeah what is it?" Lee says, "I heard of some chatter about UNG council sending in a reconnaissance team into uncharted territory beyond an ice wall" the man says, "uncharted territory...ice wall that sounds like bull crap" Kane skeptically replies, "no I'm serious they're planning on doing it", "yeah whatever" lee replies, and suddenly as they were finishing up the conversations and woman dressed in a black fancy uniform walks in the mess hall and prepares to give a speech, "hello people and good morning" says the woman in a cheerful tone, everyone in the hall stares at her blankly, "today is a very special day for y'all" , "we have received word about a new formation of land beyond the ice walls of our world", "holy crap he was right" Lee says "and the council has decided that y'all go first and make sure it is safe for us" says the woman, "oh and one more thing this is classified and should not be discussed with publicity minorities" the woman says in a serious tone, "and by order of the ung council you are to be given collars that will monitor your speech and kill you if word gets out", "thank you and have a wonderful day" the woman walks out of the mess hall, Kane, lee and the rest of the others where furious that they were signed into this mess, "that f**king whore" Kane says in a angered tone, "Kane calm down" lee replies, they finish up and exit the mess hall were guards and personnel were waiting to strap them with collars just like everyone else, *collar gets slapped in kane* "great now I have to wear this all day" *lee gets slapped with a collar* "hey take it easy", "SHUT UP AND MOVE ON!!!" yells the guard, "damn what crawled up you ass bro" lee replies, "I said SHUT UP!!" *pushes lee down*, "HEY!!" Kane yells, *the guard chambers a bullet* "LAST WARNING!!" yells the guard, "NOW MOVE IT!!", Kane and lee walk away and proceed to the training grounds for preparation of their coming voyage to the unknown,

To be continued