
The hunt part 3

As the others crossed the barbed fence, the sound of a cut was heard in the air. An arrow fell to the ground, another on the spiked wooden fence.


"What the hell was that?"

Staten, seeing the arrows, pounced on the man in the cap. "Soften quickly"

The tattooed boy and the orange-haired woman started running when they saw the arrows.

"Shit, they're fucking arrows."

Han Soo-go and Trucker moved to the left side, holding their weapons and taking aim. "Keep going up. No, go up," Staten said as he looked at the doubts of the man in the cap.

The lord in the cap was furious when he yelled. "To hell with this avatar shit"

The man started running into the woods pointing his gun at him. "Pang! Pang! Pang!"

"Well ... he's dead"

"We have to go," Staten yelled.


"Aren't we going to help?" Trucker asked with a complicated face.

Han Soo-go looked at Trucker as he shook his head, pointed at the others and said "I want you to follow them, they must not see you."

"I'll stay and kill those bastards, I need you to find a suitable place to rest"

Trucker looked at Han Soo-go and said as he shook his head. "We must not separate, in the movies they always die after separating"

"Okay then" Han Soo-go said with a slight smile.

"By the way, do you have personality disorders? ..." asked Trucker.

Han Soo-go looked at him thoughtfully as he shook his head. "No, I act strange when I'm nervous"

"That explains why you act in different ways since I saw you, by the way my name is Trucker"

"My name is Han Soo-go, but my local nickname is Soong"

After a while, the shooting stopped, when Han Soo-go waited a bit longer, he couldn't see anyone.

"Booom!" The sound of a grenade was heard in the distance.

"Those bastards are crazy, we have to move" suggested Han Soo-go, as he was leaving with Trucker, in the direction that Staten and the others left.

On the way, Trucker looked at Han Soo-go's back with a complicated face. "Are you a soldier?" Trucker asked.

"Why do you ask?"

"I don't see how killing those two people would affect you."

"I worked for a private company for 1 year, I went to the army and then I was a policeman. Currently I am unemployed" Han Soo-go lied as he expressed his false story.

Han Soo-go looked closely at Trucker as he said. "Are you suspicious of me?"

"No, no, no ... Well, a little," Trucker replied.

"Well, that doesn't matter. It's good to distrust everyone, to get out of this little hell alive" Han Soo-go said with a smile.

"How many people are still alive?" Trucker asked.

"I counted 12 people including myself, apparently only three have died"

"Constant all the people?"

"I did" Han Soo-go nodded.

"From what you saw, it was very silly to run and separate, apparently we are more than hunters. And they are novices using weapons, an expert would not miss a target 600 meters away"

"The best way is to gather all the kidnapped and hunt down those sons of bitches" said Trucker.

"That wouldn't be possible either ..." Han Soo-go negotiated her head.

"Most of the people here are ordinary, scared and upset."

"There are chances that more people have died"

After Han Soo-go said that, Trucker fell silent.

If he suggested getting together and staying in a group, there would be no possibility of trusting everyone.

Even if your own brother was trapped in this place, there would be mistrust.

'Will my warning work on those people? No, they probably didn't even hear my words' Han Soo-go smiled at the thoughts of him.

"They must have walked into that store, right?" Trucker asked as he pointed to the store in the distance.


Han Soo-go nodded, in the movie when Staten and the others entered the store, the orange haired female started getting a respiratory attack. I still don't understand if the products were poisoned or the girl was allergic to what she ate.

"You see that truck over there, I want you to hide from behind. Wait for me, I'll go in alone. If I don't come out in 5 minutes, I want you to go in and kill everyone in there."

After Han Soo-go said that, he handed her the sniper rifle and walked slowly towards the store.

"Maybe it's a trap," Trucker muttered as he ran to the truck.

He repeated everything Han Soo-go said in his mind while he hid.

Han Soo-go walked slowly towards the store, in such a way that they were aware of her presence even before they reached the door.

When Han Soo-go reached the door, a faint smell of toxic substances in the air along with a slight hue of blood entered his nostrils.


'So they died in the end' Han Soo-go lamented a little.

"Is the elder shop open?" Han Soo-go asked as he looked at the glass door.

"Eh? Yeah ... It's open, go ahead."

When Han Soo-go heard the approving reply, he smiled and entered the store. Inside the ground he was slightly stained with blood, he immediately drew his two pistols from his belt.

"This is an assault bitches, hands in the dough ..." Han Soo-go yelled.

"No, hands up" he corrected.

The old couple looked at Han Soo-go with doubts in their head. 'Is this the correct script? I shouldn't arrive upset and ask where the phone is ... 'Uncomprehending, the old man named Pop answered quickly.

"Uh ... There's $ 200 in the cash register. Please don't kill us," Pop muttered in a shaky voice.

"He has a phone"

After Han Soo-go said that, Pop fell silent.

The reason was simple.

He knew that Han Soo-go was playing with them, in the records he did not say anything about any mental illness so he was very puzzled by the misplaced attitude.

The old woman, still not understanding the situation, took the phone and threw it lightly over the wooden bar.

Han Soo-go took it and dialed a random number.

"Hello? Yes, it's me" Han Soo-go said with a serious face.

"You're telling me, we're being hunted, it can't be ... It should be a dream, a fucking dream" Han Soo-go yelled.

Han Soo-go on the outside looked like a fool, but the real purpose outside of his actions was to torture them.

Even Han Soo-go himself couldn't fully understand his behavior right now, he just enjoyed it in a certain way.

Just when Pop couldn't take it anymore and was about to shoot Han Soo-go, the sound of a bullet was heard.


Light smoke billowing out of Han Soo-go's gun barrel, Pop was frozen. He turned slightly to the left of him when suddenly he saw his wife lying on the ground bathed in her own blood.

"I apologize for the loss" Han Soo-go muttered with a cold look.

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