
The One My Heart Seeks

"Why do I get a feeling that I have seen here somewhere before?" Xavier Carter is a guy who is having difficulty in living because of a complicated family problem. Receiving an inexplicably large amount of hate from his family that he does not even know why all he ever loved was one woman. The woman whom he had gotten the love he deserves. Little did he know, that after many years of not seeing each other, something bad has happened. Tragic news came his way and found out that the person he gets affection from is already gone. He continued living his life of misfortune, thinking that it is fine. But deep in his heart, he still seeks for the attention and affection that his mother gave him. Everything changed, when one day, he saw a vision of a woman. A woman that will change his view of life. A woman that he seeks.

ALLEY · Urban
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183 Chs

A Family Found In Prison

"I once had a family that I really care about. You can consider me as someone very proud that I have everything a man can ask for. Suddenly a tragedy happened that changed my life," Abe shared his story while the others are listening.

What kind of tragedy did this man encounter that he is sitting here talking with us inside a prison. Life can give you different obstacles to face that somehow you will question your faith. Sometimes other people can be pitiful to the point that every story he says feels sad.

"My family and I went on a vacation trip six years ago, and that was the first trip that my family had after a long time. What seems to be the first became the last trip that I had with my wife and children. We were involved in a car accident that slain the life of my family, and it ended my life for eternity," Abe added to his story.

"The moment that my family died on that car crash, it ended my life with just a glimpse of an eye. The family that I have taken care of and devoted my life, gone in just a snap of a finger," Abe added to the story he was telling.

"How does that even tell why you got imprisoned in here?" I responded and asked Abe.

"See, I was successful, but when my family was gone. It broke my heart that it tore every little thing that was keeping me alive. I wanted to die out of loneliness because of the incident that happened. I have fallen deeply into the abyss, wandering down the streets like a mad man. When suddenly I heard a gunshot from a nearby street, as I head towards the place, it was a gang war," He answered the question I asked.

This man really experienced tragedy in life, but somehow he reminds me of Xavier. They didn't encounter the same situations in life, but they have a different approach to their own problems, which reminded me of how Xavier faced everything head-on.

He continuously tells us his story while everyone was patiently listening to every part of the stories he states. After he finished, everyone shared the hardship they had to go through in their life outside. However, there is one thing that is in common in their stories.

While all of them were stuck in a broken state, someone suddenly approached them, offering help to make them rise again. And when they accepted the offer, somehow they were already being chased by the police. It turned out that the person who they thought will assist them in their life were turned into decoys for accusations.

Everyone who is here was imprisoned for various crimes for something that they didn't commit. However, because of the lack of evidence that would prove they were innocent at that time. They were given the verdict of being guilty left with nothing on their hands.

The person whom they thought would assist them only turned out to be a person who was involved in various crimes for a gang. And I think you already know who it is, but if you think back on the day where all of these poor men were wrongfully accused. It was still the reign of the so-called boss of the three big cities of Japan, Daku Mazuko.

It left me wondering that there is something uncertain about how they were all imprisoned. And all because of the same reason, and somehow my theory connected. What if that person who approached them was all part of Mazuko's gang. Then the crimes that were passed into them were all committed by the gang and himself.

However, if they needed something for their assurance. Someone should take the fall for everything they have done, and if that someone can easily be planted with enough evidence to prove their guilt. The person who will earn from this the most will be Mazuko himself.

Although, they still haven't realized that it was all planned from the start. Everyone didn't have any knowledge that the person whom they thought will help them was a part of Mazuko's gang. I still dont have any evidence to prove my theory, so it's best to let it remain hidden for now.

"How about you, Xavier? What happened to you? From the looks of you, I think you're about eighteen? What crime did you commit that you had to be imprisoned in here?" Abe suddenly asked me how did Xavier end up here.

How the hell would I even know what the full story of Xavier is. The only thing I know is that from the very beginning, he was mistreated by his family. And that's all the knowledge that I have about Xavier's life. However, I cannot change the topic and be forced to tell my story.

"Well, mine is very different from all of you, actually. But if I may, can I not answer your question because it is something very personal that I dont want to remember? I responded to his question.

'Xavier, you never told me what kind of life you lived back when I was still not around. All I wash is that if you're back, let's have a lot of small talks about you.'

'How will I be able to respond to their question without even having a small knowledge about you.'

Hopefully, everyone was very understanding of the situation I was in. And they didn't want to invade my privacy, so they stopped asking questions about Xavier's past. If only I had a story to tell them, and if only I had something I can claim as my identity. Maybe I would have answered them and be happy with them.

But how can I even dream of something like that? When it is clear that I'm just another personality made by another individual as a defense mechanism for his life. What right do I even have when I have failed to accomplish the one task that was the only use for my existence.

I cannot dare to dream of a life that belongs to me. However, if ever the world gave me the chance to have my own identity, then that would be the greatest gift I'll ever receive.

"The coast seems to be clear, Abe. We can all return to our cells," someone suddenly approached Abe.

"Everyone, you can now return to your cells. But always remember that when you are having a hard time dealing with those punks outside, the place is free," Abe announced, and then everyone started to leave one by one.

"Thank you again, Abe. For saving me this afternoon against those punks. If it weren't for you, who knows what would have happened to me," I thanked Abe then went back to my cell.

This just proved that what Xavier said about the justice system really is true. He had discovered the truth in a rather unpleasant way, and everyone who was inside that tiny place was all given an unfair judgment. Justice is only available for people with power and wealth.

Things have never been fair in this world because the strong will always step on the weak. Before I even enter the cell, a guard who seems to be friendly asked to see me. It seems that this gentleman is someone whom Xavier trusted and probably unharmful.

"Hey, kid. Meet me at that place before seven in the evening. I'll leave your cell open at that time, so be careful not to get caught by other inmates on your way there," He left hastily after leaving the message to me.

Its only five in the afternoon, so there is still a remaining two hours before seven. So I went outside for fresh air, waiting for the time to flow slowly. I cant even rest for even a short period because of Daku's men. Hiding from them from behind the bench and boxes, I just returned to my cell and took a nap before heading towards the place that the officer stated.

'Its still hasnt been long but I still hope that you'll be able to return to your body soon. But for the meantime, I'll always protect you as payment for being a failure that day.'

I thought that it was not possible for me to experience having nightmares, but while resting, I saw in my dreams that Xavier will soon turn into a monster. It's just a stupid dream, and I know that deep inside, Xavier. He still has that soft side of his, even after all the betrayals he experienced.

I can proudly say that he won't be like them who'll fall into the darkest abyss of their lives. But rather bring light to the people filled with darkness, because that is how Xavier learned to be tough on any situation that he faces. He will always be that guy, that regardless of what happened to him in the past.

He will always be the person that every person will ever love. Because he is Xavier Carter, the only toughest man I know.

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