
Taking the first higher quest

Chapter 1


I didn't know that there's another one,so the

three Spearmen Ogre in my front is just to

keep me occupied, meanwhile the Ogre axe

sneak up behind me and slice my back.

What a clever plan,that's why it's in E rank

subjugation, according to the report some

adventurers died in this request, Ogres are

really an intelligent creature but I'm

different from the other adventurers

*Cough, Cough, Huff*

Blood?.....I'm coughing up blood?....that

means my back is in a bad condition, I need

to treat my wound fast or else I'll die sooner

or later

"I don't want to always rely on my spirit

power, so I take this request to increase my

experience in combat and swordsmanship,

but forget it....I'll die if I don't use it, right?


As the four Ogre swing their weapon at me

a black shadow suddenly come out of my

feet and body, circling me and repelling all

the attack of the Ogres.

He has a black hood covering himself,

inside that hood is a skeleton with no lower

half, he is floating in mid air like a wind,

holding in his right hand is a big shadow

scythe. This is my spirit the Shadow of Time

*Cough, Cough, Huff*

[Didn't I told you to take smaller request of

F rank or lower subjugation....maybe take

out some hostile animals to increase your

combat and swordsmanship experience, or

take out some mischievous little goblins,

instead of this cunning creature]

Saying those words while repelling all of

those attack, it's like the Ogres is just a

mere ant to him

"*Cough, Cough, Huff*, I'm dying here you

know, save your lecture later so help me out

first....p- please"

Saying those words as I begged for his help he suddenly point his finger at the four Ogres, a shadow appear beneath the Ogres feet, are those hands of...shadow?....it's stopping the Ogres movements, floating towards me and he checked my back then he let out a sigh

[The cut is deep and you're dying fast, even

if you go to a person who have green

spirit....you won't make in time]


[Now's the time for you to learn and how to

use me properly, because you're the only

the one who have a contract with a shadow

spirit like me, I'll explain while you use me

as a gear]

"What?!....you can do that?!"

*Cough, Cough, Huff*

He immediately turned into a shadow

enveloping me while turning himself as a

gear and his shadow scythe adjust to the

size of my hand in a way I can use it easily

"What kind of gear is this?!"....It's just like

you turn yourself into a normal dark hood-

Cough, Cough, Huff"

I'm already down on my knees, I need to

somehow treat this wound fast. DARK

already turn himself into a gear, that mean

he has a plan to treat this wound, all I can

do is wait for his instructions on how to

treat my wound

[Don't complain, you should be happy that I'm your spirit.... anyway this is a spirit gear, spirit who turn themselves into like this, is called spirit gear. There are few who spirit who can do that, that includes me so if a spirit can turned themselves into a gear is rarely seen]

From the tone of his voice, I know he's telling me to "don't use me as a gear where there are people nearby or can see us" like that.

[All of me that turned into a gear is a shadow including my scythe, so it will

automatically adjust accordingly to your

size, so you don't have to worry about that]

[First kill one of the Ogres so you can heal yourself...if you do not want to die. I'll slowly stop the bleeding on your back for now, remember I can't permanently stop the bleeding on your back so you need to kill one or two of the ogres to stop the bleeding and heal yourself]

"Hahh...g-got it"

My head and my back burns, my back is in such pain. I can't walk properly but thanks to the scythe as a stand, I can walk to the ogre that is close to me. Haha....DARK is gonna be angry that I use his scythe like this, also thanks to him trying to stop the bleeding....I'm not on the ground yet. I'm in front of the ogre...should I stab him or just sliced it in half?... I don't how to use a scythe...

*Cough, Cough, Huff*

I'm coughing lots of blood now....and my whole body is exhausted... Why I feel so exhausted?... is this the effect of being sliced up? or who's dying because of blood loss?...

Also this is my first time getting my hands on a scythe, I don't how to use this properly...I should just ask DARK first...how to use a scythe...

"D-DARK how do you use a scythe properly? th-this is my first time using a scythe or should I say....this is my first time getting my hands on a scythe.... S-So do you know how to use it?

*Cough, Cough, Huff*

[I know that you don't how to wield a scythe, because we've been together for 1 years... also don't worry about it. First things first just sliced the spear Ogre in front of you, that should be easy right?]


[Don't worry my scythe is very sharp]

He's really proud of his scythe, anyway I'll slice this Ogre in front of me so I can heal myself. Here goes nothing...


When I sliced the spear Ogre from it's right shoulder to it's left waist, blood splatter everywhere... some of the blood got on my face and gear, the scythe is really sharp...

[This is real life Jade... it's be killed or kill, blood doesn't have an impact on you right? and this won't stop you from getting your goal right?... then kill the other Ogres, if you want to heal your back]

DARK is right, this blood won't stop me from getting my goal...also this is my first time killing a creature that behave like a human.

Honestly I feel nothing, when I killed the spear Ogre... I kinda feel happy when I killed it.

Maybe because the Ogres are trying to kill me... the reason that I want to live, didn't give me feel sad about killing it. After killing the spear Ogre I feel my back itchy and somehow i feel a soothing warm on my back... also the pain in my back, it's not painful like before as it was

"DARK... my back feels warm after I sliced the spear Ogre and it's not painful like before... is this what you mean by healing myself?.... also what's with the scythe?....the scythe kinda grow bigger for a second then go back according to my accustomed size"

[When you sliced the spear Ogre, you took it's life force to heal yourself. This is the effect of my scythe and the gear, the scythe did not grow bigger and go back your normal size]


[It vibrated when you killed the spear Ogre, that means when you killed the spear Ogre, the life force goes into the scythe. That's why it vibrated and go back your accustomed size]

That means I'm not gonna die, if I kill the other Ogres and heal myself with the help of this scythe

[The gears effect is to pass or transfer the life force to you from the scythe, it is why you healed yourself just now. Although you're not completely heal, it's enough to slow the bleeding]

It's the effect of the gear also, not just the scythe, the gears effect is to transfer the life force that's in the scythe then heal myself. I have lot of questions out of curiosity that I want to ask DARK

"DARK, what's gonna happen to the life force that's in the scythe, if I'm completely heal?"

[It'll be gone eventually, but my scythe and me as the gear, will automatically not take a life force if you're completely heal]

"Then what will hap-

I was gonna ask a question, then he immediately cut off my question, by saying loudly of his voice. I think he's annoyed by it...

[That's enough of questions! we have matters here in front of you, so you'll have to wait for your question to be answered later]

Yep... he's annoyed by the questions I ask him, maybe because I'm dying here and there are still 3 Ogres, or he might have another reason

"So what now.... DARK?"

Crap, I ask him a question again.... hearing what I just said, he sigh heavily. He's angry now...

[You're still bleeding of course!, so you have to kill the other Ogres first!, if you don't want to die!, kill them to heal yourself!!]

"Alright, alright you don't have to be so angry now"

As I tried to brush his anger with a smile, the Ogres started shouting...

[Kill the Ogres fast Jade, they're calling for help from other Ogres]

After killing the spear Ogre, the wound is slowly bleeding, I think I can run slowly. The scythe is very sharp and the shadow of hands is restraining the Ogres movements, I can kill them easily without trouble

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