
Chapter 1

*Nervous, her palms sweaty she went inside the big school. the big school. For a 7-year-old Sarah was quite smart, pampered in her previous school and spoilt, her mother had changed her school to avoid the outcome she could see in young Sarah.*

" Hey, there!!" cried a somewhat familiar voice. "Aren't you that girl who played the role of the water goddess in the play at the annual function! and... and, the girl who spoke THE ending quote!!"

I whipped around to find a boy, who seemed to be quite familiar but whose name I wasn't able to recall.

"Yeah..well I see you too have made it to this school huh? I heard its prestigious," I replied.

He grinned," well yeah...got to go..see you around then, and by the way, I'm Kevin, Sarah."

I gave a curt nod not at all surprised at the fact that he knew my name. Everyone knew me back in my old school.

As soon as I entered, I spotted Rachel who came to my judo classes. A small smile lit up my face.

"Rachel!" I cried.

Rachel turned around "Oh hey! Sarah! You are here!!" she replied excitedly, "Meet my best friends Annie and Mary!"

I was disappointed. Nonetheless, I smiled at them " Hey, I am Sarah " I said shyly. Both Annie and Mary looked at me and said "hi" as if forced to do so.

I felt bad.

No one ever treated me like this.

I felt so lonely, no one seemed to notice me or extend a hand of friendship. It had been so much better at my previous school, I missed Nanie my best friend. I sighed as I thought of her second best friend lei who would surely be there with her now to keep her happy.

And that was the moment I saw him.

A cute boy, sitting and talking to his friends. He had jet black messy hair and beautiful sea green eyes..it perfectly suited him.

Our teacher Mrs. Valentin entered the class.

" Good morning children!! please settle down we have few new students who have joined us this new academic year.

Meet Kyle, Annie, and Sarah", she said beckoning us to come towards her.

Uh, oh..we were going to stand in front of the class!! I was really scared. I hated big audiences! Especially those who are unknown to me..

But to my relief, no one even seemed to notice me. The next moment, to my delighted surprise I was allotted a seat next to the cute boy. I was so happy!!!

"Hey, my name is Jack, what's yours?" he asked.

I was numb with shock, Oh my gosh, did he just speak to me?

"he..hey...my..name is Sarah," I replied, stammering.

He smiled, "Nice to meet you, I think we are going to be good friends," he said and smirked.

Uh oh.

I knew boys like him were trouble.

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