

After the mini vacation, I felt the power of an infinity stone being used, not just the mind stone that was being tinkered with, but the actual power of one bing unleashed. I went to watch the events unfold. I teleported to Xandar where a major battle was taking place. There I saw an idiot trying to do a dance off against a very angry alien.

I watched the battle play out and asked Ayana if she'd finished playing with Ego's seed. When she confirmed she'd already used it up and the original was destroyed in the process, I breathed easy. It's not like they could harm us, but I'd rather not deal with the headache.

I sat there at the edge of the battlefield cloaked and watching the Guardians of the Galaxy fight Ronan. When he was dead and Groot was nothing but a twig, I switched out the power stone for a mimicked fake. It wouldn't destroy planets but it could do some healthy amount of damage.

I stored the power stone with the other two if collected. I'd have switched out the time stone with a weaker one but Strange needs the original one to fight Dormammu. So for now, it stays there. Bonnie will switch it after that fight.

I left Xandar while ordering my many clones there to gather as many credits as possible in their time there. Natasha and myself were called in by Steve to reform the avengers and take out the Hydra bases. It was time to act I guess. Banner, Thor and To y were called in with Clint and by the time we arrived in New York, they were waiting for us.

I slipped Tony a file on my latest tests for the Enterprise and he smirked. "I've been building my own ships as well. And I didn't even rip them off of a tv show."

I shrugged. "Sometimes you just can't beat the classics."

He shrugged. "What's keeping yours grounded?"

I chuckled. "Star maps. I built the navigation system around the very stars and planets themselves. Red Queen is scanning everything star system and building a 3-D mapping system based on a planetary shift algorithm I came up with. In another three months or so my fleet will be ready for the maiden voyage."

He nodded. "Seems like you've beefed it up as well. I don't remember the hull of the Enterprise being made of Vibranium. Where'd you get so much anyway? It's super rare and the amount needed for this kind of project is astronomical."

I chuckled. "I've been sending automated probes into space for years and they've been mining the asteroid belts of Jupiter and Saturn for it. Apparently it's rare even there so it's taken that long to get enough for this project. Once the ships are ready, I'll send them out looking for the source worlds of the material."

He scowled. "Any chance you have more?"

I shrugged. "Maybe. But it'd cost you a lot more than stock."

He frowned. "I'll find my own then."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself. Hey, I actually might know where some is. My scanners picked up a source here on earth that was decent enough for one ship or so."

He nodded. "What would this information cost me?"

I chuckled. "Let me in on the raid. It's owned by a pirate that's an arms dealer and murderer. I get him, you get the vibranium and any cash we find gets donated to charity."

He smiled. "Deal."

I nodded. "Alright, we'll hit him after we hit these bases and kick Nazi ass."

And did we. I dumped the list of Hydra's bases including the one in Sokovia, though it was the last on the list. We spent weeks knocking down doors and killing Hydra agents. When we finally got to the Sokovia base, it was truly time to finish it.

When we arrived and I caught the twins, the sister hit me with chaos magic and took her brother before fleeing. We destroyed the base and got the scepter back though. Along with a bunch of alien tech. I made sure to dump the full Hydra list of still living agents onto the internet and several senators and government employees were detained and arrested all over the world.

Even some very well hidden shield agents like Grant Ward that Coulson eventually arrested himself. Every Hydra agent was eventually captured or killed in the following weeks. Tony and I hit Klaw's ship and he made off like a rich miser with the Vibranium while I took the cash and Klaw.

I sent the cash to Ayana to donate and dropped Klaw off on the Wakanda border. I gave him to the hunters there and they promised to tell their king the White Wolf brought a gift. After I left, I headed to my penthouse in New York before working my way through the hand.

I slaughtered all members except Rand's eventual girlfriend. I even killed her teacher and the base of disciples. Madam GAO died in agony as I tore her chi from her body as well. When I was done there I teleported to Japan then California to take care of Murakami and Alexandra.

When I finished there, sent out a pulse of magic killing all hidden members except Electra and Colleen. It was a pain to exclude them, but I felt they deserved a break. Electra wasn't a full knowing member anyway and in the end neither was Colleen.

With the hand destroyed, I made a trip to a certain blind lawyers home and whipped the chi possession markers of him before killing the chaste. Without the hand, the chaste served no purpose and Stick was an evil bastard anyway.

The next morning the news broke of dozens of mysterious deaths and disappearances. Most of the hand and Chaste were low key but Alexandra and a few were less so. I made sure to kill Harold Meachum with the rest of the hand so it was no real loss there. He was already legally dead, now there was a body to prove it.

With that, all the big problems were gone. I'd even sealed off the alter where the hand had been offering lives to a minor demon so yay me. Kali destroyed the planet that the Hydra creature was on as well. Since the world was basically safe for now, I headed to a boarding school my clone entered years ago.

When I arrived I found Professor Charles Xavier in his office waiting with his oldest friend Erik Lehnsherr. I sat down when they turned to me. Charles asked. "So what have you called this meeting for?"

I rubbed my temples. "Eric, I found two of your children yesterday. Wanda and Pietro Maximoff."

The room shook at their names and Eric breathed deeply before asking. "Where?"

I sighed. "Sokovia. They were working with Hydra agents. It's seems the lead scientists here used a unique stone to forcefully activate there latent mutant gene. For now though, I haven't a clue where they are. Your daughter managed to distract me after I caught your son. She's a mind manipulator and he's a speedster."

He started pacing. "Charles, cerebro please."

Charles frowned before nodding. "Sure old friend."

I stopped them. "I have a better idea. I'm aware they're after Tony Stark because of some missile that landed near them."

Magneto shook his head. "I know Stark wasn't responsible-"

I snorted. "Not the point. They don't know that, so eventually they'll come for him. I've arranged for you to become a member of the avengers on a temporary basis."

Eric shook and Charles sighed. "We agreed to stay away from-"

I growled. "I'm well aware of what we agreed on Charles. I'm the one that payed the price if I remember right."

He stopped talking for a minute before he too started pacing. I'd killed so many humans and erased so many minds to keep them all off of the humans radar. Those is killed were the ones doing experiments or trying to start wars between both sides. I'd been forced to give Eric an ultimatum. Either he disbanded the brotherhood or I slaughtered them all.

He disbanded immediately when his group failed to do anything to me and I brought them to their knees. He lived a peaceful life now, far away from most humans with his wife. They'd lost their children in Sokovia because of the military. He'd tried going back but he never found them.

My clone had been the actual one to do the deeds but it was all me in the end. Hundreds dead and thousands more mins wiped. It takes a toll on even gods like me after a while. When Eric saw I wasn't going to back down he gave in. "Very well, we'll do it your way."

I nodded. "Alright. Now it's time I saw Jean. The promise I made to her all those years ago can be fulfilled tonight."

Xavier asked. "You've done it then? You've consumed the essence of a Phoenix?"

I nodded slowly. "It was like swallowing a thousand suns. A bit spicy."

Eric snorted and I left them saying. "We leave in an hour Eric. Xavier, you can still use your toys but it won't change much if anything at all."

He nodded and I went to find an old friend. I found her with Storm in the gardens, nude and having tea. She'd taken up Storm's culture and liked the free feeling. I joined them in the freeing nudity before sitting across from her. "It's time Jean. Once you passed it to me your emotions should become more manageable."

She seemed excited at first then blushed before standing up. Storm turned away to give us privacy. Jean walked around the table to me and sat on my lap before stroking me gently. She'd been afraid of intimate contact all her life because intense emotions led to her destroying the landscape.

Now that she was about to be free of her passenger, she needn't hold back. She'd been so afraid because the night she found out she couldn't go to far was the night she'd accidentally killed Scott. The phoenix burned him to ashes as he tried to enter her.

