
Prologue 1:Just Too Powerful

Fellonia, a world where the strong and weak are able to live together peacefully, thanks to the one mighty being, their ruler Adir, a blond man with a ripped body, who although was hundreds of years old looked as though was 20.

Even though his appearance looked young, one glance at him and one would know that the person in front of them is no mere child, but an almighty being.

500 years ago a war broke out between all the nations of Fellonia for the struggle of power. This war was known as the ''Grand Struggle For Power'', or as some called it ''The End Of The World". And maybe it would have been the end, if only a warrior so mighty that every nation had to bow, Adir didn't show up.

Adir, the only man there ever had been, who was able to reach the Godhood realm. He right there and then put an end to the war and the world of survival of the fittest. Under his rule all nations were united and every man was respected for their deeds and not their status.

At least that's what he wanted, but he knew that even a being as mighty as him couldn't change every one's minds. He did all he could to help the commoners as he was one himself. This attitude of his made some people furious but what could they do? Even if everyone of them was to face him they doubted they would even be able to stand their ground. He was just too powerful.

Despite this they expanded their forces under the name of 'The Pacifists' which was led by two people and waited for the perfect opportunity to act. And that time came when one day Adir decided to leave his kingdom to cure his boredom.

One fated day Adir while sitting in his Work Room listening to Pan Cai, the duke of Janpeng city telling him about the current affairs going on which were not much thought to himself ' And there he goes again rambling on about how good of a ruler I am and how there's no big problems going on. It just can't get any more boring than this. Looks like 500 years of ruling a kingdom does get boring.' As the duke finished talking and starts to leave Adir tells him to stop and asks him, " Duke Pan Cai, what would you think would happen to the kingdom if I were to suddenly disappear from the throne?"

Pan Cai suddenly said " Your Majesty! There is no way that would happ...."

"Yeah, I know that too. Just answer what yours asked."

"Sorry Your Majesty. If you were to suddenly disappear as you say then if people didn't know then there may be peace maintained. But if they got to know the kingdom will be in unrest."

"Then don't tell them."

"Your Majesty you mean..."

"Take good care of this kingdom duke I am going out for a stroll."

And he was gone. Adir the ruler of Fellonia was gone. Just like that.

"Your Majesty...." Pan Cai laughed. he kept laughing frantically till someone asked "Has he finally left?". In came the duke of Bormen city, Barrett and he knew the answer to the question as soon as he saw that grin on Pan Cai's face. Both of them knew that Adir had been planning for this day for 500 years. They remained silent, expanding their forces, waiting for the perfect time to act, the leader of the Pacifists, The dukes of Janpeng City and Bormen City, Pan Cai and Barrett..

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