

I still remember us,the young stupid in love us,like it was yesterday, the memories we made, the promises we made and how sure we were about the future.

The passion with which you always held me,how you always teased me, the day we first became intimate,it all replays in my eyes.

You were always a fan of my crooky voice and always made a point of awarding my singing, in short, you were my entire world..

The day you joined the army ,i recall that day too,the pain, the tears, the disbelief and hatred i felt towards you,it's still fresh in my memory. You promised not to be a stranger.

The worst day came when you had to leave, being the weird us,we made endless passionate love,i cried during all this,i could not see my life without you,it was even better because we crief together and cursed unemployment in our country.

We got up and i drove you off to the army center,the tears i shed that day till date i still do,i remember hugging you so tightly and asking you to come back home with me but it was too late you had to serve the country

As i stand by your grave today, i can't control my emotions, i still have not moved on,i still miss you and our son too (he stays with my dad),he's two and half years old,i visit you every month and sometimes weekly,life has taken it's toll on me,i just want the young stupid us back.

Today,i came dressed in your favorite dress,it doesn't fit me anymore,I'm obese and depressed by the way,i keep on getting stares from strangers when the baby cries and says Dada instead of Mama and i join him in crying too, he is named after you Damon.