
Time hall

The beings of different races of the universe had always used a gravitic polarization beam to create hyperspace wormholes to shorten their travelling distance. However, these races didn't knew the deep secrets of these wormholes and their true capabilities. Today , if any of those race's scientist were present here they would have been deeply shocked seeing the scene happening right now. It can be said that it was truly a pity that the person who got this chance was unconscious and missed the secrets that was unravelling in front of them__

In the timeshifting hyperspace wormhole,

A tattered ship was travelling in a zig-zag pattern crossing all the speed limits that had ever been achieved in all of the universe. Seeing such a devastated ship moving like this will surely close the mouths of all those aerospace engineers and astrophysicits who always says that " A curvaceous woman like body is necessary to attain, a true speed " . And , these all were the results of that blue strands of energy covering the ship. These energy strands were truly a mystery as they also changed something that was a law of universe. The black wormhole has now totally been turned into a ocean- blue tube. Travelling here will be no less than taking a trip to the ocean by Submarine.

In the wormhole, Sometimes , a knot like structure could be seen from where new pathways started.

Val and Mark were barely breathing within the ship and there was a golden-dome like illusory structure protecting them from outside disturbances that was being created by certain somebody. And, this certain somebody was something that could have made them rub their eyes with disbelief if they saw this. The cosmic cube that they brought along with them , was now floating in the centre of the ship. And, Where was that glass chamber that separated the space between the cube and the outside world ? Well, that was now could be seen thrown in a corner of the ship. If that glass chamber had some sentience , it would surely draw some circles in that corner.

As the space barrier was now not present , the whole space inside the ship was warping and the mysterious aura of the cube was covered all of the wormhole like a blanket. In this warped space, sometimes a passage to another world like tear could be seen giving out the feeling of overwhelming might of a being that could have surely reduced a galaxy or two by just its pressure if descended and sometimes a black tar like fluid could be seen trying to come out of these tears, however, the space seemed blocked for it. What were these fluids? Well, that was a mystery still to be unfolded.

Thousands of tears like these were opening and closing within the span of each second , all with different types of things in it.



Suddenly, the sound of a sword 🗡️ leaving its sheath echoed all over the space in the wormhole making it distablize for a second. The cosmic cube also paused its sightseeing of different worlds feeling the sword intent and came to a standstill.

Crack! Crack!

Spider-web like patterns started forming on the boundaries of the wormhole and it seemed to be expanding at a faster rate. Now, half of the wormhole was covered with these cracks. The blue strands of energy also seemed to be going out of energy and soon it started fading into the thin air. The tattered ship was almost going to give out its last breadth.

" Haa! Who dares to enter my #@*@! " , a voice echoed in the wormhole, and this also brought some senses in Val , but he can't hear the voice clearly, where did he came ? and why does it seems like some uncle is totally pissed? He can't hear the last words as if there was something blocking him , or was it a taboo ? He perked his ears to hear more, however, the next sound that came made a mess of his brain , again making him unconscious.

Chirr! Chirr!

All of a sudden millions of space tear opened , the cube glowed with a blinding light. It seemed like it was in a hurry to escape like a bride running from being force marriaged.


All the tears closed at the same time leaving a single one from which a very bright golden-star like could be seen moving towards a burning sun.

The cube started moving towards the tear but just when it was about to enter the space portal , it paused and gave a last look towards the duo lying in a golden-dome and sighed. And , then it did what it was going to do. The cube entered the tear and the passage closed behind it leaving the duo - Mark and Val alone on the ship.

Sshhh! chuss! Crauuch! Cracck!

The ship started crumbling , turning into dust disappearing into the nothingess along with the exhaustion of blue energy strands. The wormhole also reached the brink of destruction. Everything was returning to the void. However, there was an exception , the golden - dome like structure covering Val and Mark started spinning and soon it turned into a top-like spinning structure and it disappeared the next second.

What remained of the ship was just....nothing. The wormhole that was on the brink of destruction suddenly returned to its original form as if nothing happened.

In a great hall with pillars that have no end,

" What was that thing , it made this Lord's hair stand on its end. That was ....uhh. It seems I have to inform this anomaly to the Time hall. What a hassle!! " , a voice echoed in the serene wormhole.