
Chapter 1 - The Sole Regret


The boy's past was Horrific. Having been driven by insanity, he killed himself to escape the sole regret that is his life, a memory soon not to be forgotten. Upon his death, a Ghastly person appeared before him to offer him another chance, only this time, the reality he knows will be different. This offer, the boy accepted.


8 Years has passed since then,

*A dream, the whole world around me shattering, cringing and the feeling of my brain twitching, its inability to process and make sense of the world around me, a twisted reality. Then, soon after, Darkness flooded the air, struck by Asphyxia without a known cause. I heard a voice calling my name.

"NEON!!! Don't be late for school!!!"

*Her voice echoes from the living room, loud as a whistle from an earshot, just as piercing too. She could enter a high pitch voice competition to make it a non-contest. It was loud enough to set me free.

Neon leaves the comfort of his bed, his room was dark but a small ray of light tries to sneak in through the tiny hollows of his bedside window pane, the dark cloth shielding the full effect of the resolute sun rays trying to break in.

*It was my 7th Nightmare this week. Each one different from the last. Only now, it's happening more frequently than Normal.

With his pajamas still on, Neon walks to the window and spread the blinds as the sun rays lit up his room. The Room wasn't exactly in good shape, but it was no mess. It was spacy, with good ventilation, the study table besides his window provided good lighting, the wardrobe besides and his bed just a few meters away. The Carpet within was dark red with thick fur, the walls decorated with wallpapers of reaper skull images, deep dark forests and graveyard crows. He is trying to make it a gothic setting altogether and he isn't far off. Most people that finds his room will undoubtedly get the thought; He's a deranged psychopath, which is exactly what he's after.

*Eclipse is his name, the one who gave me this second chance. For 8 years now, he's been telling me there's so much he needs me knowing, I have been patient, and soon I will finally know what he's been keeping from me all this time.

Neon takes off his pajamas and with just his shorts on, he takes his towel from the wardrobe and was making his way out of the room.

*Then, the twitching feeling in my brain hits again, only this time, less life threatening, must be him interfering with my senses yet again, He speaks directly to my mind after all.

"You realize she could care less about you going to college. All just a façade." Eclipse said.

"heh, don't need to remind me. I can hear her just fine remember?" Neon said as he points to his ears.

"Took you long enough to show up though. "He concluded with a faint smile

"You slept like a log. Training must have taken a great toll on you as expected; pay it no heed." Eclipse deep voice still terrifies Neon; he'll never get used to it.

"Indeed. Also, you've got to stop using my mental health for these conversations, it's quite nauseating. "

Neon responded, showing signs of affliction. Every moment Eclipse keeps this conservation going takes a slight peel off his mental fortitude

"A simple price to pay for my existence wouldn't you say?" Eclipse brags.

"and what exactly makes you so special?" asked Neon.

"soon, Neon, very soon." Eclipse said with a scoff.

"very well. I have been patient for 8 years now, what's 3 more days compared to that. "He said with his eyes closed as he was walking towards the door.

"You'll need to enter restriction mode; I have to go get ready now."

"my worst time of the day" sighed Eclipse.

Eclipse enters restriction mode.

*In Restriction Mode, Eclipse sticks completely to the Other Reality, watching over my life essence as his own. Too often have I been on the wrong end of the playing field, but… with Eclipse's power in my possession, I can draw level.

Neon clenches his fist, then smiles slyly.

*Now, what dark secrets will I uncover today, endless opportunities from the gathered masquerade.

Neon left his room heading for the bathroom to freshen up just a few meters down the corridor of the second floor.


Neon dressed in his favorite getup (his combed brushed back black medium hair style, black jeans and a white denim jacket, with beige colored tight inner shirt on) makes his way to the diner, to join Milan and Lloyd.

The voice that disturbed Neon's nightmare belonged to Milan.

*Milan was the Mother of the house, a widow. Her constant shouting and criticism of whatever doesn't fits her opinion has made her looking like a 36-year-old, but she's only 27. High-tempered and overly concerned about chronology, so much so it's hard to socialize without being on your best behavior, nothing fun in that.

