
Evolution Redux

The being that gazed at Solana was a being of raw, endless power. Power infused every single cell of his being, rolling within him with supernatural, joyous ease. And as he stared at Solana, silently, amusedly, he felt the endless, virtually unquantifiable amount of power deep within his soul begin to touch his mind.

For the first time since he first began his new life in the depths of "The Netherworld" he was aware of the true, and vast quantities of powers he possessed, and that knowledge was power.

As Fohion gazed at the elf he mused on the fact that he was now, for the first time, well and fully, and truly, armed. He knew the names and capabilities of each of his powers, the literally thousands of abilities that flowed through him.

Some of these powers were due to similarities that he shared with someone named "Medaka Kurokami", but that was just a name that had embedded itself in the depths of his mind, one connected to some of the very first powers he had come to know that he possessed, powers with names like "The End", and "Octopus". Both of those powers were some of his more potent ones, ones that he either had used or would come to use in time.

As Solana gazed at him, he mentally assessed the potent powers he possessed. And, for one of the first times since he arrived in this strange new world, he mused on the nature of being an "Overlord". And that was one of the strangest sets of powers that he possessed, but also one of the most useful.


I was an especially strange sort of being. I had the potent powers of a litany of beings, from humans to elves, to gods, and even odder beings such as powerful hiveminds and "Runners", from a world known as Earth, which I knew was not the same "Earth" that I was born on, and from the "Earth" that the woman named "Medaka" was from, which was the planet that was the source of my potent powers as a "Special", an "Abnormality", a "Stylist", and other ominous yet exciting words.

The total number of powers, attributes, and even items inside of my inventory were astounding. Some of the items I possessed were especially intriguing, as they were symbols that affirmed that I was in charge of organizations that I had never heard of, while others were literal items of great power.

I liked the simple ones, ones like the "Bomb balls" I possessed that if thrown would serve me as well as any grenade from any mundane "Earth" might.

One not-so-simple item I owned was a signet ring that affirmed my position as an "Ironheart", and very importantly; as the sole heir to the "Ironheart" business empire, son of Aegon Ironheart, a human who lived deep inside of fully controlled human territory.

My "father" was a busy, influential figure who lived far from here and who had sent me here in order to begin to more aggressively influence both elven territory and territory that was divided.

Now that I was aware of the item I felt my mind slowly filling with false memories of my "father", the president of the "Ironheart" business empire. Some of the false memories included me gaining a high-quality education in business, politics, and other important matters.

I also possessed an awareness of a variety of "Out of context", or rather "Out of universe" things. Nevertheless, in order for even me to succeed with my ambitious goals, especially in fun ways, I needed to use all of the powers I possessed.

With a smile, I began to alter reality underneath the brothel. While my eyes were glued onto the beautiful elf before me, I wordlessly activated potent magic that caused the ground underneath this building's basement to become suddenly be potently shaped into a vast cavern, one fit for the first of my minions to begin coming through to this world.

As I shaped the ground underneath the brothel's basement, I turned my gaze towards my gauntlet and began to chuckle.

"Solana we live in truly exciting times." I told the elf who was seated not far from me. The smile on my face was one filled with joy and eagerness. And far from me, this world and the world of Northos began to experience meaningful changes due to the potent items that I possessed, especially the ones that were not items at all but were actually titles or were some sorts of connections to powerful and influential families.


Throughout a number of small universes deep within an unimportant corner of the omniverse, powerful changes were occurring. In one private universe, the universe created by a small but not weak goddess named Nevermoor, the changes were both entertaining and reality-reshaping.

One powerful and prominent human family's history was rewritten from the ground up, making them immensely wealthy and influential leaders. In the meta-narrative of the universe's history, the family's history was altered to include numerous geniuses who dwarfed the intellect of the universe's past geniuses, so much so that they were not only able to invent technologies seen on the Earth of Fohion's birth, but also monopolize them, building high tech laboratories, and even a pair of ultra-modern aircraft carriers, as well as a number of jets, bombers, and other potent planes, and powerful research vessels outfitted with a number of labs and scientists.

Beyond that, they even invented nukes and gave their descendants both the weapons themselves and places to safely store them.

Their technological prowess was not solely limited to weapons either. They mastered biology to the point that they could create both the very Blacklight virus that Fohion consisted of and had mastered, and other, potent biological weapons and mutational traits, though to lesser degrees. They could even forcibly grant someone powers on par with some "Abnormals"!

