In the vast and enchanting landscape of the continent, where sprawling forests, majestic mountains, and shimmering rivers coexist, magic weaves its way through the very fabric of everyday life. It is an intrinsic part of the world, deeply ingrained in the hearts and souls of the people who inhabit the land. Since time exists, magic has been both a source of wonder and a practical tool, shaping civilizations and fostering a delicate balance between the mundane and the extraordinary.

The empire of Astraseul stands as one of the beacons of magical prowess, surpassing any other realm in its deep understanding and utilization of arcane arts. The royal lineage of Astraseul, the ruler of the empire, boasts a heritage unlike any other, for within their veins courses the blood of a goddess. This divine essence imbues them with extraordinary magical abilities, setting them apart from the rest of the populace and endowing them with a sense of noble superiority.

Across the empire, from the bustling cities to the remote villages, the people honor and revere magic as a sacred gift, a bond that connects them to the very essence of the world. From skilled mages crafting intricate spells to the common folk utilizing simple charms in their daily routines, the power of mana courses through every individual, intertwining their lives with the limitless potential of the arcane. 

Yet, amid this tapestry of magic and wonder, there exists a child unlike any other—a solitary figure whose arrival defies the very essence of this enchanted world. Born into the continent of Fiorre, where magic is as natural as breath itself, this child bears a unique distinction among others: the absence of mana. As her tiny cries first echoed through the walls of a small house in the suburban area of the empire, near the borders of another powerful empire, the realization set in that this child, against all expectations, lacked the innate connection to the mystical forces that shape their society.

On the enchanting continent, where magic was an intrinsic part of life, the birth of a child without the spark of mana left her family awash with conflicting emotions. Uncertainty and worry gripped their hearts, but their love for the child grew even stronger in the face of this unexpected circumstance. Determined to ensure that their little one experienced a life filled with love and acceptance, her family chose to embrace her uniqueness and vowed to provide her with a normal upbringing.

With unwavering devotion, the family shielded the child from the prying eyes and whispers of the outside world, creating a safe haven where she could grow and thrive. They surrounded her with warmth, tenderness, and a sense of belonging, creating an environment that nurtured her spirit and allowed her to explore her own path, unrestricted by the conventions that bound others.

Although the child lacked the gift of magic, her family instilled within her a sense of wonder and appreciation for the beauty that surrounded them. They encouraged her to explore the wonders of nature, fostering a deep connection with the natural world and the creatures that inhabited it. They taught her the importance of compassion, empathy, and the power of a kind heart, understanding that true magic resided not only in the manipulation of mystical forces but also in the ability to touch the lives of others.

As the child blossomed into a young girl, her family ensured that she received a well-rounded education, exposing her to a wide range of subjects and disciplines. Her family believed that wisdom would be her greatest ally, equipping her with the tools to navigate a world where her unique circumstances set her apart.

In this nurturing environment, the child discovers her own strengths and talents. She possessed an innate curiosity that surpassed her lack of magical ability. Her creativity soared as she found something greater than magic, and it was her thirst for knowledge. 
