

3 Days later, in Kansas City, Missouri.

Morgan Monty had spent the past few days dealing with a newfound chaos in his life. He didn't realize it at the time, but Genie seemed to have become a big deal. His song about making him a hero had been all over social media, making him internet famous in only a few days. Needless to say, when his Aunt and Uncle noticed his bodily changes and discovered what had happened to him, they had been quite worried. There had been a variety of law enforcement officers and heroes who came to interview him a day later.

They had explained to his Aunt and Uncle about Genie having a warrant out for his arrest and being considered a villain. Morgan was confused about this because Genie felt like how an older brother would be. Despite him only having met Genie for a few days, he knew he wasn't a villain!

Morgan was upset that nobody believed him. He tried to explain how Genie didn't hurt him and when he asked why the policemen were calling him a villain, they didn't explain it. Because of this, he kept it a secret that Chibi Genie had been invisible next to him this entire time.

The policemen even made him retake the quirk exam. They explained that due to his obvious body changes, they needed to see if there were additional changes in his quirk. They brought in a special doctor just for him. Aunt Jun had explained to him that he was someone with a special quirk called [Describe].

It would give him a description of anything he touched while focusing on the object with intent. The doctor explained to him, his quirk showed signs of undergoing an evolution! Morgan had only managed to glimpse the doctor's notes before the doctor hurriedly left the room to inform someone.


Notes for Morgan Monty

Quirk Name: Wonderous Figurine

Description: A quirk that manifests a personal figurine with Wonder Value. The Figurine also accumulates Wonder Values in unknown ways. It is unknown what this value would do to the quirk in the current stage.

[Describe] Rating of Potential: 97/100


Since then, he had been told that he would need to come to New York and meet with the number 2 hero Stars and Stripes. He had to complete more tests! They asked him to show them his quirk figurine as well, which he showed them. They tried to take it from him, but as soon as they took it 10 feet away from him, it appeared at Morgan's feet again.

Morgan was currently leaving JFK airport with his Aunt and Uncle beside him.

"Aunt June, why do they call Genie a villain?" Morgan asked his Aunt innocently.

June glanced down at her nephew and smiled softly.

"Because nobody is above the law. People can't just do as they want like Blue Felon is. That's what villains do." She patted his head affectionately.

"But he's not a bad guy!" Morgan said sadly.

"Maybe not, but he certainly got people's attention. His power alone is enough to scare them." Morgan's Uncle added his thoughts.

"I don't understand." Morgan shook his head.

"What don't you understand?" June asked.

"Genie said that heroes do the right thing, no matter what others say. They would never make decisions in fear." Morgan said.

"That would be nice in a fantasy world but in the real world, heroes need to eat." Morgan's uncle muttered quietly.

"Well, maybe... but you don't need to consider these questions yet. You are 8! You should just worry about school or playing!" June scolded Morgan warmly, ruffling his hair.

"Aunt June~ Stop it!" Morgan exclaimed, trying to dodge her hands.

The family moment was then interrupted by some screams at the airport. A crooked-nosed man appeared while holding a glob of molten glass in his palm.

"HAHA scream! Ah~ I love the smell of fear in the afternoon." The villain said while sniffing the air vigorously.

Two other villains had also arrived next to him, a man with a bowler hat and a white goatee and an intelligent-looking man in glasses. Immediately, their attention seemed to have stopped on the three Montys. June took a protective stance in front of Morgan and sized up the three villains looking in their direction. She activated her own quirk [Air Bubble] even if it wouldn't help much in defense and surrounding the three of them.

"Well well~ If it isn't the hero kid who's been all the rage online~" the crooked-nosed villain teased while looking at Morgan.

Morgan shrunk his head behind his Aunt in fear, but that didn't help as the man with glasses stomped the ground, causing the ground so fracture and a small earthquake to happen. Bits of pieces and debris from the JFK airport ceiling crashed down around them. Screams echoed around the area as some people were buried under rubble accidentally.

"Oops." the villain with glasses shrugged helplessly while glancing at the goatee man.

"Sigh*" the goatee villain just sighed and made a grasping motion with his hands, lifting both of Morgan's Aunt and Uncle in a giant version of a summoned floating rope.

"No... Aunt, Uncle!" Morgan cried out, watching them being lifted in the air dangling helplessly.

"Kid, come along with us or your Aunt and Uncle die," The crooked nose villain said savagely.

But then, something occurred that none of the parties expected. A large piece of loose ceiling fell right above Morgan's head.

"Oh shi-" The villain with the glasses cursed, but his words were cut off as the loud *BOOM* sounded from the impact.

With that, the surroundings turned into silence. The villains had their eyes wide, while Morgan's Aunt and Uncle were still processing the past few events in denial.


Meanwhile, 30 seconds before the ceiling fell on Morgan.

'Come on kid! You can do it! Didn't you wish to be a hero!' Chibi Genie encouraged telepathically.

Genie could solve this situation with a snap of his fingers, but he wanted to help Morgan fulfill his wish from earlier. Not only to be just a hero in the eyes of this world but a true hero in the heart too. He just needed Morgan to overcome his fears, even for a brief moment and he would take care of the rest.

'Genie! I'm scared!' Morgan replied, his mental voice trembling.

'All it takes is one step in the right direction! I know you can do it! The key to your quirk is overcoming yourself!' Chibi Genie continued to encourage him.

Genie was strangely serious at this moment, and his usual joking attitude was nowhere to be seen. Morgan's face was going through a variety of emotions all at once. And as the ceiling fell, Morgan saw his life start to flash before his eyes. He saw pictures of his dad and mom when he was 3. He saw the moment they left him with his Aunt. He saw the times his friends left him behind when playing. He saw all the moments in his life, but what he saw most were all the moments he was afraid.

He had been afraid when his parents left him. He had been afraid when nobody wanted to play with him. He had been afraid he couldn't be a hero like the other kids when he got a bad quirk. He realized... he had always been afraid.

'I don't want to be afraid anymore!' Morgan shouted as if he was making an oath to himself in his memories.

"Indeed! That's wonderful!!" A loud and boisterous voice exclaimed within his mind.

He turned and realized he was face to face with an older and stronger version of himself. This version of himself looked exactly like his figurine version! A burst of golden light came out of Morgan's heart and swirled around the figurine version of him until a thin golden aegis covered his chest. It was an intricate work of art, with trims of dark red around the edges. In the center, was a two-ring atom with a black background.

"It's enough now. Summon me!" The figurine commanded with a charismatic voice.

Intuitively, Morgan felt a connection and he tugged on it, right as the ceiling started to crush him. That's when Chibi Genie smiled.

(AN: This chapter was hard, but I think I did okay.)

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