As she played with me, I slid a hand between her thighs and returned the favor. Soon enough lack of experience saw her shivering and clinching my fingers. When she finished, I was at attention so I helped her guide the way in.

The moment she impales herself on my length, her eyes changed to fire. "You know better than to-"

I kissed her and sent a mental message to her. (I am ready to become your host.)

Moments passed before fire shot from her mouth and into mine. A presence nearly as old as I was entered my mind scape. It was bigger than the sun and yet my mind was as vast as a universe on its own. Once it settled in, I felt some changes happening. It was adapting my powers to its own so that we were completely compatible.

I gained many mental abilities and even psionic powers I hadn't thought to add to my own impressive body. I was already as strong as I could get physically in the outer realities, but it was adding quantity to quality now.

I turned my attention to Jean who had continued to ride me slowly. I waved a hand and dampened her pain from it being her first time. She picked up the pace now and Storm walked up behind her before pinching and rolling her nipples sending her over the edge.

When she was done, she slid off of me. I cleaned and clothed myself before standing to leave. I'd promised her it would be a one time thing because I was with someone. They were aware of the deal and that I had no intentions of taking on any more wives.

Storm on the other hand had long since felt for Jean and was taking her time trying to send her over another edge. I left the two new lovers to play while I headed out to find Eric and get this whole Ultron business out of the way.

Nat sent me a message saying the party went like before only the others asked about me. She'd told them I was busy taking a pirate to the people he stole from. Tony was happy with all the Vibranium he'd acquired until he learned Ultron had taken it all and the scepter.

I arrived at the avengers HQ, which was basically an upgraded Stark tower, with Eric an hour later. I introduced him as the father of the two enhanced as Steve put it.

When they asked how he intended to bring them home Eric showed off a little by stretching his hand and crushing the destroyed Ultron bodies from afar. "I have the ability to control all things metal. I can even control the iron in someone's blood stream. Powers like mine are hereditary. They had them dormant before but some idiot used a stone to forcefully awaken them. Leave them to me."

Tony asked. "How are you even sure we'll run across them?"

I snorted. "They hate you Tony, and Ultron hates you. I have no doubt they'll meet and work together to try killing you."

He shrugged when everyone looked at him. "What? You can't expect me to be liked by everyone."

I snorted. "Anyone would do at this point."

He held a hand over his heart. "Ouch, you wound me. So, where does your satellites say he took the vibranium?"

Red Queen spoke up. "Sokovia is where the bulk of it went, but the rest went to U-GIN genetics infinite R&D."

Tony frowned. "Why would he take it there?"

Banner spoke up. "He talked about evolving. I think he's going to try and make himself a human body with it."

Betty agreed. "If vibranium is able to coat cells on a genetic level you'd have a nearly indestructible body."

I had Red Queen mock up a possible genetic structure in front of everyone. When she finished Steve spoke. "We can't let that happen. We've got to stop him."

I nodded. "I'll take Eric to Sokovia and put a stop to his plans there. You guys deal with Helen and his bodies there. If you fail meet us there. That's where he'll head if he gets a body. There's no way he gives up that much Vibranium even with a body."

Tony asked. "What if he heads to the space ships?"

Everyone else turned to him. Banner asked. "What spaceships?"

I shook my head. "Mine are secure by the Red Queen and enough of my own iron legion to lay waste to the world. There's no way he gets passed her."

Tony shook his head. "He killed Jarvis."

I snorted. "Jarvis wasn't full AI, the Red Queen is."

That blew their minds. Banner stopped asking Stark and turned to me. "You have a full AI?"

I smirked. "Built her a decade ago. She thinks and feels. Whole nine yards, but that's not the point. There's no way he's getting passed her. She's far more advanced than even Jarvis and what you've recorded of his processing. In the event he does manage it, she's got her own virtual nuke that would put the entire world back in the Stone Age. He can't even tell she's there, I know because she's been watching his movements since you were dumb enough to leave him alone with Jarvis. FYI, she repaired him as well."

I tossed him a chip. "That's him there."

Tony looked thunder struck and a little envious. I turned to the group before saying. "He's not getting my ships, but he might go after Tony's"

Tony himself snorted. "I haven't been able to build a proper hull so he'd only get a quinjet with space rockets. There's no need to fear there."

I chuckled. "Then you're behind on the curve. After we kick his ass, catch up. It's boring near the finish line by myself."

He shook his head and we took off. I grabbed Magneto and blurred. Once we were away from the group I teleported to Sokovia. There I had him breathe in and boosted his powers. He felt out for the Vibranium and when he found it, he pulled it out of the ground along with all the bots. He crushed them with a thought and set the pillar of Vibranium on the ground before me.

I put it in my ring and he smirked when he caught it. "That's an interesting ring."

I chuckled. "It would kill you if you put it on. Want to try?"

I held it out to him. He shook his head and grimaced. "No thanks. I'll take your word for it."

I slid it back on my finger before saying. "Your kids aren't here. They're in New York."

He nodded. "Let's clean up here and go see what they're up to."

He pulled all the robots into a ball and crushed them into a bus size ball. I caught it. It had a descent weight to it for scraps. "Red Queen, burn him out of the internet."

She giggled. "You're all going to die down here."

I teleported myself and back to New York after storing the bot ball in a private vault. Since he couldn't complete his plan, Ultron uploaded it to the internet along with everything else he'd been trying to do just before Red Queen shut him out.

We found a scene very much like the movie playing out before our eyes, run away train and all. Eric stopped the train with a thought and destroyed Ultron and his doubles. He gave them to me to store away.

I turned to see a rampaging Hulk in the middle of downtown. Nat knocked him out while Tony recovered the cradle and Ultron's would be knew body. Thor was in a daze and so was Hawkeye. I turned to Eric. "Your kids are playing games. It's time you gave them a spanking. I'll take care of others seeing you."

He nodded and floated in the air. With the boost I'd given him, he could use the iron in his own blood stream to float. If he wished he could even go all Apocalypse and try to destroy the world. Not that he'd get away with it and he knew as much, but he could try.

It didn't take long for him to catch his daughter, and from there, his son. Once he had them both, I sent them back to the mansion with a wave of my hand. I joined up with the team back at the Avengers tower. "What's all the fuss about."

They turned to me and Banner asked. "I thought you were supposed to be in Sokovia."

I shrugged. "Eric killed all the boys there and stopped them all from building a doomsday machine. I got bored so I ran back. What's the fuss about?"

Steve pointed star the cradle. "Tony wants to put Jarvis in that thing."

I chuckled. "Sure, go ahead."

Tony turned to me. "Wait what? You're ok with this?"

I nodded. "If it gets out of hand, I'll have Eric stop by to turn it into scraps. It is made of Vibranium after all."

That seemed to stop the arguments there. Tiny smirked. "You heard him. It's as safe as can be."

I sat down and watched the show. Thor came out of nowhere to strike it with his lightning. The scene played out like in the movies until Vision looked around and saw me. I held a finger to my lips and he nodded discreetly. He could have his life free and clear of it all. This stone would eject itself once he was fully alive and operating right.

Which meant that it flew out like a bullet and I caught it with a barrier field from my suit. It floated there until I wrapped it in a self sustaining field and passed it to Thor. "Here, take this and do what you did to the blue box. Get it off this planet."

He nodded. "I'll see where my father wants to hide it."

I shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me, so long as Tony doesn't have it."

Tony quipped. "Hey, words hurt you know. Besides, I have all the information I need from it right here."

Vision turned to him. "Not likely. I am not Jarvis, nor am I Ultron. I won't be a test subject for anyone."

I burst out laughing. "That's what you get for trying to be smug Tony. Anyway, I don't want any more alien armies attacking earth unless absolutely necessary, so the rock goes."

Thor took it and said. "I'd best leave now to be safe."

