
Body of Son Goku?

Planet Earth;


February 2, 2019;

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The sky was dark and full of stars, the moon was shining brightly. The fireflies shone in the City Park, and there were many mosquitoes biting humans;

In the city park was Hades, an 18-year-old who was the mix of an American and a Brazilian. Her black hair and eyes were a fine contrast to her white skin.

"This life is very boring, nothing exciting is happening, it's the same thing every day, waking up, studying, watching anime and going to sleep, it's like a boring and repetitive cycle," Hades complained, bored.

Hades then looked at the stars with a solitary expression that soon changed to surprise when he saw a shooting star, he then closed his eyes.

"I wanted to be Goku ..." Hades whispered expectantly.

Hades then felt a very heavy sleeper and continued with his eyes closed ...





At this moment in the universe, an event that happened every few million years was happening, it was the alignment of Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The stars shone brighter then, while in the endless universe a voice seemed to spread;

"I wanted to be Goku ..." A voice echoed in the infinite space;

Hearing this voice, the stars seemed to shine brighter, and then a lightning bolt that connected all the stars went toward the Earth, in the exact place where Hades was asleep.




Universe 7;

Planet Earth.

"Piccolo, go soon ... Hurry," Goku shouted, immobilizing Raditz behind his back.

"Release me Kakarotto, if you keep holding me, you'll regret doing that," Raditz said, trying to get rid of Goku's grip.

"Hehehe! So we're going to die together," Goku replied with a few laughs.

"What did you say ?! You're crazy," Raditz said angrily.

"Goku, I will not hesitate to do that, you too would have disappeared and that is perfect for me," Piccolo said, smiling.

"1,480 !!!" Raditz spoke, measuring Piccolo's power and looking shocked.

"Piccolo, go ahead," Goku shouted, trying to hold Raditz, using all his strength.

"AAaahhh !!! ... Makankosappo," shouted Piccolo, launching his strongest attack on Raditz and Goku.

Soon the attack of Piccolo arrived in the two Saiyajins and finished piercing the chest of Raditz and Goku, that had a smiling face.

"D-Damn, how could they have defeated me?" Raditz asked, blood dripping from his mouth.

"That's what you deserve," Piccolo replied, smiling.

"This damn Kakarrot, he also sacrificed his life to defeat me," Raditz said.

"What an idiot, Goku can come to life quickly," said Piccolo, smiling.

"What did you say?" Raditz asked, shocked.

"In this world, there are some very useful things called the dragon spheres, you can ask all kinds of wishes to it ... They can even revive the dead," said Piccolo, seriously.

"But I heard some very useful information, everything that happened, all this information was sent to my two brothers who are far from here," Raditz said.

"What ?!" Piccolo asked, surprised.

"They already know that I was defeated, and they will come in a short time, and not only you, but all the humans here ... disappeared from this world, and with the help of this thing, I will come back to life." Raditz spoke, smiling and looking at Goku who was moving.

"E-These warriors ... when will they come ashore?" Goku asked, with difficulty.

"In 1 year in just 1 year," Raditz replied, smiling.

"E-In just one year?" Piccolo asked, shocked.

"Hahaha! This time, your chance to win will be zero, you'd better take advantage of it before they arrive," Raditz said, smiling.

Piccolo then became angry with Raditz's arrogance and punched him in the chest, killing him once and for all.




Palace of Enma Daioh;

"Where am I?" Hades asked, opening his eyes.

"You're in the other world Goku, I'm taking you to meet Mr. Enma Daioh, and ask you a favor." The Kami-Sama replied with a serious expression.

"Goku?" "Mr. Enma Daioh?" Asked Hades, confused.

It was then that Hades felt tremendous pain in his head, along with this pain, came many memories that were not his ...

Hades saw himself in a boy's body while he was in a spaceship and was saying goodbye to a man and a woman ... Hades recognized these two as Bardock and Gine.

He also remembered all his training with Master Kame and Krillin. his first encounter with Bulma, his encounter with Yamcha, his fight against the Red Ribbon, all the tournament he has already faced and thousands of other memories. This included the experience of Goku's Battle and it blows.

Even though he saw it as Goku himself, he had some tears in the corners of his eyes, he remembered his childhood, when his father was still alive and he watched this wonderful Anime with him.

"Hmm, what was Goku?" Kami-Sama asked, confused.

"Nothing ... let's go then." Hades said, smiling. At that moment he did not know if it was Goku or Hades, he only knew that he was a totally new warrior, having the talent and power of Son Goku plus the future knowledge of Hades. He would crush all his enemies.

The Kami-Sama and Hades then walked for a few minutes and came in front of Lord Enma Daioh, a very large red being in a purple suit and two huge horns on his head.

"Mr. Enma Daioh, I brought him to let you train with his physical body, please Mr. Enma Daioh, I'm asking you to let him in to see Mr. Kaioh," Kami-Sama spoke with a serious expression.

"Hmm, so this is Goku, he has already made us several magnificent contributions, and putting at risk the lives that go to paradise, wants him to go through the serpent's path so he can see Lord Kaioh?" Asked Enma Daioh, looking at the book of death.

"Please, Mr. Enma Daioh." He begged Kami-Sama.

"Okay, if you want to continue living you can go to the place where Lord Kaioh is, I'll call you a Guide to take you, so you can wait for it!" Enma Daioh said seriously.

"Thank you, Lord," Kami-Sama spoke, bowing with a happy expression.

While the two of them were talking, Hades had a calm expression as he listened to their conversation, after all, he already knew where that would end.

Hades then bowed and walked out of the palace with a smiling face.

"Wait, I know I will not be responsible if you fall in the way of the serpent," Enma Daioh said seriously.

"Right ..." Hades replied, smiling.




Path of the Serpent;

Hades was over the Serpent's head, staring at the path with a nostalgic expression.

"Heh, looks great this way ..." commented Hades, smiling.

"Follow the path and you will get to Mr. Kaioh without problems." The Guide spoke with a neutral expression.

"Right, I'll do it," said Hades, determined.

"Ah, and try not to fall from the clouds, I say this because the below is hell and you can not go back." The Guide spoke, neutral, then he turned and would leave when Hades called him.

"Hey, do you know Grandma Uranai?" Hades asked calmly.

"Yes, sometimes he comes to visit us," the Guide replied.

"That's great, if you see her, ask her to give a message to Master Kame and ask her not to revive me for another year, please," Hades asked calmly.

"Understood, gentleman," replied the Guide.

The Guide then took out a small notebook and wrote down the note from Hades.

'I will not make the same mistake as Goku ... I will not fall from the snake. Hades thought seriously.

He then began to levitate and flew to the serpent's path with a serious expression ... while the Guide had a strange expression.

"That's cheating," the Guide said.

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