In the universe that contained the world of Northos, and in the very cosmic warehouse owned by Fohion, similar changes were occurring. In the city of Heaven's Peak, a human family who claimed descent from Sir William the Black himself had their memories altered, abruptly gaining both knowledge and memories of a powerful son who had left the city to go on a crusade to build an empire.

Their names were changed, altered to become similar to Fohion's, even taking on the surname "Ironheart", and in exchange, they began to reap incredible benefits.

Their influence was greatly expanded, granting them social benefits on par with those enjoyed by the city's governor himself. They began to gain new sources of income, such as a brothel filled with elven women and a bakery that could produce potent elven food, filled with magical energy.

Both the world of Northos, and the world created by Nevermoor were suddenly connected by nothing short of a powerful node that allowed interuniversal travel. And in doing so, the world of Northos began to reawaken from the temporal stasis it had been placed under when Fohion left it, hours ago.

Minions in the Netherworld began to awaken, Tamani began to resume her walk home, and the forces devoted to Fohion and his family began to brilliantly come back to life, even as everyone who had come into existence due to Fohion's unique items and titles were powerfully infected by Blacklight, thus cementing their subservience and loyalty to the last living god above all others.


My enhanced senses began to pick up the sounds of a node connecting the netherworld to this universe. And as they did, I felt my mind expand in a number of ways, across this universe and the universe I had originally come back to life in.

As all of that occurred, I felt my gauntlet powerfully roar into life, feeling reinvigorated by a new connection back to the universe of its origins.

My eyes lit up as I sensed a number of new developments occur concerning my powers, and felt the array of titles I went by suddenly increase.

And with the increase of the titles that I possessed came an awareness that I would soon need to return to Northos so that I could resume my conquest of the place.

I glanced over at the elf who was staring lustfully at me. Her eyes were filled with desire and I chuckled, as I beckoned for her to come and sit in my lap. She moved with catlike dexterity and eagerly sat upon my lap.

As she did, I gazed into her eyes and activated one of my powers related to my eerie, unholy beauty.

The elf had soft grey eyes and the second she met my gaze she fell under my control. I was a powerful creature of dark, sinful beauty, the sort that could darken souls and hearts, and corrupt wills.

She began to lustfully kiss my face, her soft lips eagerly and hungrily covering as much of my face as possible. She was now a slave to her desires, her carnal urges, which she joyously unleashed on me.

"I. Don't. Care." She began, uttering breathlessly between kisses.

"If. You. Are. An. Ironheart." She explained as she continued to pepper my face with kisses. In the wake of every time she kissed me I heard the voice of my unconscious mind, the aspect of myself that radiated knowledge and awareness, whisper to me.

"Do you wish to drain her wisdom and willpower?" The voice asked me, referring to one of my more demonic powers, powers I had created for myself using "Power Architect".

The power that the voice referred to was the "Incubus's kiss", a powerful, parasitic ability that I could use to steal someone's ability to resist my desires.

I allowed the elf to satiate her desires for a bit longer, before smiling at her and gently placing a single hand on her shoulder. When I did that, I gazed into her eyes and placed another hand on her head. She looked at me curiously, and I smirked as I activated one of my powers, the potent "Metamor Stair".

That skill was a powerful one, one that allowed me to effortlessly make someone or something evolve, though it by itself had a hard limit of only being applicable to any single being or object twice. And I was intent on mastering that handy ability, including removing that annoying limitation, something I had a range of ways to do with ease.

Solana's eyes began to glow and radiate power as she herself swiftly began to grow taller and even more beautiful. I watched as the lovely elf became even more lovely, and began to fill with the potent, holy power that was the exclusive purview of the mighty beings known as "High Elves".

As she became a "High Elf" I was suddenly inundated with notifications from the voice that embodied my unconscious self. One such notification was especially important.

"Alert: You have created a high elf! High elves are especially important in this world, as they are the direct, handcrafted children of the goddess Nevermoor. By creating one yourself, even through the utilization of the somewhat messy means, you have here, you have done something that has never been before in this universe's history. Do you wish to become her patron, her supplier of the potent divine energy that allows her kind to perform miracles?" The voice asked me, bringing a huge smile to my face.

I did the mental equivalent of a nod and then felt some of my own energy seep out of me and into her. The air began to change colors around us as it filled with the radiant energy I was emitting.

I watched as the air took on a distinctive golden hue, and chuckled as I felt the universe's creator turn her eyes towards myself and Solana. And I allowed her to do so, since I was empowered and curious to see and feel her presence.

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