I nodded and he took off while the rest turned to the soon to be named Vision. When he called himself that, I joked. "Vision Stark. Congratulations, it's a boy."

Tony smiled and asked. "Say daddy please?"

Everyone burst out laughing now except Vision. I sent him an image of Wanda at the school for the gifted, happy and with her family. He smiled and excused himself after an hour of jokes and alcohol. We continued to party without him there. Thor even came back and joined us. Banner was silent for a while before he slinked off.

The next morning Tony asked if I'd seen his stealth jet. I'd woken up with Natasha in the guest room when he knocked on the door. "No, last I saw it was in the garage with the rest of your toys."

An hour later we were all up. Betty showed us a note from Bruce saying he had to leave to somewhere he wasn't a danger to anyone else. He'd been on speaking terms with the Hulk inside him before thanks to my help, but when he lost control last time, it spooked him.

Tony sighed. "I guess I know where the stealth jet went then."

I nodded. "Oh, I left the vibranium in the basement. I had to melt it down from what Ultron used of it so it's mostly ready to be used."

He nodded and lightened up. Betty on the other hand was a wreck. Natasha comforted her with Pepper and after a while she went home. I didn't stay much longer either, I took Natasha with me and we headed home to see Xander.

He'd grown so much. He was still a toddler but he could walk now, albeit slowly and even say a few more words than mommy and daddy, like boat, car and cat. I'd gotten him a picture book and taken pictures of each of the things he could name in order and glued them to the pages. The first one was of all three of us.

The other girls stopped by to see him nearly every week in between missions, teaching and work. He'd turned two during the trip to Maui and I'd introduced Goose to him as a pet on his birthday. Goose liked him a lot till he tried to take a nibble and was beaten within an inch of his life by Xander saying "Bad Kitty."

I laughed my ass off until I saw poor Goose fleeing for his life. I told him not to try it again before I fed him a cow to calm him down. After that Goose would lay by Xander all he wanted but he'd never even sniff Xander's way for fear of a repeat.

A month later people started talking about the Sokovia accords. I blew it off for the most part because I believed it wasn't worth mentioning. We'd saved the day and no one died, well, except for an AI and some researchers in New York.

Even Helen Cho made it out in one piece, after she was patched up. Anyway, it was a big deal over nothing really in my opinion. One evening all the girls showed up with a very disheveled Hela. She looked a right mess.

Bonnie spoke up. "She's passed our test, even Natasha has approved."

I turned to the woman in question and raised an eyebrow. She blushed. "She's relived all of our worst memories and still says she wants to be like us. I say we let her."

I turned to Hela who was collecting herself. "Do you understand what that entails? All of it?"

She nodded stubbornly. "I'm well aware of everything. They held nothing back including everything else they've experienced."

I sighed and set down the book I was reading to Xander. "Very well. If they agree, then I'll let you see what all being a god is like. If you back out at any time I'll send you back to Asgard with no memory or extra power other than your own."

I teleported is to the bedroom in the penthouse apartment in New York. I walked over to her and held my hands up to her head. I showed her everything that I was and thought. I held nothing back and bared my soul to her. In this moment she could literally strike me down with a strong enough blow to my soul.

I had other weaker versions of myself out there, but this me would be destroyed entirely. She moved a little and all nine of my wives had her at sword point in the blink of and eye. They'd been watching in stealth just in case. I quirked my lips and continued.

Hela saw all that makes me, well, me and her movement changed as she went to kiss me. I let her and my wives lowered their weapons to do the same. I spent the rest of the night inside my wives loving embraces.

When even Hela's current body couldn't take any more, we have her the full treatment in the time room. She came out the morning a full fledged goddess of death. I warned her off of trying to take over Asgard or telling them about me and she decided to pout then use her new body to temp me.

After several rounds, she got a prize even better than a simple kingdom. Though she knew it'd be a while before said prize came to fruition. She eventually joined Kali and Harley in space causing chaos and kicking ass. They became known as the chaos sisters. Everywhere they hunted for a bounty ended up trashed or in brawls that leveled the place.

She agreed to stay away from Asgard though and now that she had access to the vaults, she knew she had no reason to covet Asgard's wealth or power. Not that she'd use more than she needed, but it was still nice to have things.

I spent my time between raising Xander and building the star maps. By the time Tony announced he was ready, I'd finished upgrading all of my fleet and made even more out of boredom.

We threw a special unveiling and made a Stark/Heretic Worlds expo. With both our names in collaboration, the entire world over cane to see what would prompt us to do such a thing. Stark showed up as Iron Man and I came in a Tux. I still didn't want to expose myself like that and he seemed to understand since I had a kid to worry about.

He announced the space race to the crowd of millions billions. Live broadcasts around the world saw to it that very few hermits would miss this. He showed images of his ships, though they resembled Kryptonian tech in my opinion.

Once he was done, he waved his hand saying that the competition, meaning me, had my own set of ships to reveal. I took the stage and revealed an image of the Enterprise. "For all you fan girls and boys, I made an actual fully working Enterprise. I've even spent some time upgrading it sense Tony here took forever to catch up."

Laughter came around. "Now on to the real treat."

I switched the screen to a live view of my storage garage under the ocean next to my fortress island. On the screen was fifteen battle ready ships including ten Prometheus and five Destiny class. Three of the Destiny's were full size while two were a smaller version.

I chuckled at their astounded faces. I turned to Tony and swiped left on the screen as a list of all the parts and their performance ratings popped up on a side screen. "This feed is live by the way. All parts and components and their accompanying stats are accurate to the millionth decimal."

I smirked at Tony's sour face. He sighed. "Fine, you beat me. Are you happy now?"

I chuckled. "It's only bragging rights Tony, don't feel bad. I had access to more and better materials than you did for a lot longer. I like to think I had a head start."

He accepted that before announcing an open contest to all those out there. The ones that could come up with the best viable designs for more and better ships would get to ride on the maiden voyage of the ship of their choosing.

Fans and people the world over went nuts. I spoke up after that. "Comics and tv modeled ships are exempt for obvious reasons. Only original designs are excepted and we will be checking for copyrights."

One reporter asked. "What about the Enterprise?"

I chuckled. "That was a gag mock up that I did to tease Tony, besides, I own the rights to it personally."

Another reporter asked. "Is the Enterprise also on the list of flights for the contest."

I nodded. "It is. After the first one hundred accepted designs are chosen, the flights will be available for one month to anyone willing to spend a quarter of a billion on a trip around the solar system. A billion for a trip to another galaxy of mine and Tony's choosing depending on the ship in question. After that month, the ships will then be brought back and the data from their systems gone over. Once they've been stress tested, we'll be opening them up for scientists around the world to explore the known universe."

A general spoke up. "And what about military purposes?"

I snorted. "No ship I build will be directly in the control of war mongers military or government alike. I don't give a rats ass about political agendas and neither should the people looking to the stars at night with wonder in their hearts."

Tony spoke up next while the people cheered. "Mr.Mikaelson here has generously built and is now selling at cheap prices, home alarm and defense systems. They are tamper proof and will knock out any home invader inside while keeping the rest out. Those around the world that can not afford them will recieve one as a donation. Cities are expected to buy their own for public buildings. The battle of New York proved their usefulness and since then they've only gotten far better."

The General wasn't pleased or even impressed. I frowned at him and thought back. It was General thunderbolt Ross in the flesh all right. He demanded. "Then we'll just have to seize them-"

I barked out a laugh. "Tell you what general. "I'll make you a deal. You have until the end of the design contest to find my ships. If you can, you can have them. I'll even do you a solid. All my company's doors are open to you and any military personnel around the world. Find my ships if you can, you can have them."

Tony spoke up. "The same cannot be said for my ships General Ross. My company will see you and any one else looking to take my tech in court. You can either build your own or go without. I'm out of the weapons business and I won't be pressured into handing my property over to be used to kill innocents."

