
Chapter 1

The cold wind blew on my face. We were nearing the end of winter. I could tell. Birds were starting fly around more and the ice on the branches like falling water frozen in place was starting to melt. Despite the cold it was gettting warmer. I sat in the encroching winter forest on a log wnjoying the little time I could get out of the house. Although the sercumstances have gotten better. My dad and I weren't fighting that much anymore and he is being more of a father and not the person who has it out for me. Still my dad wants George to keep a close eye on me. I don't blame him. I am a fully fledged werewolf now, and I'm not normal. No surprise there. I'm able to change at will, although I still change on full moon and it's hell, but I manage.

I won't mention the other factors such as Emma, who is determined to ruin my life and expose me and my family. Not to mention I have been kindnapped alot in the past year. Better safe than sorry I guess. I looked at my watch. It was 2:30 pm. I looked around and whispered underneath my breath, "Where the hell is he?"

"He is right here," I heard a male voice say behind me, I jumped up with a yelp.

George bent over laughing.

"Damn it George, you shouldn't sneak up onme like that," I said angrily.

"I'm sorry, but that girly scream was priceless," he said between laughs.

"Oh yeah?" I grinned and went for him. Tackling him to the ground. We struggled a bit, he tried usign his vampire strength to pin me to the ground. But I had the upper hand there. I caught his wrists adn managed to turn him around and pinned him to the ground with his hands behind his back.

"Who's the boss?" I asked, smirking.

"Okay, okay. You are," he said laughing a bit. I released him and helped him up.

"I see your dad's self defense lessions are paying off," he said as he rubbed his wrists.

"Yeah. My dad has been trianing me in the snow all winter break. He also says I lack restraight which in a fight could come in handy, but I'd have to be careful not to kill someone," I shoved my hands in my jacket.

"Is that right?" he had a bit a sarcasm in his tone.

"Enough with the sarcasm. Sorry about the wrist," I said and looked as guilty as I felt.

"Nah, it's ok. It'll heal as soon as I have dinner. Let's get going," He said walking forward on the trail.

"I can't believe school starts tomorrow," I said with defeat.

"Well you sound excited," He answered sacrasticly, I gave him a pointed look, he ignored me and continued.

"I get it, with Emma and that new guy, it just causes more problems," he looked up at the trees with his and in his coat pockets.

"Not to mention it's a full moon this week," I added with dread.

"Oh boy. It's ok I'll help you through it, like the other two times," he gave me a side hug.

"It's not only that, but that new guy. I have no idea how much problems he'll give me> I don't even want to think about it," I looked down at the ground.

Mitchelle Smith. The newest student in my class, he arrived just beofre winter break. He is a hibrid. The only one known to be born and to live. Our society is kind of against the whole cross species thing, although I have heard that there are groups who are writing pititions, to instate a law that cross species relationships can exist. I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were them. Most people are against cross species relationships, I don't even know how the government let Mitchelle live.

"Okay, so," George trialed off, bringing me back to reality.

"Sorry, what did you say?," I said sheepishly.

"Well I was going to come up with a way to distract you from your problems but looks like your brain has covered that already," He smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

"No, no. Distract me. I'm just obsessing again. No distraction here, distract away" I said and he give me his big goofy grin.

"That is good, because I was going to suggest we just start running, catch a deer or two.." he trailed off.

"The running I'm down for, the deer not so much," I made a face at the thought of raw meat.

"You are literally a girl who can turn into a wolf, who asked her vampire best friend to spend the last day of winter break with her in a abandonded forest and you are discusted with the thought of hunting," he explained without taking a breath.

"Wow. you said that whole sentence without smiling or passing out, good work," I patted him on the shoulder.

He gave me a look. "Now before you comit murder and burry me in the middle of a frozen pine forest, let's get running," I jogged infront of him. He ran after me, "The last one by the lake has to wear the jersy your grams knitted for them tomorrow the whole day," he yelled.

"You're so on," I said using my speed to run through the forest he used his vamp speed to catch up with me. We dogged and weaved through the trees.

He was infont for a few seconds when I took the lead.

We didn't run long when the frozen lake came into view infront of us. I put all of my energy and consentration into my legs. I arrived first at the lake and did a little vicotory dance.

George arrived a few seconds later, "You know I threw that race to make you feel better right?" he said out of breath, and obviously lying to make himself feel better.

The sound of a twig snapping echoed out of the forest. We both froze listening for any other sounds. Our eyes scanned the forest looking for any sign of a person spying on us. We heard nothing but birds and animals in the forest and we saw nothing but trees.

"You think someone is spying on us?" I asked George, looking at him for a brief moment and looked back at the forest.

"I don't know and I'm not staying to find out. If someone is, they're obviously not going to make and appearance and they might be invisible," he said, he grabbed my wrist and started to lead me back to his car on another path. We were silent the entire way bcak. I was left with just my thoughts. Was someone spying on us?

Did they see us run? Have they been listening long? How long have they been watching us?

Why was I always left with all these questions?

Next chapter