
Fried chicken for breakfast?

"Buchou's virginity is min..." was the last few words the brown haired youth could mutter before he passed out after being hit by a door.

"Yay Daddy!" a small girl shouted.

"Shouldn't you have been more careful when kicking the door , master?" A blond-haired maid said.

"I wanted to hit someone with it but I didn't thought it would be Issei." a handsome black-haired male answered.

{Let's go back a minute into the past.}

Issei just ran through the door after punching a few guards away. But because he was only focusing on the situation in the ballroom where Riser is announcing the marriage between him and Rias , he didn't saw a group of people standing next to the entrance.

A black-haired teen with a blond/golden-haired girl next to him a small girl in his embrace and a butler and a maid standing right in front of them protecting them. Behind all of them was a orange-haired girl and a black-haired boy.

"So are you guys ready for the party?" asked the man who was called Deviel.

"Hai!" all of them shouted.

He used magic and repaired the door in front of them and kicked it down. But unlike Issei , the door flew straight through the room.

{Back to present}

"Mhmm whatever." he mumbled and turned around to the stage but now everyone has their eyes fixed on the newcomers.

"Who are you to disturb Riser's marriage." Riser shouted.

"You forgot it already? You must be quite stupid , fried chicken." Deviel laughed.

This time Angela got in before it would take too much time:

"10 Days are over Riser. We will have our Rating game now or we will just kill you here on the spot."

The bright smile after her speech would make everyone feel blessed but her words were harsh and they made everyone shiver from her coldness in her voice.

"Indeed , Riser did allow you to have a Rating match. But Riser..." before he could finish speaking the butler covered his mouth.

"Sirzech , you have everything prepared. If I win Rias marriage will be broken off and if he wins *which he never will* he will get Angela." Deviel said looking to one of the current maous.

"Of course. Grayfia , if you would."

"We will have a Rating Game between Riser's peerage and the House of Origin. I will be the judge and watch over the fight."

She said before everyone was teleported to the arena.

{With Sirzech}

"Sirzech , might I ask what is going on." The current head of the Phenex Family asked.

"When Riser visited the human world , he provoked him and then challenged him to a Rating Game. He and his wife visited me in the underworld the same day and said I should prepare everything."

"He's quite interesting don't you think so , Sirzech?" Ajuka Beelzebub said.

"I can't feel his power level which should be nearly impossible." Serafall told them unlike her usual cheerful self.

"Of course! Daddy is strong!"

""""Who are you?!""""

{Back to the Arena}

"Fast or painful way?" Deviel asked while grinning.

He was sitting with his peerage in the ORC room while he sat on Rias seat having his feet on the table. He didn't wait for an answer because he saw the smiles in their faces.

"Ok let's make it easy. Everyone beside me and Angela go and defeat them beside Riser himself. Also don't retire. Even if you finish just go back to this room and group up. It will bring him more shame before his death."

Everyone moved out beside the two and went their way searching for the peerage of this devil.

The first one to encounter was Kazuto and Asuna. They met Riser's knights and finished the fight before the enemies could comprehend on what was happening. It happened so fast that everyone was quite surprised. One simple slash from the two made them retire. What was even more surprising was the perfect parallel teamwork they achieved.

Riser's bishops imeadietly started casting spells. But the next second they were hit by the hilt of the swords and passed out.

This mere action took only a few seconds and four of the enemies peerage were knocked out.

"Two knights and two bishops of Riser's peerage have retired." Grayfia's voice was heard in the arena.

"So we finished. Let's go back to the clubroom." Asuna said happily and clung on Kazuto's arm.

"Yeah. Hikari and Rex should be able to finish this quite fast." he answered and patted her head.

While the duo enjoyed their time together , Rex and Hikari encountered two pawns and two rooks.

"Riser said , we should finish it quick." one of the rook said and charged towards Rex.

Rex chuckled and disseapered only to reappear infront of her and slap her in to the next tree. But not stopping there she flew through half of the forest.

The rest of them were shocked and wanted to attack him , but they all passed out after a fast chop from Hikari.

"Two pawns and two rooks of Riser's peerage have retired." Grayfia announced.

Hikari and Rex wanted to start the search again but instincly jumped up and dodged an explosion were they just stood.