Our announcement shook the world and everyone had long forgotten the Sokovia awards. The world had one year for the contest before all submissions would close and myself and Tony would go through every single design together.

By the time I got back to the penthouse, the military was there in force to search all of my property. They would never find it particularly because it wasn't reachable by humans with their current technology. I'd covered the entire warehouse in a magical barrier that wouldn't be seen by even the ancient one or Odin himself.

There was no path ways from my island leading to it either and nothing in my systems about where it's hidden. Even the camera feed was magical in nature just for this reason.

I relaxed while they ransacked my offices and work spaces for clues. They tried going to the genetics labs and doing the same but Ayana kicked them out calling them idiots and threatening legal action for trying to steal proprietary research. They dropped that lab immediately as there was no basement to it and it really was all genetics research.

She was still fuming when she came to punish me. I promised I'd keep the gawkers and thieves away and she calmed down after a fierce sex session. She went back to her labs in a lot more calmer mood while I watched the humans scramble to find them.

When Natasha informed me she'd killed several people that had attempted to kidnap Xander to force me to tell them where the warehouse was, I called an immediate media announcement and hung their bodies on piles. "The next idiot that tries to kidnap my son to find the ships will find there entire family like this here. Yes this is a threat and no I don't give a damn about your laws. I'll slaughter anyone that comes after my family even if it's god himself."

I took my sword off the table and beheaded the corpses before the reporters. "Let this be a warning to you all. My technology is far more advanced than anything in this world other than Starks. I can find you and everyone you love and I'll do it as many times as is necessary to get my point across. No one touches my family ever!"

My roar had the reporters shaking as the army tried to come and arrest me. I pointed my finger at the officers head and the Red Queen brought out a mini gun and targeted laser points at them all. I tossed the video of them and all the proof of their cult up on the screen behind me. "Come at me, I dare you."

Ross backed down when I proved I wasn't joking. I was ready for a massacre. He had his people take the bodies while taking a copy of the evidence. I had Nat empty out the tech in the fortress and take Xander to the penthouse.

I met her there and reinforced the entire building with magic and the Red Queen's iron army. They patrolled the halls outside the penthouse door and every floor of the building. The penthouse became the fortress now.

Over the next year we lived there and over that same year I hosted ten more live beheadings for the world to see. I quickly became known for my ruthless side. Even Tony at one point asked when I'd stop I told him. "When they stop trying to take my son hostage I'll stop killing them."

He asked concerned. "Have you really killed their families as well?"

I sighed. "A threat doesn't work unless you're willing to keep up your end of it. See the deep web if you really want to know the answer to that question."

He gulped and I sighed. "You'll understand once you have kids as well Tony. I don't play with my son's life and I'd watch this planet burn before I let anyone harm him."

He started sweating and I left him to think on my words. I'd really kept my promise only I left out the kids. I wiped their minds and sent them to orphanages in their own countries. I couldn't feel sorry for protecting my family, I wouldn't, not after I'd lost my first child to circumstance so long ago.

My son and all my children meant the world to me. My wife's were like the sun and my children the earth. To loose a wife to death would darken my world but to loose a child, I'd have no world or will to live on. I couldn't live through another loss like that, I wouldn't. So the world be damned, I would slaughter them all to protect my family.

As time passed I visited Sokovia and stopped the UN bombing as well as caught the dumb ass that tried to start it all. I was even in my White Wolf uniform when I did it. It ended up as a big slap in the face to all those that came to try and force the Avengers to sign the accords. With a little press the accords collapsed in on themselves.

The mad man that tried to start the civil war was tossed in a deep dark prison with no light for trying to kill the ambassadors, the king and prince of Wakanda. He spouted all kinds of crap but was deemed clearly insane.

Natasha asked me when I got back why I'd stopped it and I was completely honest with her. "It's the same reason I didn't save Howard and his wife all those years ago. I may be a god of death, but that just means I should be more responsible and let death happen naturally. People killing other people is natural."

She frowned. "Then why won't-"

I kissed her deeply and meaningfully when I pulled back I whispered. "That's why. I'm a greedy selfish god and in the end I'm just a man."

She kissed me back before sighing. "My man."

Over the next few months a clone took my place with Natasha and Xander as I went to watch Strange on his path to becoming a sorcerer. Coincidentally I was the one who called in his accident after the golden hours for nerve damage repair had passed.

I went to Kamar-Taj to sit with Bonnie, Chloe and Prue. They were enjoying an afternoon tea with the ancient one. She seemed to notice the switch I'd made with one of my clones that was sitting with them.

When she quirked her eyebrow, I sighed and the other two clones left the room back to the girls quarters. "Strange is going through his surgery as we speak. Your final part began a week ago when Kaecilius killed the librarian, but you know this already. What you don't know is that he'll try getting ahold of my nanite creations to heal himself. I've been blocking all sales to civilians, but if he does his research, he'll know I've at least made headway in the field."

She nodded. "Might I suggest you spread the news that your still years away from viable and practical use."

I tilted my head and sent the message to my clone at home. "Done. This time tomorrow Heretic industries will have a lab accident that'll put production and research into working prototypes years back. Not that there really will be an accident."

I sighed. "In two months the contest will be over and after a week of going through designs, the maiden voyage of my ships will commence. Stark has already received many contracts for ships from all over the world. We've been turning everyone down as we are not willing to build weapons for governments."

Bonnie suggested. "Why not build them for the UN. That way they'd have ships but under all nations at once. They wouldn't be able to use it to attack any country or people without all nations agreeing."

I chuckled. "They'd still try to rip off the weapons designs and technology for their own uses."

Prue shook her head. "You know as well as us that if you wanted to, you could make them tamper proof."

I finally gave in with a smirk. "True, it could work, I could use it to safely introduce advanced technology to the world without fear of them tearing said world apart."

Chloe agreed. "You could but eventually you'll need to start revealing mutants and inhumans to the world."

I sighed as the ancient one spoke up. "The super soldier serum, the Terrigen crystal and the mutant gene. With those and the help of the three sanctums you would be able to turn the whole world into super humans. And when everyone's super-"

I chuckled. "Nobody is. While that's a decent enough thought, the Terrigen crystal will be released regardless. I'll speak to Ayana about it. She may be able to come up with a wait to spread it all out legitimately. I'd hate to see a world of Hulk's running wild. It'd destroy the planet."

I sent a quick message to Ayana and she replied back that she'd do what she can. She was busy trying to fuse and find all mutant DNA while doing the same to all super soldier serums and even inhuman DNA. Once she finished that she'd try to fuse all three types into one DNA strand.

Hopefully with a little luck it would help our bodies take the next step. She was using my blood, celestial DNA and archangel's grace I'd taken from the supernatural reality as a template. My blood seemed to be able to absorb it all easily enough but separately or even with each of the girls blood, the concoction became volatile and explosive.

Theoretically their blood and mine should have the same properties but in the end mine was simply far more potent. The curse originated from me and while they share in my powers to an extent, I am still the primary source of it all.

My body was stronger and my soul more refined than theirs could possibly be. The reason she'd been trying so hard for so long was because they'd reached a wall of sorts where after their last boost, they'd stopped growing stronger and tougher even with my help.

If they wished to continue on this path with me as equals, they'd have to find a way past it or eventually their bodies wouldn't be able to contain more power. They'd explode and while they'd still be goddesses, they'd loose their physical bodies. They'd only ever be able to creat temporary vessels before those degraded as well.

I had nearly a hundred clones working side by side with her since she'd brought it up a few decades ago. All the girls worried about it but I had faith we'd find a solution. That brought us back to our current predicament, to either make the whole world super or leave them to their own devices. There would be plenty of bad guys and chances to grow down the line I'm sure.

