
The Beginning

Ryan moved schools in 2nd grade. He wasn't happy at all because he just lost all of his friends. So when Ryan moved he had no friends. He knew no one. He tried getting along with other kids but they didn't like him. He was sad and didn't want to go to school but he did anyway and had good grades that he ended up skipping a grade. So now Ryan is in 4th grade he was so cool because he skipped a grade. However he only ended up keeping a friend named Emily. Ryan met Emily one day in class. They had to be partners and they got along very well. They became best friends. Emily really enjoyed hanging out with Ryan. So they made a promise. The promise was, " No matter where we are and no matter the struggles we will get through it together." Ever since then they have been close friends. They lived beside each other so even when high school was over they were still very close. They were so close that they told each other almost every things..

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