"You two are quite fast. But don't underrestimate us." A voice came from the forest.

Out of the forest stepped the rest of his peerage. The voice from just now came from the queen who's smirking. They all advanced towards Rex who was the nearest and started to attack.

"Oh good. Now we don't have to search you!" he shouted like a madman and started throwing several punches knocking them all back on the ground.

Hikari flew high up in the sky and stretched her arms out and a magic circle appeared infront of her.

"You know. Becoming a rook doesn't mean you must only use physical attacks. I always specialized in magic but the rook piece gave me the chance to use martial arts. But I'll show you the differenz between us."

The Magic circles became bigger and bigger until it reached the size of a house.

"Heavenly Tribulation!" she shouted out.

The dark sky opened and light was seen. A single thunderbolt came down. But for most of the people it was the scariest thing in their life.

A Heavenly Tribulation.

It appears when something defies Heaven's order , The World Order. It was there to stop them and ompletely annhilating them. Only few were able to live from it. And they became gods or reached the stage of god.

But in this world , you wouldn't speak of Heaven making the Tribulation. The Tribulation would come from the Administrator of Akashic Records.

The moment they were hit they all retired.

"One queen and six pawns of Riser's peerage retired" Grayfia said. But her vocie was clearly trembeling.

"Mhmm finished. Let us go back and let the master and the mistress finish this game." Rex voice was heard from the pit were smoke was coming up.

Everyone was even more shocked. Just now they saw somebody creating a Heavenly Tribulation. It might be not as strong as the real one but it's power was still terrifiring. But now someone was clearly hit which you could on his burning clothes , and survived in clearly without any problems.

But a group of people. The four maous. The highest postions in the new satan faction saw something which noone paid attention to. Rex's eyes were visible for a small second before they were normal. This was no humans eyes but one of a reptil. They could imagine lot of thigns but didn't knew exactly what he is.

"So they finished, already?" A dark voice was heard everywhere. " Let us go my Queen and finish this chicken. I eat fried chicken for breakfast."

"What was that for?" a fent laugh was heard.

"Thought it might sound great."

This casual conversation was something noone expected. Riser became even more furious.

"Where are you!"

"Behind you"

Riser turned around only to slapped to the wall. He tried to stood up but his whole body was frozen. Even the flame in his hands was frozen. He tried his best to free himself.

"You will never be able to free yourself from this." Deviel told him. "Let me tell you a bit about the phoenix. A phoenix a majestic being which will always return and stand up. It symbolizes how a true king should be. He should stand on top with pride but not a single traze of arrogenz. He should be kind enough to protect but harsh to his enemies. He should have the power to shelter the weak under his wings. And at the end of his life. Even if he is already in death's grasp he should stand up and rise up to the skies to bring hope to his people. But you , you are nothing from this."

Deviel's voice was cold and filled with pure killing intent.

"That's why I , Deviel Light , head of the Origin house "

"And I , Angela Darkness , second-in-head of the Origin house"

"have decided to execute you , if you would , honey."

Angela put her hands together and a bright light appeared.

"Purify" a single word was muttered but everyone felt restless.

They wanted to stop her but the next second Riser started to scream. It lasted half a minute and then his body dissapeared.

Purify. A holy magic there to purify someone of their sins. It can be used to hurt but also to heal. The last one able to wield this magic was the biblical god.

"Riser has retired. The hous of Origin has won the Rating match." Grayfia announced.

They all were teleported back after announcement and the Riser's father charged to him and wanted to grab Deviel. But before he could reach him he was planted into the ground by Rex.

"I excuse myself for causing the inconvenience." was the last words he said to the hall after walking through a portal.

"He's is truly terrifying." Asuka said.

"We should try to establish friendly connections or he would kill all of us the next time a war would happen." Sirzech agreed.

He new he was quite powerful but that was not something he expected.

And he girl who stood next to him and watched the Rating Game with bright eyes also disappeared.

"Truly terrifying.." he whispered.

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Hello author here.

I wanted to say sorry because of last week and what I am about to say.

I would push the scedule of the release to every second week instead of one week.


School. Everyone should udnerstand. Writing this cost me quite some time on weekends and my grades got worse than what I wanted.

So yeah : Sorry! (Dogeza)

Hope you still will keep reading and have fun!

Next chapter