
The Truth of The Kingdom

King Adrian escorted Chief Kylantha and the highest elders of the elves inside the castle with their guards—the rest of the elven warriors were stationed outside the castle. To make everything fair, King Adrian also had the same number of guards with him....officially. Unofficially, though, the intelligence department had stationed dozens of agents inside the castle hiding in wait of the worst case scenario.

The group arrived in a special room within the castle that housed a magical device used for presentations. The device was in the shape of a huge bowl in the middle of the room while seats were available on the sides of the magical bowl. Inside of the bowl, they could see a huge number of different-colored sands.

King Adrian and Chief Kylantha were seated next to each other again while the rest of their subordinates were behind them. There was also a team of Vathrian scholars who were standing next to the bowl, ready to give a presentation.

"That bowl of sand...is that used for presentations?" Chief Kylantha asked King Adrian.

"That's right. The sands will act as....perhaps we should witness it first." King Adrian flashed a smile.

"You are such a tease, King Adrian." Chief Kylantha giggled. "But it's certainly interesting. We do know the human kingdoms use some sort of magical projectors for presentations in their academies....but I have never seen such an odd device." Chief Kylantha looked at the bowl seriously.

Before King Adrian could answer, one of the scholars started talking.

"Our highest greetings to the honored envoys and Chief of the elves for coming here. We are scholars and professors from Vathria and we will give you a short briefing of the Kingdom of Vathria." An elderly professor spoke to the entire room.

"Our mission as scholars is always in pursuit of the truth, but our job as citizens is also to help the Kingdom in times of need." A middle-aged female professor also continued.

"We hope that with this briefing, you will gain some basic understanding you need to be able to negotiate and establish a diplomatic relationship with us. Let us begin." Another professor said. He then nodded to the scholars behind him who were standing next to the bowl.

The scholars then channeled their magical force to the bowl. The bowl's surface was then dyed with lines of blue lights who started pulsing in intervals. The sands on the bowl also had a reaction.

"My name is James Klein, a History Professor in the National Vathrian University. I will explain a brief history of Vathria....our Kingdom was founded approximately 1500 years ago in another world. The approximation was derived due to a missing period of history in the early years of Vathria. The degree of error is approximately around 200 years in which history has not been recorded." The professor started explaining.

The sands in the magical bowl started to form into 3-dimensional miniature figures of a village and people moving about. It looked extremely lifelike even though it's just a miniature made out of sand.

"Incredible!" One elven elder blurted out.

"That's truly a unique way of presenting...King Adrian." Chief Kylantha said to the person next to her. The King just smiled in return.

The sands in the bowl started to show rapidly changing 3D scenes of battles and the villages turned into towns and then cities where miniature people were moving about busy with their lives.

"Our current understanding from the records we had previously is that the kingdom of Vathria was built upon the unification of villages, then towns, and then cities, until it became a full-fledged Kingdom. The royal family itself came from one of the villagers who united the villages and then their descendants united the Kingdom we know it today. Our Kingdom's name Vathria was derived from the family name of the royalties." The Professor continued.

"Our Kingdom then had a prosperous 1000 years of history even with wars and some crises here and there...we call this the Golden Era." The professor's frowned his face for some reason. "For what happens next...I will let Professor Cait Lena explain". Professor James move aside to let a female professor step up to the front.

"My name is Professor Cait Lena...I specialize in the Dthroks....this was what our ancestors call them by. Now, we just call them the evil forces to simplify it." Professor Cait said.

The bowl started to show a city under attack by monsters that looked like they were the combination of different beasts morphed into one.

"The evil forces officially arrived in our first world around the year of 1020 Golden Era. Nobody knew what they were. They are formless beings who can take the form of anything within its surroundings and can even combine the feature of different beasts to create the ultimate killing machine. Our kingdom's territory was reduced into a few cities surrounding the capital." Professor Cait explained.

