
Chapter 5: Kazuto's plan in action

In the Uchiha compound during the meeting.

Kazuto pov

Hehehehehe time to start the plan.

I start walking to Fugaku-Ojisan's house. I knock on the door, I hear a coming from inside the house. When the door opens I see Mikoto-Okasan.

Mikoto: "What are you doing here Kazuto-kun?"

Kazuto: "Hello Obasan I need to discuss something important with you and Ojisan."

Mikoto: "Hmmm, ok Kazuto-kun come in I'll go get Fugaku-kun ok?

I smile brightly.

Kazuto: "Thank you Obasan!"

She squeals "So cute."

Mikoto: "I wish I can have you as my son your always so happy."

I smile brighter.

Kazuto: "Thank you for the complement Obasan, but I think you should call Ojisan now."

I see her smile.

Mikoto: "Of course! Come in Kazuto-kun I'll get Fugaku-kun now."

I enter the house as I see Mikoto-Obasan go up stairs to get Fugaku-Ojisan. I go towards the dining table and sit in the chair as I wait for them. I see them come down the stairs the sit on the chairs that are near me.

Kazuto: "Hello Fugaku-Ojisan still as stoic as ever I see." I say while smiling brightly.

Fugaku: "Hello Kazuto-kun still as happy go lucky despite being part Uchiha."

Kazuto: "Ahhh yes despite being part Uchiha I have the Mangekyo Sharingan at this age."

Fugaku and Mikoto: "WHAT!"

Fugaku: "It's impossible to unlock the Mangekyo Sharingan at your age especially when your part Uchiha, show it to us as proof."

I start channeling chakra to my eyes. I see them gasp at my Mangekyo Sharingan. Mikoto starts crying.

Mikoto: "Oh my little Kazuto-kun what did you experience to get the Mangekyo Sharingan."

I smile.

Kazuto: "Don't worry Obasan I didn't experience any trauma at all instead I was trying to protect someone and I need more power then my 3 tomoe eye turned into the Mangekyo."

I see confusion on their faces.

Kazuro: "Ahhh you don't actually know the actual procedures to unlock the Mangekyo do you."

Fugaku: "Of course I do you have to lose your closest person infront of you and that deep trauma causes the Mangekyo to form."

Kazuto: "That's one way the other is just to experience a deep trauma or your will wants to protect someone so badly so you need power, that's the other way to activate it. You don't need to lose your closest person to do it."

They both looked shock.

I smile and then my face suddenly turn serious. I see them tense as they never seen me go serious in all my life before.

Kazuto: "Now onto the real business, Tsukoyomi."

I send them and myself into the illusion world.

Kazuto: "Welcome to my world Obasan and Ojisan on the outside only 1 second will pass while in here lasts for 72 hours."

They both tense.

Mikoto: "What's your purpose Kazuto-kun."

Kazuto: "The Uchiha are going to get wiped out by Danzo's ROOT."

Mikoto and Fugaku: "WHAT!"

Fugaku: "Then we need to warn the clans people."

Kazuto: "Oh and the Hokage agreed to the massacre not his fault though the council agreed to it so he had no choice, Oh and also Itachi is apart the extermination squad."

Mikoto and Fugaku: ....

Fugaku: "So it has come to this."

Kazuto: "Itachi doesn't want to do it but you forced his hand, Oh also he is going to ask the Hokage if he can spare Sasuke and I."

Mikoto: "So he still loves his little brother more then anything huh."

Fugaku: "I understand Sasuke as he always did love him but what about you why you?"

Kazuto: "Oh that's because I have a plan that can fake both you and my parents considering my mom is married to my dad so she will probably be part of the list to."

Fugaku: "And how good is your plan that it can trick everyone in the village, not to mention that the fact that you are 7 years old."

Kazuto: "Easy, you see I have these special containers I made that make your body go in hibernation and it takes a piece of your soul and blood to make a clone of you fooling everyone in the village that you and Obasan are dead from Itachi Uchiha. Infact it's so real not even your closest people will know the difference."

Fugaku and Mikoto looks at me wide eyed.

Mikoto: "And why are you doing this Kazuto-kun."

Kazuto: "Isn't it obvious it so that Itachi and Sasuke will still have their parents in the future plus you get to see your grandchildren, also the final and most important reason their my friends!"

Mikoto and Fugaku looks at me shocked. Mikoto gets down on her knees and starts crying.

Mikoto: "Thank you thank you, thank you so much Kazuto."

Fugaku looks at me then bows a little. I looks at him a bit shcoked.

Kazuto: "Wow the mighty Evil eyed Fugaku with a huge stick up his ass is bowing to me the worlds going to end!"

Mikoto looks at me shocked.

Mikoto: "Young man were did you learn that language from."

I started sweating realizing what I just said. I use a scapegoat.

Kazuto: "I heard Itachi say it once."

Fugaku: "Hmmm it seems when I wake up from the hibernation I'll have to show him some fatherly love."

I looked at Ojisan shocked again.

Kazuto: "So you agree?"

Mikoto: "Of course we agree we want to be able to meet our grandchildren."

Kazuto: "So it's decided once we get out I'll instantly put you into the capsules, GREAT!"

I deactivate the Tsukoyomi and my eye starts bleeding.

Mikoto: "Are you ok Kazuto!"

Kazuto: "I'm fine just the side effect of using the genjutsu, now then put a bit of your chakra into the capsules then you'll be sucked into it then the clones will appear."

Fugaku: "Are you sure the capsules can fit us it's pretty tiny."

Kazuto: "Goodness Ojisan have some trust in me will ya."

I see them pour a bit of there chakra into the capsules. The capsules sucks them into itself. Then the clones appeared. I ordered the clones to act like the normal Fugaku and Mikoto.

I Shunshin out of the house and go toward Izumi's house. When I meet her at her house I explained the same thing to Izumi and she immediately agreed asking me to take care of Itachi, I of course agreed. I then again went to my parents house and explained to them what's going to happen and they said to make sure to take care of myself and my friends I said ok, I see them get sucked into the capsule and the clones appeared I ordered them to act normal. I then go to my room and let a tear. Even if I was once a god I'm now human so of course I'll feel sad not having family for awhile.

Now I'll explain how the capsules work they are made of a special type of material that's able to suck up anything and store them. Of course I put my seals into the capsules to keep them alive and the same age except for Izumi and Shisui although they will still age slowly. Oh yeah forgot to mention my seal comprehension surpasses this world's limit, although the limit is only now seal level 12 there's still a huge different.

Hmm it seems that the massacre is about to start better get the popcorn and enjoy the show, let's get this party started!

for now the chapters are a bit short same with the next but t after ch 7 it'll be a bit longer don't wrry

thereallydepressedcreators' thoughts
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