
Chapter Three

A/N: Shout out to /hirsuitetaurus/ for being my first fan supporter!!!!....


/Mystic Falls/ Summer/998/

Footsteps can be heard from afar, behind a young lady, a fair maiden, light pale skin with a natural light blonde hair who from her actions, can be seen hurrying towards the town square.

"Rebekah! Bekah!! Wait for me!"

Rebekah halts from her movement as she turns towards the caller. It was Henrik. A smile appears on her face, how else can she react towards him. Her younger brother, her love for him is deep. From the moment he was conceived, his first cry in this world, at that time she felt nothing in the world mattered. She had vowed to herself when her eyes met his for the first time that she would be a protective big sister, nothing else mattered, all other things could burn in Hela's domain but her little brother, her Little Bjorn, she would protect. "Henrik! What are you doing?"

(A/N: if you noticed have been trying to incorporate Norse beliefs/reference in their life at that time. So take note of the little reference I'll continuously make. Mind you they are not die hard religious per say but they have beliefs. Enjoy)

Closer to her now, Henri catches his breathe for a little longer before he replies "I asked Finn if I could go with you. since papa and mama are not around, I wanted to stay with you. The others say they are busy and Niklaus has gone into the forest with Kol. Can I come with you?"

"Pssft...do you even need to ask. Of cause I wouldn't throw you away. Ok come along, we need to hurry and deliver this medicine to grandma Liv, her back hurts and she desires more of mama's remedy, we need to give it to her before mama comes back...even though she arrives on the morrow" Rebekah says, not waiting any longer once she notice Henrik has gotten himself.

"Aye! Let's....as long as we pass through the square I don't mind" "I wonder what attracts you to the square little bear...wait...don't tell me it's the blacksmith's shop again?" Rebekah still in front of Henric asks as they walk. She has always been fascinated with Henric's interest. Boys his age desire to become warriors, hunters, chasing after fair maidens but him, it's like he was made different, from his love for magic crafts to potion making then blacksmithing and now he has become infatuated with axes like they are fair maidens, nevertheless, whatever little Bjorn wants , he gets.

"Well, I just love it, blacksmithing is no different from enchantments as mama said so I'm trying to learn but old man says I need more meat in my arms before I can hold a hammer...sigh... I'll just hide and watch him as he works. At least he lets me do that. Still don't know why they mock my body..... Odin's beard! I'm a growing boy!!" Henrik laments for his body, Rebekah just sees this and laughs. Getting a little irritated by her laugh, he bites back "like you don't have a reason to always pass through the market" he scoffs while glancing at Rebekah, trying to get a reaction from her. "Of cause, I have. Besides, I plan to see him after we drop this....want to come along? Hmm?"

"Yuck!...and see you all goofy around him? No way...how is he though?" He says as he rolls his eyes from her question

"You mean Erik? Wonderful...we plan on staying under the oak tree and just hang around.. nothing much...what about you? You know you are coming of age to become a man, you should start removing your eyes from potions and axes and get them to see fair maidens. I heard Gwendolyn fancies you much..hm"

"Gwendolyn is pretty but Rebekah I'm only 13 birth days old"

"And I'm 14.. already getting suitors attracted to me. Henrik you have no excuse. Your love for knowledge supercedes that for pleasure"

"Urgh...why are we even having this discussion. It's unbecoming sister"

"Because I'm worried for you little brother, life is short and you need to start getting out to enjoy. At least that's what Niklaus and Kol says."

They both end up becoming silent for the rest of the journey, although Rebekah takes frequent glance towards her brother as she sees him contemplating on what she said.

(A/N: I can assure you that this was totally normal then ( I think) unlike now where at 18 you are legally an adult. I just belief then nothing like human right or constitutions only survival and multiplying if you know what I mean ..most girls then in some culture are already old for marriage as from 13 years and the boys at that age begins their first hunt. So conversations like this should be normal cause I believe situations then made people mature quicker than they age)

Moments later, Henrik breaks the silence "fine I'll think about it but I don't know if Gwendolyn will still fancy me later on when she gets to know me"

"Aye, just give it your best, besides I will knock some sense into her if she sees you any different, who wouldn't love my little bear" his sister gives a little laugh towards the end of her sentence which gets a groan from Henric as they move closer to their destination.


/Same day/night time/ dinner table/

Little chatters and laughs could be heard around the family table as they prepared for their supper after their days activity went by.

Finn is seen on the left side of the dinning table close to where their mother, Esther, sits at the far end, even though She will be absent tonight because of her journey. Kol sits directly opposite him on the right side of the table, while Niklaus adjusts himself as he settles down beside Finn with Elijah at the last sit on the left side towards the head seat where their father, Mikael, usually settles, making Niklaus occupy the middle on the left side. Rebekah still not ready to sit down yet as she readies the table for the meal while still chipping into the little conversation they are having as they wait for the food to be served. Henric who sits opposite Elijah on the right side is still absent...

