
The Restaurant has been destroyed

When Reki, saw the bright light engulf the monster, she was amazed at how powerful and beautiful the attack was. Elise on the other hand, finally knew what attack her Big brother Ragna used to decimate the northern forest of Astrakane.

At Ragna's current level he was the same as a person in the third level of the Golden Core realm. At this moment, even without the Invincible Barrier, Ragna could kill the three Elders he met at the beginning.


Lian Chen saw the destruction of the mountain, and the brilliant bright light that totally evaporated it. He knew the ones who were responsible, it could be none other than that monster Ragna. Lian Chen could only sigh at the destruction of the Celestial Mountain, the mountain was the former home of the progenitor of the Lian Clan, and now its gone. There was nothing he could do, even if he wanted to punish Ragna, he had no ability to do so, if they even try to attack Ragna only death awaits their Lian Clan.

Though Lian Chen had given up, the other members of the Lian Clan especially the branch family, felt that Lian Chen was needlessly scared of Ragna. So what if he beat Lian Chen's elite unit, so what if he beat the current sect leader of the Heavenly Sword sect, with the full might of the current Lian Clan, even the Heavenly Sword sect would need to walk the long way if they met.

Lian Chen knew that the branch family was going to do something irreversible, yet he couldn't do anything. He may be the clan head for now, but there is a very strong opposition against him, ever since his elite unit got killed. Lian Chen could only sigh, 'good thing I sent Lian Hong to the capital, so that he can't be included in this mess.


Ragna and his group returned to the restaurant. When they opened the door of the restaurant, Ragna saw people ransacking his restaurant.

"Who the hell are you people?!" Ragna shouted in anger, all those ingredients wasted. The people destroying the restaurant didn't answer, they simply surrounded Ragna's group.

With Ragna's newfound strength as a Golden Core realm expert, the intruders that weren't even cultivators, but simply normal thugs were easily dealt with. Ragna left one of the thugs alive.

"Who the hell sent you guys? Don't try to trick me, I have a way to know when your lying." Ragna was simply bluffing, but because of the current circumstances, the thug really believed Ragna could do as he said.

To normal people cultivators were something that mortals like them cannot hope to understand. He knew that the boy in front of him, was a terrifying cultivator, but can he be more terrifying than the Lian Clan? No that couldn't be, the Lian Clan were the rulers of Cromer City, the youth in front of him might be a cultivator but he won't be able to stop the Lian Clan. So the thug decided not to say anything, if he doesn't talk he cannot lie.

"You think that if you don't talk your safe? Well if you talk now I promise that will be the end of it, but if you decided not to, you will wish that you had. So what will it be?" Ragna snickered, making the thug shiver in fear. Still if he doesn't say anything, Ragna and the Lian Clan wont kill him. Ragna needs information so he wont kill him until he gets it, the Lian Clan wont kill him if he doesn't betray them, so not talking is really the best solution.

"I see you decided to make it fun for me. Elise and Reki guard the entrance, make sure to let no one in until I say so." When Ragna was left with the thug, he started to pick up the knives scattered on the floor.

"Let's play a counting game." Ragna stuck a knife on the thug's left hand.

"One" The thug screamed in pain, but Ragna didn't care, he stuck another knife on the right hand.

"Two" Ragna then stuck a knife on both of thug's thighs.

"Three, four." The thug clenched his mouth, the pain was not much for someone like him, if this was the torture, then he didn't need to be so afraid.

"What number was I at? I forgot, so let's start at one again... One." This time Ragna cut off the thugs left pinky finger, and then slowly tried to cut the left index finger. The pain was getting harder to bear.

"Once I get bored with the counting game, I want to play hide and seek. I'll be the one to hide and you be the one to seek... Hmm what's the best way to hide... I know, how about I gouge out your eyes so you wont be able to see me, how does that sound?" The thug was now really scared, as Ragna's fingers were being pressed into his eyeballs.

"I'll talk, please stop!" The pain and fear of losing his eyes was too much.

"Well then tell me, who sent you?"

"It was the Lian c-" The thug stopped talking and died. Ragna checked the body and saw a needle pierced on the back of the thug's neck.

"Your too late, he already confessed. The Lian Clan was it... I already left them off before, but now I'll just annihilate the clan."

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