
First Date

Adrian and Kylantha walked together through the busy streets where the citizens were enjoying their daily life. They stumbled upon a food stand that was selling some sort of skewered meat on the side of the street.

"I'll have two, please," Adrian said to the food stand owner.

"That'll be 2 Vaths." The food stand owner pulled out his cash card, which was green in color.

Adrian also pulled out his card but it was black in color "Here you go." He touched the food stand's owner's card with his own and the amount of money that was needed was transferred.

"W-what..." The food stand owner's eyes bulged as he saw the black card Adrian was holding.

"Ssh." Adrian motioned the food stand owner quiet and winked.

"C...coming right up!" The food stand owner smiled as he realized who this person was, although he didn't want to reveal it to anyone.


Adrian and Kylantha walked through the city streets with the skewered beef in their hand. They were eating while they were walking and having conversations with one another.

"Why did that man look surprised when he saw your card?" Kylantha said while taking a bite.

"It's my cash card. The only weakness in my disguise. The black color signifies the highest level of wealth for the owner." Adrian replied.

"That's why that man's card was green?" Kyalntha inquired.

"Yes. It goes from green, blue, red, yellow, gray, silver, gold, and finally platinum black." Adrian answered.

"I see." Kylantha did not ask any further and enjoyed eating.

The two walked together for a while before Adrian found a spot where they could relax.

"There's a cafe over there. Let's have a seat." Adrian motioned Kylantha to sit together with him.

The cafe seats were outdoor and on the sides of the street, creating a very pleasant atmosphere.

A young girl came to their table. She seemed to be the waitress. "What'll you two have?" She asked.

"Two lattes, please." Adrian took the initiative again and ordered.

"Alright. I'll be right back." The waitress went away.

Kylantha rested her head with her hand on the table and looked at Adrian carefully. "You're different today....or rather, you have changed since that kidnapping incident."

Adrian leaned back toward the back of the chair. "Perhaps. There's a lot in my mind at the moment. Even those mercenaries are still a threat. But can we not talk about politics and issues here? I want to know about you instead."

"Do you say that for every woman you meet? I know you have plenty of companions." Kylantha smiled.

"Haha...not really. With other girls, it was just about sex...basic human needs. I've never really entered into a relationship with anyone before. Certainly not anything mature." Adrian replied.

"Is that so? Well...I've lived for a long time, you know. I have many stories to tell." Kylantha also leaned back.

"Oh? Do tell." Adrian said with a cheeky smile.

"Well...contrary to what you may think...I am the youngest chief of the tribe in the entire history of the elves. I have lived for 200 years now...I was the daughter of the previous chief before he passed away around 50 years ago after some confrontation with the humans. At 150, I was already coronated as the chief. That is extremely young for the position of the chief." Kylantha told her story.

"Huh? I thought we're talking about your love life." Adrian said with a mischievous smile.

"Oh, you little rascal." Kylantha laughed. "But alright...my love life...I've had a few romance here and there during the early years of my life. The one that left me with the most memories was an elven warrior who loved me dearly during my 70s.....and I loved him as well. We wanted to get married but we knew it wasn't mean to be as he was just a simple elven soldier and I was the daughter of the chief...My father...he did not want me to love him so he sent him away to a suicide mission to the human world...I've never heard from him since." Kylantha explained while revealing a smile that was bittersweet and full of pain.

"I'm sorry." Adrian regretted his decision a bit as the question seemed to have made Kylantha quite sad.

"No. It's fine. We have to move on. And after being the chief, I can't think about things like love anymore anyway." Kylantha replied.

The waitress arrived with two cups of lattes. "Here you go, we hope you enjoy it." She put down the cups in front of the two before leaving to attend the other customers.

Kylantha studied the brown liquid in the cup in front of him. "What is this anyway? I've been trusting you with my orders for a while now but I'm curious about what this is."

"You know coffee?" Adrian asked.

"Coffee? That bitter drink you had me taste? Please tell me this is not that." Kylantha replied with a frown.

"It is but it is also more. Try it." Adrian took his cup and drank.

Kylantha followed suit and tried a little sip.

"Oh? It actually has a taste." She tried to drink some more. "Hmm...it still has a bit of that bitterness but I can enjoy this."

"Great," Adrian replied while smiling.


The two had plenty of meaningful conversations during their time in the cafe. They left after the sun was setting.

"King Adrian...it's been such a pleasure...but I think I have to go back to the tribe to attend other businesses," Kylantha said with an apologetic face.

"Aw...don't be such a bore. Why don't we spend more time together? Didn't you have fun?" Adrian replied.

"Of course I did!!! And I want to spend more time with you in the future....but..." Kylantha was conflicted.

Adrian thought for a bit. "Ok. Can you spend just one more hour? I just have one more place to take you to."

Kylantha also considered. "...Alright. Let's go."


In what seem to be a clothing boutique, the bell on the door rang. The boutique had a glass showcase with suits and dresses visible from the outside. The sign outside the store showed "Randolph & Co." as the name of the store.

"Welcome." A woman welcomed the two new arrivals. She seemed to be the store clerk.

"Good evening, is Mister Morgan Randolph here?" Adrian asked the woman.

"Yes. He is in the back. Do you have an appointment?" The woman asked back.

"Tell him the King has come to meet him." Adrian replied.

"Excuse me?" The woman thought she heard wrong.

Adrian took off his fake beard and winked at the woman. "Tell him I'm here."

"King Adrian! O-o-of course! I shall summon him here for you." The woman was shocked to see the King and ran to the back of the store.

"You're so naughty, King Adrian." Kylantha smiled. Adrian also laughed.

Morgan came out from the back of the store. It was quite odd to see such a young man already owning a fashion boutique.

"Women's dresses/design them/do you still?" Adrian talked to Morgan in sign language.

"For her/is it" Morgan pointed at Kylantha.

Adrian just nodded.

"Back of the store/come" Morgan motioned them to follow him.

In the back of the store, Morgan was alread equipped with measurement devices and a sketchbook.

"Any request?" Morgan asked in sign language.

"No/just design/your way" Adrian replied.

Morgan nodded and approached Kylantha.

"Umm....what's happening?" Kylantha was not informed of what was happening so she was utterly confused.

"He's going to take measurements so he can make clothing. Just let him do it." Adrian replied.

Morgan then went to work and measured the body of Kylantha. He also worked on a sketch while he was doing it.

"Very beautiful/very vuloptuous/great clothing/I'll make" Morgan said to Adrian while smiling.

"Alright/when it's finished/let me know" Adrian responded.


The two left the store and arrived in the castle again. King Adrian and Chief Kylantha were currently at the castle gate to say goodbye to her before she leaves for the tribe again.

"Uh...what was that measurement thing for?" Kylantha was still confused even after it was done.

"I'll make you something...for our next date...so please come with me again." Adrian replied.

Kylantha's eyes widened for a bit before she smiled. "I will."

"I was happy. Really. Spending time with you was a joy." Adrian touched her hand and lifted it up a bit while gazing deep into her eyes.

"Me too." Kylantha smiled and kissed Adrian in his cheek. "Thank you for today. We'll see each other again. Take care." Kylantha said her goodbye and left the castle with her elven guards.

Adrian waved her goodbye with a bright smile. After they were gone, he stepped back into the castle again.

I appreciate you guys who have come this far into the story. I'd also appreciate it if you give a rating/review for me to gauge the interests of people.

The omission of their official titles in this chapter was intentional.

KingSquidwardcreators' thoughts
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