[A/N: hey, at least I tried... gimme some credit. just picture them sitting on a dinning table and eating nothing more...dunno how else to describe their sitting arrangement. Enjoy ;-)]

"Henrik!...Henrik!...you better get out here before I eat your portion and leave nothing but crumbs for you!" Niklaus calls out as Rebekah settles down opposite him. It appears the meal is ready and they are prepared to dig in. "What a bully you are to Henri , Klaus" kol accues, still bitter with the loss he had against Klaus during their spar early in the noon. Klaus scoffs over the remark "why do I feel your comment is not about Henric but more about our little spar, brother...fret not next match I'll take it easy" he chuckles as he watches Kol wear a scowling face, believing he had hit the nail on the head. "Now, now brother, you shouldn't remind him of the loss, besides you really went out of your way to torture him" Elijah comments with a laugh as he continues as faces kol this time " And you, dear kol, you know should have gotten used to it by now. I really don't understand why you still spar with him"

"I'll beat him one day that's for sure and wipe that annoying smug off his face then" kol answers. Klaus still holding his smug while staring at him replies "And by Odin's beards and lady Freya's bottom, I wish you good luc.." without finishing he gets smacked behind his head by Finn "Bloody hel, you should not make such remarks about the lady Freya"

"Tch...you should know how reckless Klaus can be with words dear brother.. I'd be damn if ever something nice comes out of his gutter" Rebekah says, even though her face hold a smile on them and the others laugh in approval over the statement.

As they continue their little banters, Henric, the last of them finally appears, with his hair still wet after a little bath he had. "I'm sorry for coming late, it appears someone had hidden my clothes again" he says while his eyes stays on Niklaus, who, for the love of the gods, doesn't mind a staring contest with his favorite kid brother. It is always so fun to steer his little brother like this.

"About time you came. You should have come naked, there isn't anything to hide from anyone here, unlike us men, heheehe" Kol teases him but he gets his as Finn counters "last time I saw from your side kol, it is no bigger than my little finger" everyone from the table burst into laughter except for Rebekah "bloody hel, guys, that's disgusting, I'm a lady, you shouldn't speak like that here"

(A/N: forgive me, I'm not really that good with banters that much, just know they are having a good time. That much is certain...)

"Right, right, sorry Bekah, I believe we should dig in right now. I'm hungry" Elijah responds as he stretches his hands towards the bread to break and take his share, there after he scoops two spoon full of deer meat soup with veggies onto his bowl. The others do the same and they dig in.

For a while nothing but the sounds of moving spoons against bowls and breaking of bread was heard, until Kol speaks up again "say, you guys, have you ever wondered what it would be like being a supernatural? I mean I see how the packs act, they must have this feeling that they are better than we are, cause I know I will if I was like them"

"Aye, I have thought about it too, they feel freer compared to us who are the normal ones...." Elijah responds..

"It really doesn't matter much to me, since being a witch can still make you a supernatural.." Finn states

"More like being mama's acolyte..." Mutters Klaus before he gets another love from Finn on the head.

"Kol is right, Erik and I were talking and he told me how Ansel talks about their super strength and speed and durability...heard they age slower unlike us...even I wish I can be a supernatural if that's true"

"Aye, true..I could be stronger and faster and finally be able to smith with that much strength you know" Henric says

"More knowledge eh brother, you never change Henrik" klaus retorts not surprised with what goes on in Henric's mind.

"Not only that Klaus, I still think about us..if any of us wanted to be supernatural, I for one, would prefer if we all do it together so we can always have this moments together..always protecting each other's back... spending more time with you guys is always more fun than making potions or smelling old man's sweaty body in the forge room" they all laughed at that

"Aye, Henrik, your right, nothing beats us always being together...Always and Forever...right" Klaus responds as he looks around his siblings watching them as they all silently make a covenant amongst themselves. Elijah was first to speak up next as he pats his brother beside him "Aye, nothing beats that.. Always and Forever"

"Aye, Always and Forever" Finn vows also, kol follows through with his

"Always and Forever"

"Always and Forever" Rebekah vows with her eyes brighter than ever. All the while, Henric just smiled looking as each of his siblings make the vows of unity amongst themselves, until he noticed all eyes where on him, now waiting and hoping he too had the same thought as them. But why won't he, the vows started because of his desires and it will be sealed with him. Without losing eye contact with them, his smile widens as he vows

"Always and Forever".





A/N: creation is hard, cheer me up! throw a stone or two at me, I don't mind, I won't fall, last I checked my name ain't Goliath (thank you mom!)... anyways slow and steady I'm doing this. I have my dis.cord now so maybe later today when I post again I'll place it here, I would love to read your suggestions and have your supports also. once it gets up to 7 chapters here I'll focus on pa.treon so those who will be reading will be at least 5 chapters ahead for a start. thanks for your patronage. I appreciate. please support me..I won't ask for much.

p.s if you love this fanfic please add to your collections



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