
Day- 0: Ready For The Journey

There was a young man in a fully white room, looking at an odd entity in front of him, trying to figure out if he was dreaming or if what was taking place was by any means real.

"You should not worry, as I told you, death has already claimed you." The being expressed with a neutral look on its face.

"… If so then what now?" The young man questioned as he could breathe heavily trying his best to not panic at this information, he had read many novels and fanfics with this scenario but living it made him very anxious.

"Well, looking at your current state, it's unlikely you will survive after reincarnation, so I suggest you take the easy way out and let your soul be cleansed of all this after a millennium in heaven. How does that sound?" The being giggled in amusement at the young man's weakness.

Even though he was personally going through a rush of emotions and still in shock, seeing this being laugh at his pain awoke his more vindictive side, and the young man took a deep breath before looking at the being with a terrified look trembling.

(You think I'm a weakling? Let me give you a weakling then.) He concluded in his mind.

"I see… but… but… but… I... I… I…" Leaning into the bad image of him, he became even more pathetic.

"Allow me to help you calm now, silly little mortal. How pathetic some of you can be." The being said before pointing its hand at him and making the young man feel calm with some sort of power.

"Thank you… I… I appreciate it. Before I just wanted to… I wanted a chance to prove myself! I'm... I'm not weak!" Going beyond just stuttering, he was hesitating to talk at all, and that made him pause a lot.

"Even after my help, you're in such a state. You are one of the sadder mortals, I have come across. Anyway, you say you want to prove yourself, correct?" The being questioned.

"Yes… Yes!" The young man did his best to avoid eye contact and didn't even look at the being as he trembled, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Oh and what would a small silly little mortal like you do to prove themselves?" The being asked with a calm expression.

"I… I… I… please I beg you to let me prove myself! I'll show you… I'm not a weak… I'm not a weakling!" Still trembling and now crying the young man got on his knees as he begged for a chance, almost willing to kiss the being's feet just for a simple chance.

"Well… at least you're trying despite being an inferior specimen… fine, let us do things this way. If you beat the challenge of true conquest, I will admit defeat and give you a wish with no boundaries, but if you lose, you'll have to become the arbiter of souls and have to do this job for the rest of eternity just the way you are right now, what do you say?" The being proposed looking down on the young man.

"I… I… I don't know if can do that... It sounds too hard... Don't you have something easier?" The trembling young man pleaded running away from the mere sound of hardship.

"No, but I could give you some very serious advantages, someone like you would really need that. I'll allow you to choose a new race for yourself, but you can only pick something that exists in your Earth universe, no fiction though. That and I'll even allow you to create a system for yourself, but you can't make your system omnipotent or nigh-omnipotent or any variant of omnipotence." The being explained.

"That… That... That… I don't even know what a true conquest is… It sounds dangerous and… it would be too much…" Keeping with the character the young kept being weak.

"It's quite simple actually… you'll have to collect something called World fragments and conquer different worlds… to make things easier for you, I'll even make it so that all the worlds you visit are fictional worlds you know from your past life… plus I'll even let you go to all girl alternative worlds." The being calmly gave the young man more things to convince him.

"… I… I… I don't know…" The young man however was too cowardly.

(Let's see how much stuff you're willing to give me.) The young man thought to himself deep inside.

"Well… that's as much as I'll give… but you won't reject an offer from me, right?" The being decided to use the young man's cowardice to intimidate him into doing it.

"Of… Of course not!" The young man immediately folded.

"Good, it's bet then… Now pick something from your universe to be your new race, but now that you will stay a humanoid, I won't change that." The being urged him.

"… can… can… I make my race anything so long as it exists in my old universe?" The young man asks.

"No, it can be at best hybrid of two things and it can have a connection to two other things, like for example, you could make a gorilla and lion hybrid with a connection to fire and water or something among those lines." The being explained.

"… F… Fine… I… I… I… Choose… A mixed hybrid between a black hole and a white hole with a strong connection to both anti-matter and dark energy as my race." The young man responded.

(Choosing anti-matter as my body would have been too dangerous and it would make it probably impossible to get laid… so it's a bit safer this way… both are dangerous but this is the less dangerous outcome. As for making dark energy the main thing… I'm not even sure what dark energy is at all… I just know there's a lot of it in my old universe, so let's hope that helps.) The young man thought to himself as he made his choice.

"Hahahaha, well done, your head is not fully empty it seems, I almost wish I didn't make it a rule to not use my omniscience ever, so I won't read your mind. Now name your system and make it real." The being was amused to see the young man actually make a choice.

"… Name… Name it?… Are there any limits to how I can do it?" The young man asked.

"Yes, as I mentioned before nothing related to Omnipotence or nigh-omnipotence or true immorality. Now, you can use up to three words in it's name. For example, you could call it, the Heaven and Earth System or the Cozy Lucky Cat System." The being explained.

"… Then… Then… Then… I want… I want my system to be, the Absolute Healing Harem System." The young man said.

"How unusual… typically those who get to make systems this way tend to go for stuff like the Undeniably Unbeatable Immortal System… I guess I expected too much from you." The being shook its head a little disappointed, but it was not going to dwell on it.

"… So… So… So what now?" The young man asked.

"As per the bet, I'll let you go to only fictional worlds you know of, and you'll have access to all-girl alternative worlds, but only once you conquer the main world.

"Know you're not the only one who's going to be part of this challenge, though no two contestants can be the same so the others have different races and systems than you. Finally, as part of the true conquest, you'll be given an in-universe identity so you don't just pop up out of thin air, and it's randomly generated." The being communicated with a calm expression.

"… So… What now?" The young man asked.

"Now, you go to the first world, good luck Mister Ky. I look forward to your achievements, and your acting today was a little stiff, next time relax more. You didn't have the "pretend" to be weak for this to work. Goodbye, and good luck. Don't lose our bet, you'll regret it." The being expressed as it waved its hand sending him away.

The young man disappeared into the thin air before he could even say anything.

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