For now we enjoyed a nice peaceful evening watching the disciples train. I found myself instructing a few on techniques as even better stances to let the energies pass through their bodies more easily. I found the girls watching me with smiles while I instructed a few of the masters as well.

One of them, Karl Mordo, began trying to test my skills and proficiency. I used him to show the rest that while I was a bit rusty, I was beyond their level in skills. Once I'd done that, they began heeding my instructions more readily. Wong, the new librarian, asked what my artifact was.

I chuckled. "Artifacts are crutches, training wheels to temper the young. The true power lays within. Not some toy trinkets. You'll find that true masters do not require even a sling ring to move from place to place. They can do so under their own power. If you learn anything here, it should be that the human spirit is truly infinite in its versatility and uses."

The disciples and masters alike stopped to listen to my words. When I finished my speech, Wong asked. "Then how would we go about moving from dimension to dimension without one?"

I frowned. "You are not yet ready for that. But I'll give you a hint. The body is merely an extension of the spirit. Where the spirit goes, the body can follow. For now though, you should simply try making portals without your sling rings. You'll find it more tiring but in the end, far more beneficial than playing with toys."

I went back and sat down with my wives while the ancient one spoke to them. "This is grandmaster Wolf. He's come from another dimension because of recent events. You would do well to heed his words as he is far older and more proficient in the arts than even I am."

That caused a stir in the group and for a while they all began murmuring and whispering about my power and proficiency. They'd never known anyone more powerful than the ancient one. Even my wives deferred to her in all matters regarding the school in public. They only taught her in private as it was.

Bonnie even gave her an open copy of my original grimoire as it had continued to expand with every new book I'd acquired. The original had even gained a sort of spiritual sentience over the eons.

For the next few months I stayed here while viewing their progress. The first to make a portal without a sling ring was in fact master Hamir. When he showed it to me, I rewarded him by taking a few years off of his aged body. When Mordo asked why I broke the balance I simply shook my head. "I did no such thing. He will still die at the same time he is destined to, only he will live easier until that time. I only made his body appear and feel younger. He is still the same age as he was before."

He frowned. "Does that not effect the balance though?"

I chuckled. "Heavens no. Death is universal to all mortals. No matter what age it comes for you, when it is your time, it still comes. Only those that have stepped outside the cycle of life and death are immune to its ways. The balance cannot be broken as you see it, by simply lengthening a mortals lifespan or even shortening it. Tell me, if I killed you right now, before it is your time, would I have broken the balance?"

Mordo frowned and for the longest time he couldn't find an answer. I sighed. "The answer is no. The balance doesn't care when you die, only that you do still die."

He seemed enlightened so I continued. "Now answer me this. If I helped you break through this mortal coil and become immortal, would the balance be broken? Would the world end? Or the universe?"

His face scrunched up and I watched him try to find the answer. I chuckled after a while. "Go rest and come find me when you have the answer."

He left and went into meditation to contemplate my words. I continued to watch as others progressed in their training for a while. I hadn't healed master Hamir's missing hand because it was still needed to prove a point to Strange.

My clone went through the contest ending with Tony and announced the one hundred lucky winners. No surprises there as nearly all one hundred chose the Enterprise. On the launching, my clone took the ships out of the mare house using the shields to keep the water back. Once it was revealed that I'd had an under water warehouse full of spaceships, the government was not happy.

There were several that wanted to try forcing me to hand over a few. My response was to flip them off and tell them to come and get them as I'd be more than willing to test my weapons against theirs. They backed off rather quickly when they saw the Destiny's main battery cannons.

The Enterprise beamed up the contestants as did one of the Destiny ships as that was their wishes. Tony took a few up on his ship and we were off. We took a trip around the solar system and Tony scanned the asteroid belts for vibranium alloys he might be able to get.

I l'd promised to store any he found until he could retrieve them and mine his own supply to build more ships. After several hundred beams of astroids into the Destiny's cargo bays, we finished our first maiden voyage. All in all it lasted a full three days while collecting data.

I'd warned Tony of inhumans on the moon and he'd made sure to steer clear of them to be safe. He didn't want to ruin a society any more than I did. They weren't currently hurting anyone so we let sleeping dragons be.

The fans came back with great stories and promised to sell us the applicable designs for tidy lump sums and the right to ride on the maiden voyages of the first ones like them we decided to build. A hundred grand a design was well worth it considering even the best design wasn't flawless or complete.

Once they sold us the designs I had them immediately patented. I gave most to Stark as I had them memorized and saved by the Red Queen. I had very little interest in them because I could simply go to other realities and scan better ship designs that I know work.

A couple months later the scientists and astrophysicists from around the world were aloud to use one of the Destiny ships for deep space exploration and study. A disguised clone of mine took the helm while parts of the red legion as the Red Queen insisted it be called, took over security and military posts on board.

Back in Kamar-Taj, Strange had finally made his way to Nepal and was searching for Kamar-Taj. I was in a wizened disguise the entire since I'd come here and now it was time it became useful. When Mordo brought him in, I was sitting with Hamir a instructing him on how to increase the range of his astral projection without getting lost or coming back to a dead body.

The trick was actually pretty simple, much like the sling ring, you have to visualize where your tethered to. So long as you can do that, your spirit can travel vast distances without fear of loosing yourself. He thanked me for my guidance and asked that I help watch over him while he tries to accomplish it.

I promised I would another day and suggested he try elemental training until that time as it would help ground his spirit to this reality the more familiar he is with its base elements. He bowed and left as Strange came in looking for the ancient one. I watched on amused at her antics as she poured him tea and the disciples took his coats.

He called me the ancient one but I ignored him and joined Hamir. The ancient one did her little scene perfectly while I left to instruct the disciples. "Oh those were master Hamir and grandmaster Wolf. While they do have great accomplishments under their belts I'm the one you've been asking for."

I continued with my routine and eventually he joined the disciples in classes I taught. Master Mordo was his personal instructor in combat while I taught the masters during the disciple's down times.

I heard him asking about me to Mordo and smiled at his response. "Grandmaster Wolf teaches the masters when he is free to do so. Even I am not yet ready for his lessons. I once asked him a question and his answer flew in the face of all my understanding of the world. His wisdom is not something even the older more experienced masters can fully comprehend. He's not from this dimension."

Strange asked. "How much can one old guy know? His class can't be to hard."

I teleported right before him. "It's best you learn to walk before you try to run. Else you may not know how to stop and tripping at those speeds can be disastrous."

I turned to Mordo who bowed. "Grandmaster."

I waved it off. "Young master Mordo, have you an answer for my question yet?"

He shook his head and I sighed. "Perhaps disciple Strange has an answer you may find useful."

Mordo frowned in contemplation before turning to Strange. "If he were to help you ascend to beyond the cycle of life and death, would that break the balance of nature for this world or universe?"

Strange looked astonished before turning to me. "You can do that?"

I shrugged. "I cannot answer for sure, as I haven't received Mordo's answer."

Strange contemplated for a while before shaking his head. "No, I don't think it would. It would take something massive to break the scales of the universe like that. At least I think it would anyway. I just started here and I'm not too well versed in immortality and all that stuff yet."

I shrugged. "When you find your answer for sure, be sure to share it with master Mordo. He needs an answer and yours might do, then again, it might not. That all depends on you two."

I teleported to the training area and continued teaching. Several weeks passed as Strange used his photographic memory to suck up all the knowledge of the library. I watched him amused by his antics.

The ancient one eventually sent him to Mt.Everest where he learned to use a sling ring back after Hamir showed him it was possible even without a sling ring and a hand.

Personally I think he was just showing off when he didn't use the ring. He'd moved beyond that stage already but it would've been simple to use it during the example.