"Oh! It's you Neon, come on, have a seat, breakfast is served. "with a smile she proposed

Milan offered Neon a seat, he sat down, Lloyd was on his right.

*Lloyd was just 9 years old, his whole life ahead of him. but Milan just wouldn't stop molding the Poor kid into a rock, something most people in the world out there want nothing to do with. The kid was not half bad, he loves reading comic books and spends most of his time watching cartoons and playing games. He talks whenever you share his interests and he's one of those compassionate guys that could take a bullet for a true friend if he finds one his whole life. I liked the kid, and that's why. he's still a kid, with so much to learn about this world; example, the grim truth, 'Love is an Illusion'.

"It's your favorite, Omelets and Toasted Bread; I made it extra nice today- "Milan caught glimpse of Lloyd playing with his vegetables.

"LLOYD! How many times do I need to say this? Don't play with your food. "she hollered at Lloyd

"But I don't like Vegetables" he cried

"I don't care if you like them or not. What I want, is your plate emptied right now. Don't make me repeat myself, do you understand me?"

"But Mom- "Lloyd tries protest.

"Are you sassing me boy? "she threatened and leaves Lloyd cowering in his seat

*No sooner was Lloyd gouging his cereals and lettuce, albeit a tough battle. But then again a battle against Milan is one you'd hardly win, and his odds on winning were at an all-time low. One of my Inherited Powers from the Contract with Eclipse is the ability to hear the thoughts of other Naturals within a 25m radius. This makes it extremely hard to keep secrets from me. This power is active when Eclipse is in Restricted Mode as well.

"I hate this house; I hate you Mom. You've got to be like, the worst ever" Lloyd clearly agitated.

"I swear this Kid will be the death of me" Milan stressed out.

Neon smiles, he picked up everything.

"This is becoming routine, might as well just kill each other and be done with it" Neon thought to himself.

"Oh, Neon; what was I doing again?" Milan asks.

"You made my meal extra nice today."

*I reminded her, ignoring all the brief exchange of heated words between the woman and her only son.

"Yes, that. Well, enjoy."

"Gladly. Thank you. "

*She thinks Omelet and Toasted Bread is my favorite, I don't know how she came upon that idea. But, asking for another option will risk her wrath, and I don't exactly want to be in Lloyd's situation

The 3 started eating as awkward silence fills the room. Milan's watch vibrates as she looks at the time; it was a notification from work. Then Neon starts picking up thoughts from Milan once again.

"Oh No, not again, Mr. Darol with his bad breath will ask me to his office if I am a minute late; I can't risk losing this job, I mean I just got it"

Milan had a worried expression on, Lloyd stares at her, she stared back and frowns. Immediately, he averts her gaze and continued his meal.

"huhhh, If I wasn't looking after this brat, things would've been better off. As if that isn't enough, My Husband Kenneth had to bring in this-this ghost shell of a person. If I was in his situation, I would've simply walked away, like everyone else. I mean look what trouble he's putting me through because of his choices. I have to get rid of him sooner or later. I can't take this anymore."

Neon on hearing that was emotionless as he stopped for a brief moment, then continued his meal. Lloyd breaks the silence stands away from his seat with his emptied plate in hard.

"I'm done Mom."

"Good boy. Come, wash your hands and wait for me in the Car, I'll drop you off on campus on my way to work."

Milan leaves her seat and guides Lloyd to the sink, Neon closes his eyes as he was about done himself.

*Normally, I'll be shaken by the thought. But, I've grown used to it. Before, having reached my limit and consumed by rage; I murdered my entirely household, my sole regret being the easy dead of the one who claimed to have loved me for who I am.

Neon leaves the plate behind and grabs his jacket off the chair; starts making his way outside through the living room.

*With the power in my possession now, Death will come quickly for them, and murder is something I can easily get away with, but I will not so honor them.

Neon opens up the door.

*After all, they're all ignorant of what lies in the Other Reality

Neon Leaves the home.


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