
The Originals : Tale of Orinson

A fan of the vampire diaries series and spin-offs wake up in that world as the son of Ayana and an unknown Viking from a neighbouring village. Despite Ayana having strong connections to the spirits, her son seemingly cursed by magic is born as a siphoner. What will the Mc do will he be left behind a relic of the past or will he ascend through the ages as something...else? I do not own anything besides the oc I created and future possible original character.

Kem_J · TV
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10 Chs

The Original Heretic

We continued our journey travelling from village to village, settlement to settlement showing her how I lived as an Immortal mind controlling and feeding so she got used to the idea. She had no real problem with it, she was a bit squeamish at first but soon got used to the sight. Everytime I had to carry her on my back when I wanted to move fast she would remind me how it would be a lot easier if I just made her Immortal.

"You know you could just make me Immortal then we could just run together" she said annoying me for like the thousandth time. I stopped and just let go of her legs that were holding her up on my back, letting her fall to the floor. "Ow your being mean again Erik" she said dusting herself off.

"And your being annoying again, didn't I tell you id do the ritual soon?" I said folding my arms to my chest

"Well I'm not getting any younger!" she said practically screaming

I could swear I felt a blood vessel pop in my head the way this girl was annoying me "Ugh fine" I said pulling out a medium sized vial from my waist "I finished it a couple days ago, was waiting to give you when we reached the next village. But if I have to deal with you annoying me for any longer I might just pour it in a fucking river!" I said panting a bit "Glad I got that out my system" she just chuckled with her devious smile at my reaction.

"Oh you think it was funny, well jokes on you I don't have the necessary ingredients for a next one so anything happens to this one your out of luck." I then tossed it up reasonably high in the air for her to catch. The panic in her face was totally worth it and the way she leapt backwards to catch it was even more funny as she fell on her back. I laughed so hard I had unto my sides. "Not funny" she said on her elbows shooting daggers with her eyes.

"Pffft, if you saw it from where I'm standing you'd be dying too" I continued to laugh as she got up from the ground " And once again...you are being mean" she said while analyzing the vial. "So I just drink this and I'll be Immortal" I just nod in response "And you're sure I'll still be able to do magic" I nod and said " Yes you'll be able to draw from the magic the makes you Immortal and be able to do magic" hearing that, she no longer hesitated a gulped it down in one go. She then started looking around as if expecting something "I don't feel any different, are you sure its not defective or something?" I just chuckled a bit

"Well the jokes not over yet nor is the ritual, you are just missing one final thing" I said stepping closer to her and gently grabbing her chin.

"What's that?" she said visibly annoyed.

"Your death" I said and in one quick twist of the wrist I broke her neck and laid her body on the ground.

Contrary to what I thought would be a funny joke of her temporary death being the final step, seeing her lifeless like that scared me. So I just sat down next to her and looked off into the distance for awhile.

('Its been awhile since I was scared like that') I glanced over her body then back into the distance.(An Original Heretic, I guess a powerful brother needs a powerful sister.) I smiled briefly before I was taken out of my thoughts by Scarlett waking gasping for air.

She was panting heavily until her eyes took set on me "YOU!" she said with both venom in her voice and eyes.

"Back to the land of the living are we, calm down you were the one begging for the ritual" I said trying not to make eye contact.

Even though I wasn't looking at her I could feel the eye daggers penetrating the side of my face. "Well, you forgot to add the part about me DYING to complet the ritual!! she said looking down at me sitting not paying much attention.

"Trivial details." is all I said after a moment of silence.

(' How does she do that? It's like I can feel her eye daggers sharpening geez.)

"Anyways, you'll need some blood I am sure you can feel a small craving that I told you about. Once you feed for the first time the cravings will increase and you'll be a full Immortal creature." I then got unto one knee for her to climb on my back "I'll carry you one last time to make it up to you" she hesitated for a second "Fine, But Erik I promise I'll get you back for being mean." she climbed on and I stood up "Ha! Sure sis" I said blurring off into the direction of the next village.

On arriving at the village, all eyes were on us. It was a relatively large village so what came next was pretty predictable.

"Greetings visitors, what brings you to our village" a muscular man that seemed to be the village warrior. He had his weapon draw and was looking at us attentively. ('Ugh not this again. Do these warriors always greet people with their weapons drawn or their arrogance') I thought putting down down Scarlett to stand.

"Well, mister warrior my sister is need of some blood. So slit your wrist or your neck so she can feed, then don't move." I compelled him

"Erik!! Don't be rude." Scarlett said slapping my arm. "Please" she said gesturing for the man to continue. ('Why does she always see the need to correct me')

The man cut his wrist and started draining of blood. I grabbed him by the neck and pulled him closer to Scarlett for her to feed. "Always with the pleasantries." The onlookers of the village were too alarmed to even process what was happening to act. Scarlett started drinking his blood for a second and then her face morphed into that of a vampire with veins around the eyes, black sclera and the fangs. She sank her fangs into his wrist and started drinking deeply, it was as if she was in love with the taste. The man soon fell to the floor, which was an alarm for Scarlett to come back from her blood heaven.

"Oops" she said clicking her tongue and looking over to me.

I chuckled "I'm surprised you were able to stop before he was dead."

She wiped away a bit of blood from the corner of her mouth "You're right it does taste good and I didn't want to stop,but..." she paused and turned my body towards the village, showing me the villagers with weapons in hand "They were about to attack, then he fell."

I sighed and took a large step back "Well sis, your stronger than them. Your brother won't always fight your battles" I smiled at her. I could see her eyes twitch and jump with annoyance. "Really." was all she said in response. I just shrugged and pointed at the first villager coming to attack. When he came close and swung the blunt object at her she ducked it using pure reflex. Then in one hook to the jaw she broke his neck and sent his body flying over into a hut. A next attacker came with dual knives but Scarlett went on the offensive she grabbed both arms and gave him a powerful kick tearing off one arm and the other hanging on by a bit of flesg. She then lunged unto another sinking her teeth and began drinking his blood. While she was drinking blood a village archer shot an arrow that almost hit her in the head before I caught it inches away.

"You do realize you're in a fight" I said playing with the arrow in my hand.

"Oh right, well I wouldn't call this a fight" she said getting up.

"How about using magic? I'm sure you have access to more magic than you had in the talisman" I said while walking back to my spot.

She then extended her hand and used her magic to lift a few off them in the air then with a twist broke their necks. Then with another group she used her magic and tossed them into a hut. After that quick display the villagers stopped in their tracks and didn't bother attacking.

Scarlett then turned to me "Could you stop them and make them forgot or something? I don't want to have to kill them all or hurt anyone else" as if knowing I would refuse she starting giving me her baby face with the puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh fine, you know you can compel them too. Whatever I'll teach you later" I then stepped forward and looked towards the large group of villagers. "We are all friends here, we came from a neighbouring village to help you fend off against an animal. We fended them off now we are going to bury those who have died and feast in their honour." I said projecting my voice so even those a bit outside the village can hear.

The villagers dropped their weapons and began to mourn for those who had fallen, gathering their bodies for the burial ritual. This gave me and Scarlett time to talk.

" You know you could have done that all along, saving a lot of time." she said checking all the blood covered on her clothes.

"Well you needed an idea of just how strong you are now" I said with a small smirk "Don't worry about the clothes you can get a change from one of the villagers" she rolled her eyes and walked off towards one of the villagers.

('My little sister, the Original Heretic, I think I may have rubbed off on her a little to much hahaha. I'm happy I won't be alone. I'm happy that you are my sister Scarlett')