Once Strange figures out the sling ring for the most part, he began reading more and more of the library at a faster pace. Though the library was rather small, most of the information was vast in its implications. Yet he still seemed to breeze right through it all.

One evening I saw him reading while astral projecting and murmured to Bonnie next to me. "He's almost as talented as a certain headstrong young witch I know who once tried to take on the power of a hundred dead witches with her talent and pure stubbornness."

She blushed before swatting my arm and sighing. "Those were simpler times. You, me, and that dangerous come get me vibe you gave off. Even now I remember shooting a pull cue and missing."

I chuckled. "Best loss I've ever suffered."

I took her hand in mine before sighing. "It's time we disappeared. I'd suggest you go to Asgard and teach the sorcerers there for a while until things settle down."

She nodded and left with Chloe and Prue. If they found Asgard boring they could always start their own world of Sorcerers and train them all. Prue sent back an amused laugh as she'd heard my thought. I sent her the image of ravaging her and my clones mysteriously disappeared from the bedrooms not under their own power.

Chloe sent a smug feeling to me and the image of what they were up to. I nearly left and went to them. Sighing to myself and straightening my clothes some, I went to find the ancient one. She was in her quarters watching the stars. "Do you think it'll hurt?"

I shook my head. "I've died several times. In the end the pain is fleeting. The real sensation is akin to astral projecting under someone else's influence. Even that won't last long as you feel the pull to the great beyond. Don't worry though, once you've passed I will be there to bring you back. You're death will break the ties Dormammu has to your body. I'll break the ties he has to your soul. You'll never fall within his grasp-"

She turned and cut me off with a kiss. When she broke the kiss I sighed. "I've already made it clear to my wives that I'll not be taking on another."

She nodded. "But how about a lover instead, just for tonight."

I closed my eyes and let them know of her request. It was unanimous and so I told her. "Fine, but no children will come of it."

She led me to her bed and stripped us with her own magic. I threw up a barrier and began exploring her body. She was bald everywhere and that had its own unique charm to it. I explored her while she played with me getting me in the mood. She gasp as I pulled her to basically sitting on my face while my tongue explored her depths.

After a few minutes an orgasm hit her and she clenched her thighs around my head while she road it out. I continued to lick and teas her pink slit, drawing her to greater heights. When she took me in her mouth, I let her test the waters. I had to admit it, either she practiced using the time stone for this moment, or she's a born natural.

When she finally rung a release out of me, I filled her throat and mouth to nearly bursting. Once she finished, I slid her into place just above me. She too me my length in her hand and guided me to where she wanted. With a painful sigh she slide down on me in one go, burying me to the hilt.

I bumped into her deepest parts and she let out a throaty moan. While it was her first time, magic worked wonders as a painkiller for the most part. Once she adjusted, she began her ride. I rolled us over onto her back and deepened my strokes causing her to pant.

I slowly increased the paces and soon her legs were wrapped around my waste trying to keep me in place as another orgasm rocked her. I let my own hit me as well while burying myself in her warm liquid heat. I filled her to the brim as my essence started spilling out between her thighs.

Without stopping I helped her to her hands and knees and continued at a faster pace. She began emit low throaty sounds of release as her inner was began clenching me rhythmically. I continued my thrusts and slapped her behind a few times causing more moans and even a squirt.

When my second orgasm hit me, I buried myself in her and this time I felt her cervix give as I entered her core and released myself. She let out a scream of an orgasm and passed out while her body milked me for all I was worth. When I slid out of her, she was slightly gaping as my seed poured out of her in gushes. I helped her roll over on her side and lay beside her while she slept.

I must've dozed off because I woke up to her riding me in a slow pace while pinching her nipples between her fingers. I watched her in amusement and fascination as she brought herself to climax and tried doing the same to me. I hadn't even felt the orgasm building when she took me all the way inside her and leaned forwards onto my stomach as it hit me.

I found myself emptying all I had left into her hungry womb. She shuddered above me while her stomach started to seem bloated a little. I frowned and wondered how long she'd been riding me to get that much in her al once. I let my hand wonder to it and she moaned as I pressed in a little as I slid out of her.

My seed followed like a dam bursting at the seems and the sheets became an ocean of essence. It wasn't alive by any means, I'd left my essence as it was if I were a vampire. Not really useful but nutritious and tasty for my females to enjoy.

She looked at me with clear wanting more and a little blame for ruining her plans for it. I chuckled and red her mind before waving my hand and making it all appear in a canteen before handing it to her. "Don't tell my wives. They drain more for sustenance on a daily bases. If they found out they could simply store it for later, I'd loose my fun."

She smirked before taking the canteen and seductively putting her fingers between her lower lips to retrieve the rest inside her still. I chuckled and slid off the bed before getting dressed and making breakfast appear on the table before me. I sat down to eat as I watched her enjoy a meal of her own.

After a while, when she had no more left inside her, she stood up and headed to the shower in her room. I left to head to my own. Later that morning she announced that I and the three other grandmasters had been called back to deal with threats in our own dimensions.

I'd left Kamar-Taj and we never spoke of that night again, not even after I brought her back a couple days later. I'd been waiting in the hospital for her and Strange to show up. Once they did and she'd had her chat with him, I stored her spirit in a crystal as her body died.

When she was declared dead and her body was sent to the morgue, I took it and headed to a private room in the hospital. I healed her body and once I pulled her soul out of the crystal, I burned the connection it had to the dark dimension.

The brand on it faded away while I put her back in her body and jump started her heart. Another tether came for it while the mark was still fading and I stepped in between her and it. Once it latched on to me, I grinned and used my cursed to start swallowing the energy from the dark dimension.

The tether started to weaken as it wasn't meant to pull through that much energy. I heard a faint roar from the other end as Dormammu was weakening. He severed the connection himself before I could take another draught of energy from his dimension. I'd drained nearly a third of it in one go. Any more and it might've collapsed in on him.

Chuckling to myself I turned and healed the ancient one even further. Her body started to de-age and her hair grew back. Once she was back in her human prime I stopped and she opened her eyes. "You once told me to wait till my connection with the dark dimension was severed. Now that it is, shall we bargain?"

I sighed and pulled out a talisman. I handed it to her and she put it on. The symbol I'd carefully constructed with my power burned into her chest and through it her soul. "There, you now have access to one percent of my power. It should be sufficient enough to use any Magic's you've learned. Including the immortality spells I know you've looked at. Be careful, there's always a cost to them."

I teleported away and left her there in the hospital bed. She had her life back and access to more power than she'd ever need, I'd completed her request and then some. I sat back and watched the time loop show Strange put on.

I laughed each time he died as it was truly hilarious that a being like Dormammu couldn't even figure out that he needed to act before Strange did the loop spell. After all he did it inside the dark dimension.

Once the loop was broken and Dormammu took his disciples and left, I appeared before the trio. Mordo asked. "Where were you?"

I sent out a pulse of power at my annoyance, pushing them to their knees. "This isn't the only dimension nor is it the only earth that was in peril. I was needed else where."

I released my power and let them get up. I sighed. "You've done well enough it seems. Though be warned, those brought back with a single stones power will feel the difference in their souls. Their world will feel hollow and empty for a time at least. Everything has a price and the stones come with many. It's up to the user to figure them out. Anyway, congratulations, sorcerer supreme."

I bowed lightly to him before teleporting away amidst their protests. I went to my penthouse and changed back into my current Alexander Mikaelson persona. When I saw Xander walking towards me I smiled and picked him up. "How you doing little man?"

He smiled and giggled a little before saying. "Daddy is back."

I nodded. "How did you know I was gone?"

His cute little green eye shifted to a vibrant red and with a pinkish tinge to them. I knew now how he'd seen it wasn't me. His wolf eyes had developed and he could probably see my aura. My clones have off very little compared to me. It was like comparing the moon to the sun.

