
First Blood

The gigantic spider-like monster peeked its head and orcish upper body over the top of the castle's walls and finally laid its eyes on the place the orcs sought to protect. As it did the beast roared triumphantly, even as orcs lobbed simple spears, fired arrows, and even dashed forward swords drawn in an effort to knock the creature off the wall.

The orcs knew that at this very moment they had the only advantage they'd really have against this eldritch being. They might, if they got lucky, be able to force the creature off of the walls it had latched onto and send it hurtling hundreds of feet to the area beneath the hill. In the off chance that they succeeded, they'd desperately hoped that that'd be enough to end its life.

The strange, imaginary creature effortlessly batted away some of the arrows and spears with a single swipe of one of its scythe-like legs.

A few managed to strike true, but the horrifying beast seemed perfectly undisturbed by them and as they struck its body the thing let out a wail that sounded almost as if it was enjoying itself. This unnerved the orcs but wasn't enough to actually stop them from attempting to defend themselves.

The fastest of the orcs managed to reach the edge of the castle's walls and lunge at the creature surprisingly quickly. The two orcs, siblings, each held simple but effective swords and attempted to perform a series of simple slashes in an effort to trip up their foe.

Their actual enemy, his senses extended to peer at them, was not content to be a simple observer and so he decided to do something that brought a smile to his wicked face.

The dark overlord they were not aware was their true enemy targeted their weapons and with but a thought turned both blades into dust through a pair of clever and quick uses of "Ex Nihilo". The weapons disappeared even as the enemies lunged at the nightmarish abomination Fohion had brought to life with nothing more than his imagination.

The orcs gasped when their weapons were somehow reduced to nothing in their hands, and as they stared at their now empty hands the spider-monster they were opposing was able to lunge at them and deliver two nasty bites, moving so fast it boarded on moving at the speed of sound but only barely didn't break the sound barrier.

The gigantic beast had a head that was larger than their whole bodies and a mouth filled with knife-like teeth. The worst part about the teeth though was not how sharp they were, but the potential ways they could harm their victims.

The spider, a creation of a sapient virus, was itself infected with the very virus its creator was an embodiment of! As such the virus spread to those it took a nibble out of, and the orcs who had been bitten by the creature fell to their knees as their minds were joined with the mind of the dark overlord who created the wicked spider.

Their minds were filled with a veritable flood of information as they were suddenly and irrevocably connected to a dark and terrifying god.

As they considered the rush of new information that was surging into them and attempted to make sense of their new feelings the spider itself stalked past them and towards the next wave of enemies who sought to keep their castle free from the rulership of the creature's creator.

Meanwhile, their attempts to make sense of the information filling their minds brought a sort of wicked happiness to Fohion, their new master even if they had yet to accept that dark reality.


While my allies excitedly dashed, scampered, and crawled closer and closer to the castle, I took my time to reach the place. The fact was that I could reach the place at any time I desired due to one of my powers; "Planeswalker".

With it I was the ultimate explorer, possessing everything from an ability to move at a speed that vastly exceeded the speed of light to the ability to speak every single language in existence.

I was moving at a speed that I desired to move at and not a bit faster. The entire world was within my reach if I really wanted to make it somewhere I could do so in less than a second. The only real limit was my imagination, as I even had the ability to create alternate dimensions in this world.

While making my way closer and closer to my enemies, and doing subtle things to aid my creation which was busy distracting my enemies I began to utilize some of the stranger powers that I possessed.

I had a litany of such abilities at my disposal, and using them was honestly... really exciting. I felt a slight rush whenever I utilized my powers, and I fully intended to experience that rush far more often in the future. In the immediate future, actually.

Every second that passed was filling me with greater and greater power, and the knowledge of the orcs that were already infected with Blacklight was readily suffusing the back of my mind. And their secrets were incredibly exciting.


The monstrous spider atop the castle walls surged forward like something out of the nightmares of an arachnophobe. The brutal beast eagerly, hungrily advanced on the rest of the orcs who lacked the same incredible speed as the two orcs who had been unlucky enough to meet the spider head-on.

The rest of the orcs looked at their companions, concern obvious on their faces, and prepared themselves for their strange enemy. Or at least they would have, if not for the intervention of the creature's creator and master in the form of a sudden and invisible telekinetic barrage that the dark lord of the minions proceeded to hurl at the orcs.

The powerful psychic utilized the vast power granted to him by one of the powers he possessed, dubbed "Worldmind" to force the orcs onto their knees and make them stop moving as the monstrous spider that was Fohion's newest creation eagerly dashed towards them. The beast's spear-like legs smashed into the castle's walls and tore them apart as it dashed to the rest of its meal.

The gigantic beast did not bother biting them and instead began to cruelly spear the orcs onto its legs when it reached the castle's outermost guardians.

The orcs couldn't even see their companions and family members perishing at the hands of the monster, instead, they only heard the pained screams of their friends as they were impaled by the cruel beast's legs. The sounds of their wails were haunting, even to the battle-hardened warriors.

Nevertheless, the spider, a loyal and devoted minion of its creator, trampled onto the guardians even as their infected companions began to fill the mind of their enemy with all of their secrets. The creature was pitiless and seemed to delight in the misery it inflicted on the orcs, actively hissing in delight whenever one of the orcs it impaled let out a pained wail.


My psychic powers were actively growing even as I proceeded towards Castle Spree at a leisurely pace.

By the time my allies and I were in position in front of the castle, I was strong enough that I was able to ignore the fact that the castle had a drawbridge that would need to be lowered to allow us into it. The drawbridge wasn't lowered, but that wasn't an obstacle for my forces.

When all of us stood in front of the castle, on the hill across from its one entrance, I came to a stop in front of the lifted drawbridge and chuckled. I rose a hand and pointed it towards the bridge, with a shit-eating smirk on my face.

As I did this I heard the distant roars of my new pet as it delighted in the battle it was having with the small contingent of orcish forces. I made an open fist and pointed it in the direction of the drawbridge, before closing the fist and pulling it towards me.

Behind me, my minions began to gasp in awe as they heard my psychic power project outward and crash into the drawbridge. At first, nothing happened, but when my fist began to creep towards the rest of my body the drawbridge began to slowly but surely fall back towards me, and as it did my minions began to cheer.

As they did the strange pseudo-generals I had called from a different timeline began to chuckle darkly. By taking down the drawbridge I had put down the last and only obstacle that kept me from the castle, and thus from the portal to Mareth.

The living creatures that stood between me and the portal were not even obstacles. At best, for them, they were prey; to be eaten by my spider.

At worst they represented opportunities. If I made them opportunities that meant that I'd use their knowledge for my own gain, and convert them and everyone they loved to my side, where they'd serve me for the rest of their lives as my worshipers and servants.

While my servants chuckled at the dark knowledge they possessed, I stepped onto the solid drawbridge. I turned to face them and motioned for them to follow me. As I did that, I allowed my grip on my sword to tighten and for my grin to turn positively bloodthirsty.

I think it was time for me to take to the battlefield personally, and for me to introduce the various monstrous factions in Castle Spree to their new ruler.

"Come servants... Let's begin this hostile takeover." I uttered, triumphantly, to my minions. I lifted my sword and pointed it towards the castle courtyard beyond the drawbridge.

I was drawing nearer and nearer to another way to access worlds beyond the two that I had already been to, and I was determined to spread my influence further and further across the omniverse. Nothing would stop me.

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