
The One He Never Claimed

When Alex loves, she loves hard. So much so that she loses and depletes herself. She's madly in love with newly drafted football star Ezra, who loves her but won't tell that to the world. So she stays through the chaos because of "love", but soon the chaos becomes too much to bear and that has her going downhill. ------- NB: This book will take you on an emotional rollercoaster, maybe even have you really upset with the protagonist. But please be patient with her. She'll get it soon enough.

Daoist2PAcK2 · Urban
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


He is livid.

He's gone out for a smoke about six times already in the last hour, he only smokes when he's stressed. And that's usually only two times in one night.

I'm sitting next to Bruno and another guy named Sam and we're conversing about nothing important. I see him looking at me, but not so long that people start to notice.

Bruno is not even flirting with me. He's a good looking guy but I'll never see him like that. There's only one guy in this world for me. Bruno and I just have a friendship forming, he honestly has nothing to worry about.

'Are you ok? I'm sorry I can't stop it.' I'd texted him and of course he didn't reply. It's upsetting to me that he's always having conversations with random girls, most of which flirt with him - but I never get mad, because I know I'm the only one who owns his heart. But as soon as some guy comes and looks at me, all hell breaks loose.

I'm always going out of my way to make him feel comfortable and secure, but I'm pissed off because it's always one-sided.

I'm supposed to dress right, act right and be right while he does whatever it is he wants. So I finally decide to not let myself get worked up over his moods tonight. If he wants to talk about it he'll let me know. But until then, I'm chilling and enjoying myself.

I see Liz and the girls making their way to us as I mentally facepalm myself that I forgot about them. I've been sitting here with Bruno and them for about an hour and I know Liz is mad. I was supposed to text her as soon as I made it to the party.

"Hey Lizzie, what's good?" Someone greets her and I take the opportunity to stand up and go apologize before she bites my neck off.

However, I'm surprised when she practically runs to me to hug me and says, "You look really beautiful Alex!" with a smile that I happily return.

I can't explain enough how much Liz hates the way I dress. She doesn't quite know why but she knows I'm always purposely dressing down so I don't stand out. I'll wear the most beautiful dress in the world then put a cardigan on top of it, to her utter frustration.

So when she tells me that I look beautiful, I can't help the wide smile that forms on my face because I know that she means it.

"Thank you." I finally say to her after our warm embrace.

I then say hi to the other girls before we all have a seat right where the boys are seated. I see Olivia go straight to Ezra on the other side to have a seat next to him.

The girl has had a thing for Ezra pretty much since I've known her. Everyone knows because she doesn't make effort to hide it.

She always wants to be around him whenever he's there. I never worry about it because Ezra never gives her the time of day. He usually acts like she's not even there and he's dismissive with her. But today, he gives her the biggest smile I've ever seen him give her and even goes in for a hug. I ignore the tightness in my chest at that.

I know he's just trying to make me jealous but it hurts still.

The last thing I want though is people sensing that I'm not ok then ask questions, so I decide to turn my head the other way to say,

"What time did you guys get here?" To the other girls. The music is really loud so I shout for them to hear me. I need to make conversation and avoid what he's doing.

I barely hear what they're saying but not because of the music, but because she's now sitting on his lap, and his hand is around her waist.

"Hey, d'you wanna dance?" I ask Bruno who nods his head already standing up to take my hand, then he leads me to the dance floor.

He holds my hips as I close my eyes slightly to block out the image. I do deep breaths to calm myself down.

I want more than anything to just go and get him so we can go home and forget about all this pettiness. I want to go to him and kiss him so Olivia and the rest of the world know that he's mine. I want him to want to tell the world that I'm his.

But I know that is never going to happen for whatever reason. He would rather have the world think he is with Olivia than me, he doesn't care that people are taking pictures of them as they're sitting and cuddling.

I guess he prefers to be seen with her than me. Maybe he finds her more attractive and more worthy.

I try really hard to block the negative thoughts as Bruno tightens his hold on my hips. He's so close to me and I feel uncomfortable but I don't tell him. The music that's playing is now very sensual and people around us are grinding their privates against each other.

I try to wiggle my way out of his hold as I feel his length tightening against my thigh. I feel extremely uncomfortable at this stage and I wish someone would come and save me. But I let go of that hope as soon as it comes because I know no one will.

So after a while of struggling, I finally muster up all the courage in the world to push him off me and then punch him so hard in the face that everyone stops to look at us.

"Bxxch, you wanted it!" I hear him shout as I run away as far as I could.

I take my phone out after a while to request Uber and I mentally swear when I see that it's 30 mins away.

It's now late in the night and it's very cold. I'm still wearing just my tight short dress and I accept that I'll be catching a cold after this long wait.

Soon after, I see his car approaching really slowly. I know it's because he's looking for me but I turn my head to the other side because I want nothing to do with him. It's all his fault that all this is happening.

"Please come in baby. It's cold." He says after spotting me standing by the side of the road. I know he can sense my anger because his voice is soft.

I don't say anything and he finally gets out of the car to stand next to me. I know that's only because we're in the dark and no one can see us, I ignore my heart break at that.

He takes off his jacket and puts it over my shoulders and I make no effort to resist. It's really cold.

We stand there for what feels like forever in silence and I sigh when I realize that my Uber is still nowhere close. He sees that too and whispers,

"Let's go my love." softly. I let him take my hand, open the front passenger door for me then he gets in the car too to drive us away.

I feel thankful when he puts on the car heater but I still say nothing to him.

We finally arrive at the mansion and the first I do when we get inside is head straight to the shower. Partly because I need to get that pig's smell off of me but also because I need to think.

The shower is very long but I'm soon done then put on his shirt that he laid on the bed for me. I join him in getting inside the warm duvet but I face the other side as I lay my head on the pillow.

And then I doze off not bothering to say goodnight or the three-worded sentence I never go to bed without saying to him.