Kissed his forehead saying. "Let's go find mommy and give her a surprise."

He laughed and I set him down to lead the way. My hear warmed as he wobble-ran with his little trainers lighting up all the way while giggling. I followed as he ran directly to Natasha in the living room. He climbed onto the couch and hopped on her while she was watching tv while yelling. "Surprise!"

I chuckled and leaned over the back of the couch, kissing her forehead and dissolving my clone she was leaning against. I whispered. "Surprise, I'm home love."

She smiled and I switched to receiving kisses from her and my son on each cheek. When they pulled away I sighed and teleported to where my clone had been sitting. I took the time to take in all it's memories as well while she leaned back against my chest. Xander crawled up and laid on hers while she told me what I'd missed.

His last baby tooth had come in and she'd treated him to ice cream for the first time as a celebration. My clone had taken them to the fair on Coney Island while promising to take him to a better one on his birthday. She made sure I didn't forget my words either.

I chuckled. "I keep my promises love, you know that. Speaking of which, it's about time he met the rest of the family. I'm sure Nik has gotten bored of life in the vault worlds."

She nodded. "When do you intend to bring them all out anyway?"

I frowned and thought deeply on that before deciding. "The next reality we visit. I want to bring them out into a reality with no gods looking to exploit them all. I've been thinking of making my own but it's a lot of energy to spend and a dangerous concept because it would tie the reality directly to my life force. So I'll take them out in a reality with no gods instead."

I sent her and my wives the thought of the next reality. I got back an acute interest from all of them. While the reality had no gods, it did have a connection to a higher dimension. It was worth going to if only to set the people free from the vault worlds.

Humming to the tune of Nickleback's lullaby, I held my wife and child while they fell asleep watching Castle. Little Xander was snoring away while Nat was a soft snore going as well. I'd just now realized I'd come home really late at night.

I felt like a horrible father and husband right then. I lifted them both with my powers and took them to their beds. I turned Xander's night light on before putting a shield around his bed so he didn't accidentally roll off the bed.

He could still get up to go potty but only feet first. I pulled the door to while taking Natasha in my arms and laying her in our bed. I turned on the electric fireplace to heat the room even higher to her liking before heading to the bathroom for a shower and change.

I came to bed and she curled up against me murmuring. "Stay...don't leave me..."

I sighed and held her close while cursing myself inside for being a truly terrible husband and father. I had no way to make it up to her let alone the rest of them either. I truly was only one man no matter how many clones I made. They simply weren't the same on a fundamental level.

The next morning I made breakfast and announced we'd be going to see Clint's family. And so we did. I spent the day watching our kids play and watching Nat talk to Laura about baby tips.

Clint must've seen something in my gaze because he handed me a beer saying. "Whatever it is, just be honest with her."

I shook my head. "She knows already. I do nothing without telling her my plans first. It doesn't make those decisions any easier though. It doesn't stop me from feeling like shit either."

He sighed. "I think I get it. I went through the same thing when Laura told me she was pregnant for the first time. I came home feeling unclean when I first saw my son after a bad job."

I nodded slowly. "Ever felt like you'd wished that you could always be there no matter what was happening elsewhere? It feels like I'm the worst father and man alive."

He clinked his bottle to mine. "All the time. That's what being a parent is like."

I nodded slowly. "Xander isn't my first kid."

He paused at that before saying. "Where's the other one?"

I frowned. "Dead. Her mother took her and gave her away years back. I went looking when I knew no one was watching and I found her grave."

He went quit and I sighed. "I never got the chance to be a father then, now with Nat and Xander I feel like I'm going to blink one day and they'll be gone too. For all my knowledge and power I'm only one man. I can kill gods but not lose this fear in the pit of my stomach that I could lose them any moment."

I took a draft while he spoke. "It's just fear talking man. There's no way Natasha would let anything happen to Xander and there's still the team if you need the extra help."

I nodded slowly before finishing my beer. "Just fear."

I cast my gaze to the sky while my vision shifted. I saw the universe and all it's beauty in that moment. I grinned and turned to Clint. "Want to see something cool?"

He shrugged. "Sure."

I walked to the edge of the porch and jumped, shifting in mid air. My wolf form was now towering over nearly ten feet tall on all fours. I smirked wolffishly when I heard Clint drop his beer bottle and broke it. I turned around and saw the look of awe on the kids faces. Xander yelled. "Doggy!"

He ran over wobbly and started to shift as well. When he cried out, I shifted back with my armor on to preserve some modesty. I caught him as he fell into a shower of fur and clothes. There in my hand was a wolf pup where my son should be.

Wolves from my original reality only go through the change after they've killed someone and only after puberty starts even then. With all the enhanced wolf aspects I'd taken from each reality it must've changed inside him even further.

Natasha was right at my side as I stood up holding a black and white pup in my arms. She relaxed when she saw he was ok. I chuckled in relief and she took him from me to hold. I shifted back and had her set him down.

He ran around my legs and bit my tail. I payed down curled up, bringing him to my face. He let go of my tail only to climb all over me. Clint's family was caught between amusement and worry. Clint was amused and so were the kids while Laura was worried for her kids.

Natasha reassured her. "It's ok. He's in full control of himself. You can even come play with them if you want, they're not infectious if that's what you're worried about."

That's all the kids needed to hear before two more kids were climbing all over me. Clint laughed and I snorted causing him to fall over laughing when Xander bit my ear and hung from it.

Natasha's lips quirked and she took a few pictures for the memory. I leaned over and nipped her ass causing her to jump when she turned to talk to Laura, who caught that on camera. I told Natasha to change as well and join us. I had her offer the Clint family rides across the horse fields for an evening out.

When she relayed my message, I assured them the kids wouldn't fall by standing up and flipping Xander off my ear he fans funny to chew on, onto my head. Cooper and Lila were already on my back ready to ride. Natasha shifted into a smaller wolf by a large margin. She'd carry Laura and Nathaniel, their newest baby.

Once Clint was sure it was safe, I knelt down so he could get on. He held onto Lila while Xander sat on my head and wagged his tail. Cooper was nearer to the center of my back. I put a magical barrier around them and attached it to my fur. They couldn't fall off even if they wanted to now. They'd only feel a small bit of wind and no turbulence as I ran either.

Natasha followed my lead with the spells and we were off. I chased her as she ran into the back forty. We circled the fields and scared away some birds while giving the horses heart attacks. When we were done with the case, I trotted beside her while we enjoyed the setting sun.

When night fell fully we headed back to the house where we let them off. Xander had fallen asleep and shifted back unconsciously. So I now had my naked son on my head. To top it all off just as Nat went to pick him up, he peed on me.

That brought laughter to them as Clint sprayed my head off with the hose. I shifted back after shaking water all over him. "That son of mine sure has aim to, he pissed in my ear."

He snorted while I washed my ear out and borrowed their shower. When I came down supper was ready. Clint was cooking on the grill and fresh meat was my favorite. I took rare steak while he asked. "So how'd you get that big anyway?"

I smiled. "I ate a big wolf and acquired its traits."

He frowned. "Seriously?"

I nodded. "Ever heard of the wolf Fenrir?"

He thought for a minute before saying. "Vaguely, isn't he part god or something?"

I chuckled. "Yeah, as much a god as Thor. No, he was basically an alien wolf. He was that big. Once I ate him I grew and took his size."

He nodded. "Isn't that like cannibalism?"

I shrugged. "He was an alien wolf. I highly doubt we shared common ancestors or even remotely the same DNA type. Anyway, long story short I had a meal and grew four feet taller and a lot wider and longer."

I ate the steak in moments and pulled out a rack of ribs, tossing it on the grill and dousing it in barbecue sauce. Clint smiled. "I'd forgotten you could do that. Any chance you'd make me a ring like that?"