The bowl showed the devastating attack power of the evil forces to the city. They were capable of morphing different parts of their bodies into different beasts and adapt to the situation. The bowl showed one Dthrok flying over the city with the body of a dragon, wings of a griffin, and tails of a scorpion.

"W-what is that!!!" The elves who saw this was extremely terrified of what they saw.

"T-those are! the demons!" Another elf shouted.

"They're worse." King Adrian said with force. "They're not demons. We also had demons back in our world. We even cooperated with the demon lord at one time to fight the evil forces but it was futile." King Adrian explained. Chief Kylantha next to him just eyed him in silence.

"As King Adrian has eloquently stated, they are not demons. They are something else." Professor Cait waved her hand and the 3D scenery shown in the bowl changed.

"Our Kingdom's mages found a way to open a portal to another world but it could only transport an area the size of the imperial castle. At first, Queen Suzy Vathria rejected that notion, choosing to fight until they could beat the evil forces. But on the eve of 1030 Golden Era when the evil forces broke through the capital, they had no choice but to use the magic and transport the kingdom to another world to save themselves—" Professor Cait explained again.

"Wait!" Unexpectedly, it was Chief Kylantha who interrupted the presentation.

"Yes!? Chief Kylantha, does your honorable have a question?" Professor Cait was startled.

"If that was in the past, then did you also escape your second world?" Chief Kylantha asked. Inside, she already knew the answer...the answer that would terrify her.

Professor Cait waved her hand again to show another scene of the transported castle rebuilding a new kingdom in a new land. The scenery this time moved rapidly as if it was on fast forward. "That is correct...Chief Kylantha. In our second world, also known as The Silver Era, we had a 500-year period of negative peace with some conflicts with other kingdoms but nothing too serious for the nation. We thought that the threat of the evil forces ended....but in the year 1514 Silver Era, they arrived in our second world....And in the year 1519 Silver Era....we arrived in this world." Professor Cait explained with a grim voice.

The elves' faces dimmed. They were terrified of the sheer force of those monsters. But suddenly, the male elder elf who voiced disapproval of this meeting stood up.

"T-then aren't you people bringing calamnity to this world!? By transporting your Kingdom here, aren't you dooming this world? They might follow you here as well!" The elder elf spoke in anger.

"Elder Galather!" Chief Kylantha also stood up to stop him from speaking any further.

"No! I'm sorry, Chief Kylantha, will all due respect I will not stay silent if I see something that can threaten our tribe. Their presence here spells doom for not only our kind, but this entire world! What if that evil forces follow them to this world as well!?" Elder Galather rebutted.

King Adrian stood up and stood next to Chief Kylantha. The King's sudden action and the elf equally abrupt action alerted all the guards, elven and humans. They all already had their hands in their sword handle and bow.

"Calm down. Everyone." King Adrian exerted some of his royal magical force to exude pressure for everyone. Suddenly, everyone felt a sudden lump on their throats and couldn't speak out.

"We have reasons to believe that the evil forces did not only stop in our worlds, but other worlds as well. We believe that they are hopping between worlds and destroy them completely before moving on to another world." King Adrian explained and loosened his pressure.

Chief Kylantha was surprised of the King's power but stayed calm. "Does that mean that they might be in another world right now and might hop to another one before they come here?....if they come here."

King Adrian replied. "That is absolutely correct, Chief Kylantha. We don't know when they'll be here. We are a kingdom that does not believe in any deity, but we also believe that it is for a reason that our kingdom managed to survive two different worlds. I personally believe we come with the knowledge of the evil forces before their arrival so that we could safe this world."

"Then...." Chief Kylantha said.

"We will not lose this time." King Adrian said firmly.

There should be multiple chapters coming today. I'm just gonna head for some Ramen outside and then come back to write some more. Just want to relax at home today.

Btw, the presentation device was basically like the opening of the film Black Panther.

Sorry for the info dump. We'll have a few more chapters (not much) of the negotiations with the elves. After this, we'll start the actual kingdom-building.

KingSquidwardcreators' thoughts
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