
3.First lessons and an obsessive girl.

"Hey, don't ignore me ! I know you can hear me. "

She's not here. It's just a hallucination.

"Hey, we're classmates now ! What's your name? My name is Ida Klotorn. "

So it's not a hallucination.

"Don't ignore me ! I'm going to scream ! "

"First: lower your voice. Second: what do you want from me ? "

"Oh, you're talking ! It's not polite. I've already said my name, say your name ! "

"Why should I tell you?" If you told me your name, it doesn't mean anything. Now let me focus on the lesson. "


Well, finally. Now I can concentrate properly. So, the potions. To brew potions, you need to know the most important basics, namely the ingredients and their compatibility.To get the potion right, you need to choose ingredients with at least one of the same properties very carefully. if not received, then the explosion, and possible death.

You need to know the right ingredients. This is what the teacher says in his lecture, which has been going on for an hour. The whole class is already falling asleep and the teacher seems to have noticed something.

"So students ! We learned the theoretical part, it's time to move on to practice. Pair up and we'll get started. "

So, a practical task. We need to prepare a mist potion. A potion for escaping in a dangerous situation. I need a couple.... what ? How did it happen that I was with this girl from the whole class ?!

" Hi "

"I do not know how we ended up in the same pair, but remember this. I need a well-prepared potion, so I'm in charge "

"What ? Why are you in charge ?! I want to be in charge ! "

"Did you listen to the lecture ? Do you know how to make a potion ? "

" Eminem....all right ! But only this time ! Next time I'll be in charge ! "

"Whatever you say, redheaded. "

"Hey ! What did you call me ? "

"Now listen to what I'm telling you. You need to cut these amilia roots and throw them into the cauldron "

"Don't ignore me ! "

And now the work has finally begun. What is strange is that the girl obeyed and did not make a scene. The potion itself is cooked for about an hour, with constant stirring and adding ingredients. In General, the mist potion turned out to be an accident. One alchemist wanted to brew poison, but mixed up the ingredients and got mist instead of poison.

The girl, or Ida, was a good helper. And most importantly, she was silent and not capricious. I think she's starting to import a little to me in this state. Now we rested because the potion was in the final stage.The peace and quiet. How good.

" Boring. Will you tell me your name or not ? "

Until someone broke it.

"I'll think about it "

This was the end of our dialogue. Potions are not a quick process. You need to be careful and vigilant. But I even like it. Create something with your own hands. Like a GOD. I'll take care of it.

"So students, it's time to evaluate your work "

The teacher's voice marked the end of the work and the evaluation of our work. The teacher went through several before reaching us. After pouring our potion into a test tube and examining it, she gave us an excellent one.

"So far, your potions are the best I've seen. Try harder and your efforts will pay for themselves. "

"This is the end of our lesson. I am waiting for your essay on "Potion in everyday life" until the next lesson. And now everyone is free. "

When I left school, I was in a great mood. The first day of the first success. A good day. This was my first potion, and the teacher allowed everyone to take their potions home as a reminder. It turns out that cooking potions is quite easy. But now it's time to go home. But the back of my assistant, Ida, caught my eye. Well, I think she deserved it.

"Hey redheaded ! "

Startled, she turned and saw me. I looked into her eyes a little and said:

"My name is Glavius. See you tomorrow "

There was shock in her eyes, but then they sparkled.

"See you tomorrow ! "

And then she ran away with a smile on her face. It will never change. As I walked home, I thought about today and realized something. Not only can I learn about the truth of magic, but others too !I need helpers, loyal friends who will cover my back and help me in a difficult hour. It will be boring for one to know everything, you need to enlighten others. But only part of it, a narrow circle. The chosen one of my ANGELS.

I should think about it seriously. Now I need to find allies. Slowly plan to build and I see a bright future. The future where I will lead my people. For truth, for freedom, for magic.