I smirked. "Aww Hawkeye, are you asking me to marry you?"

He made a messed up face and I chuckled. "Go get your bow and quiver."

He walked off and five minutes later he brought them out. I took them and put the bow on the quivers hook ring before saying. "Archer's might."

It shrunk down into a ring and I flicked it to Clint. "The passcode to bring it out is 'Deadshot'. If you're wearing it at the time the bow will form in your and while the quiver forms on your back. The space inside isn't nearly as big as my own but you could fit an island inside easily. Though it takes up the same space as your arrows so be frugal."

He grinned. "Can I go inside like you can?"

I shook my head. "Not a chance sorry. It takes a lot more resources to put a breathable atmosphere inside one of these things. While I could do it given enough time, it would cost nearly as much as Stark's company. I like you Clint, but I don't like you that much."

He snorted in amusement. "How much did yours cost. I've seen the world of gold so be honest."

I rubbed my ring thinking of the blood rituals and the magic's involved in making it before replying. "Too much my friend, too much."

Truth be told making one now would be instantaneous but I settled for all tech to make his so it's fair. After dinner I pulled out the newest Star Wars and showed it to them. It was fresh from the studio and the director's cut at that. It wouldn't be playing in theaters for another two weeks.

We all sat down in the living room to watch it. It was big enough so I shifted and lay down so the kids could use my fur as a couch. They settled down by the time the room went dark. Natasha leaned against me while holding Xander so I laid my head next to her and watched the movie.

When it was over Clint turned on the light to see three kids and a grown woman sleeping on me. He smirked and started getting the kids to bed slowly. Once he was done I shifted carefully and carried Nat and Xander to the stealth jet.

Once they were comfortably strapped in I said my goodbyes and thanked him for the fun evening and use of his shower. I had red queen fly us to the island. When we got there I carried them to bed before turning in myself.

The next morning I was watching the news as the fantastic four fought Dr.Doom in the middle of the streets. I'd avoided them and their drama because they simply weren't any use to me. Their company was a money pit and while the cloth Richard made was useful, my nanite armor was simply better in every way.

They may be geniuses and have abilities, but so did half the beings out there I've met so far. The dimensional teleporter would be useful if I didn't already have the ability to do so. As for their powers, I'd already sent a clone to get blood samples from each of them.

As for the invisible woman, I had plenty of beautiful women on my arms and needed no more. My wives were enough for me and I was beginning to wonder if I was enough for them. Sex is one thing but the personal closeness I'd picked up on from Natasha was making me realize my clones were lifeless in their own way.

They lacked a certain warmth that those of our level could feel. Natasha was picking up on it unconsciously, I had to wonder how the rest felt about it. I'd already decided to call them all home and discuss it with them today. I made a large breakfast, even more than we usually ate while making the telepathic call.

They started showing up just as Natasha was sitting down at the table with Xander. Portals appeared all over was nine women and a wolf appeared. I made the table and room grow as I set all the food down. Natasha asked. "What brought this on?"

I sat down and sighed while the others made their chairs and plates appear. "I've come to realize that I've been completely unfair to each of you. I know that you can tell the difference between my clones and my real body. That much is obvious enough that Xander pointed it out to me."

They went quiet and looked at me with worry at where I might head with it. I rubbed my temples and spoke. "So it's time we dealt with it like a family. I want your honest opinions on how to solve this."

Everyone began at once and while there were several 'it doesn't matters' I kept my attention on their real feelings as they beat off of them like a super nova. Xander was watching with wife eyes like he'd never seen so many people before.

After a while we settled on them coming to me when the feeling gets to be to much. I promised the next reality we'd go to would be one we would stay in for a very long time and even raise the other babes in once they were born.

I'd let the others out of the ring worlds to live their own lives there as well. I'd actually had to slow time inside their so the humans weren't dead before I was able to release them. For them it's been five years while it's been nearly seventy years outside for the girls.

I'd actually lost track of time in the supernatural universe because of my slumber after eating all the sea gods. A year passed by in a blink after that breakfast. I'd received several visits a week from the girls and mostly it was just holding them and talking about our days.

Sex and other things were far less intimate and important in comparison to just being there. During that time I also took the time to pull our family out of the ring worlds and set up a private island for them to relax on and breathe fresh air, so to speak.

Xander and the rest of my wives were introduced to Nik and everyone. Even Mikael came out of his sleep spell to see his grandson. Elijah commented on my form and I changed back. "Someone in this reality already wears this face so I made it easier to blend in. Besides, what's a face compared to the soul inside?"

I shifted back and held up Xander for the women to adore. Davina, Hailey, Rebekah and Caroline all oohed and ahhed over him and he got so embarrassed he shifted right then and there. That surprised even Mikael though he still took him from me and declared him a strong son.

I chuckled. "Careful there, you don't yet know how right you are. If he bites you he'll take a chunk easily enough. His body is stronger than mine was before I ascended to godhood."

That got them all worried but I waved it off. "Relax, he can control it mostly. It's only when he gets excited-" "aaaak" "-like that."

I took him while Mikael healed visibly from a chunk that was taken out of his arm. While he healed I offered him a cup of blood I'd prepared before bringing them out. He took it and gave it a sniff. I chuckled. "It's synthetic. One drop would have even the hungriest vampire sated. Well, except a ripper."

He tried it and after downing the cup to prove he could he smiled. "That's not half bad. Certainly better than some vampires I've fed off of."

I nodded and they each tried them while I got Xander to settle down. Hope took him saying. "Look at how cute he is. I want one as well."

The temperature dropped as I burst out laughing from Nik's face and Landon's obvious cowering. "Perhaps some day when Landon is less afraid of your father then he is of you."

They all broke out laughing and even Klaus had a rare grin on his face now. That day passed like many others and they agreed to enjoy a few years of peace and fun in the sun on a private island until we left this world.

During that year of peace my clone sent Thor on a quest to retrieve Hulk from Sakaar as he would be needed soon. Odin had a prophetic vision from yours truly that Thanos was coming and what he wanted to do. Through him, Thor was sent to retrieve the Valkyrie and Hulk with whatever force he deemed necessary.

Odin himself saw to reinforcing his army's and getting his people sent off world to one of the other peaceful realms. I made a pit stop at the library in Kamar-Taj one night and switched out the time stone. The only one I was missing was the soul stone and that could wait.

I don't like the fact that Gamora had to die, but I certainly wasn't going to sacrifice my son or wife to the damn thing. Even Natasha agreed it was a bad hand but she would never sacrifice Xander for a stupid rock. She joked that if it was just us she might think about it.

I rewarded her with a slap to the ass and ended up with claw marks on my back for my efforts. Worth it.

When it truly started Kali sent word she'd teleported everyone off Xandar and was headed to Niðavellir to revive the dwarves and heal some hands in return for stormbreaker and an adjustable glove for the stones.

Thor and hulk were on Asgard readying for battle with all the arena participants. We waited and watched as a different Ragnarok played out. When Thanos got the stone, my clone there snapped his fingers and drew from my power to teleport everyone safely off world. I personally gave a fleet of my ships to them as Asgard was destroyed.

Odin thanked me and asked me to act and destroy him. I sighed. "I will not act unless he succeeds in uniting the stones. Otherwise it is the job for mortals to fight mortals."

He got the just of it. "If he gains all six stones then-"

I nodded. "He'd be considered a god a fair play for me to wipe him out of existence. All the stones together are capable of ascending someone strong enough to wield them into true godhood. But only just. Possessing them is enough."

He nodded. "Then it is a waiting game."

I nodded. "So it is."

I left them with instructions on how to use everything and told them of the world terraformer that could make a planet into their own perfect world. The synthesizers could make anything they programmed into them with enough materials as well.

I pointed them towards a nearby planet they could use and left them to it.

Next chapter