
Bad morning

The cock didn't manage to be heard that morning,the bird chirping voices were present yes,but they were heard in a long distance with their melodies.A dog lied behind an old store room and besides it, also his supper was suspended on a small plate on a broken chair,it seemed to be mourning because its tail was calm in between its legs as its head rested on its paws.

''Uuuui! uuuui!",a voice inside the house was heard wailing.It was a woman voice and so she alerted the neighbours and a large crowd in seconds were flooding the compound."what is happening here!" Stephen,the elder of Mosonik village asked with horror,his eyes could tell that he suspected what had came that morning to Andrew's home,he paved his way inside the hut to confirm if what he was holding in mind was real and he ordered all women not to enter inside and a few men volunteered to block women from the scene...