1 //Part 1//

|Y/n's POV|

"Y/n!" I heard my Father's voice calling me downstairs.

"The carriage's already here. Hurry up!"

"Ok I'm coming!" I quickly grabbed my suitcase and lastly checked my room in case I forgot something before I close the door afterwards. I hurriedly ran downstairs to see my father tapping his foot impatiently.

"Finally you're here. Let's go!" He took my suitcase as we left our manor and went inside the carriage. I heard the horses neigh and footsteps departing for our destination. Propping my elbow I rested my chin to my palm while I looked outside the window to see our manor for the last time. For a few moments, I found myself boringly gazing at the ravishing green fields and mountains.

My father told me yesterday that we would have a vacation in my grandma's house and it's been a long time since the last time we visited her when I was still a kid. The ride will be long so I decided to shut my eyes since there's nothing to do much here. Later on, I found myself ina manor and a women sprawled on the floor with a heavy wood lying on here back. Hot tears begun to roll on my cheeks and teddy bear wrapped in my arm tightly.

"Just go Y/n! Don't worry about me I will follow right behind you. Just go!" Her eyes filled with desperation and worry.

"You promise?"

"I promise." Her lips curved a bit then a fire started engulfing her slowly. My eyes widen in shock as I tried to reach her but then she disappeared like a flick of fire. I joilted in my seat and rubbed my eyes feeling melancholic for a moment. The bustle noise of town reached my ears as I looked outside the window again watching the people trading goods and some wonderful shops as we pass by. I glance in front of me where my father was sitting and also sleeping with his mouth hanging open. Thanks to him, my mood is back and snickered at his hilarious state. The carriage halted to its track signaling that we're in my grandma's house already.

"Father wake up or else the houseflies will enter your mouth." I joked trying to stifle my laugh whilst shaking him stretching his arms when I saw an old lady in her 60's standing in front of the house carrying her sweet smile.

"Y/n? Is that really you? You've grown a fine lady!"

"It's been a long time grandma." We hugged each other until father joined us she hugged him too and patted his back. We went inside the host and father put our suitcases down when I sniffled a freshly baked cookies that I miss back in my younger days. Me and my father sat in the living room and then for a few minutes, grandma brought us the cookies and tea. It was so delicious that I can't stop myself munching and eaten almost half of it. I was gonna eat another one when grandma suddenly asked some questions.

"How are you Y/n? Don't you sometimes feel lonely at home?"

"Grandma I'm fine. I have my friends there to keep me company." I replied and took a sip to my tea.

"Ok I see if that's the case then you have a boyfriend too right?" The moment I heard the word 'boyfriend' I spitted my tea and cough so hard.

"Umm n-no I don't and not interested in having one." I said with a raspy voice.

"You sure? Or maybe it's because of your father being strict for not allowing you." She then sternly looked to my father.

"Mother, I'm not strict to my daughter in fact she chose not to although I sometimes keep an eye of her." He justified as he pit the tea down to his plate.

"Well if that's you want for now but I'm sure you will because it's not that bad to find someone who you will love and love you back." I contemplated to what she said though who cares I still want to enjoy my freedom as a single youth. After we finished the little snack we had grandma collected the plates and cups and went to the kitchen. It was a quite and boring in the living room so I thought I should go outside.

"Father, can I go to the town square?" I shifted in my seat and looked at him expectently.

"And why is that?" He glared at him like a hawk watching his prey.

" Nothing I just wanted to stroll and have some fresh air. Please?" I gave him a pout like a lost child as I clasped my hands together. His forehead crinkled and hesitated for a moment but nodded at the end.

"Fine but right after you put your clothes in the cabinet of your room.

"Thank Father." I gave him a quick peck on his cheek and subsquently went to the room where I will stay with the suitcase on my hand. When I have arrived in my room, I did what I was told although I left the blue dress on the bed because I decided to wear it before I go to the town square.
