

A vision from the past appeared in her head before she woke up, only one image had appear. A shadow figure with four horns and a large set of dark wings that had two bat like claws on the edges. That person was standing on a hill looking up at the red sky, she had long hair with a cloak over her clothes. Her aura was as cold as the world itself, but as sweet as the sun rising waking up the terrifying jungle.

Lavender woke up in a unknown bright place. Ugly creatures walking around with big bright cloaks. It stinks in here.

A tall figure walked up to her while she lay on a soft white levavatating rock. As she try to observe this rock, the tall figure came up to me and said, "Do you not like the bed?"

'This figure looks like a creature from the ancient books, I think it was called a monkey. The monkeys formed into what it's called a human, or the book also mentioned that they were created by powerful being who created everything and they called him God.'

"B-Bed? Where am I?" demandingly said. "You are in the Hospital because you were caught in a fatal accident. You have amnesia since your head got hit hard by something. It is unknown on how your head got hit, but you have been put through surgery to get your leg back in shape. I know you have a lot of questions, but please rest for now. You are still healing a from all the damage. I will get someone to help you since you don't have a record for a family member." he said calmly

Who was that? Why do they look like these humans? I'll have to find out when I get out of this place.

Another human was walking towards her, but this creature looks different. It has round like things on the chest, it also bounces. Lavender looks down to see she has those too, she kept touching them curiously. The human came to her and said, "Those are your boobs." laughing

"Ok, I came here to check up on you. Could you please open your eyes. Thank you" pointing some light into my eyes with what they call a 'flashlight'.

"Now open your mouth and say ah" she put some kind of wooden flat stick on my tongue. It tastes gross.

"Ok, now you can close. Let me check your ears. Turn your head" this time she put something in my ears. Then she checked my other ear and she said surprised, "Oh my. You have such clean ears. Your all good, you'll just need to heal your leg enough to be able to walk on your own. Then you can check out and leave."