
Chapter 10: Start of Cannon

(AN: comments on description about characters are in the pov of the MC)

Daenerys sometimes dresses in Dothraki garb; a painted vest and riding leathers, while going about barefoot, with her hair oiled and her skin sun-browned. Her other Dothraki attire includes silk or horsehair pants, woven grass sandals, a medallion belt, and her painted vest. She often wears silver bells in her braided hair per Dothraki custom, one for each of her victories. Daenerys also owns a Qartheen gown which leaves one breast bare, several Ghiscari tokars,and a musty-smelling hrakkar cloak. I am definitely going to see that sexy look.

After she left, he turned to me and and said grabbing another dring "So, let's discuss these plans."

After reading all the interesting reports from my anbu all over westeros and essos i could not help but smirk at some of them but especia lly from the stupid mad lizard, but i had enough of that and wanted to start preparing for the cannon so i called a meeting between my advisors to prepare for the next five months and raise our army and navy by half. Pretty soon five months have passed and a couple of events happened during that time.


A month after the meeting i had received a report from my navy that John Arryn came to Sparta on a diplomatic mission, that in and of it's self was not a surprise, what was surprising was that he fell ill on the way and had to turn back, When Robert heard he rightfully lost his shit and stayed by John Arryns bedside constantly not even whoring, just constantly getting drunk, soon enough John arryn will die, signaling that the cannon is almost upon us.

The second event was that Illyrio Mopatis had send a messenger to the great Khall Drogo and had made contact with said Khall Drogo, to present Daenerys Targaryen as a bride in return for his army, what a foolish notion, Drogo accepted but has no intentions of giving control of his massive Khalasar to a useless beggar king. apparantly the wedding wil happen in eight months right around the time Eddard Stark departed for kings landing.

And the last two events were the most interesting,

The first was that when Cersei Lannister found out that Tyrion had received a weapon more valuable that a valyrian steel she threw a raging fit and demanded it be handed over to Jaime Lannister, and Tyrion said his brother can have it if he or any other person his sister had in mind could actually lift it, and tried she did as she even sent Tywin's mad dog Sir Gregor Clegain the mountain that rides to try and lift it but failed miserably not even lifting it a milimiter off the floor, much to Tyrion's amuzement and Tywins dismay at his youngest son's antics as he knew very well that Cersei was doomed to fail as magic was involved.

The second one was that Lord Eddard Stark actually had Maester Luwing to send us a letter via the company of roses inviting me to Winterfell so that we could meet our estranged kin after all what was the famous saying, when winter comes the lone wolf dies but the wolfpack survives, so i send a reply that i would be going to essos to the company of roses on business and will pass by Winterfell in five months via White Harbour and would need permission to enter the North, that he granted, i planned this so that i would arrive around the same time Robert would come to Winterfell to ask him to become the kingshand.

Flashback end and cannon begins

So here i am 5 months later with 2000 men ridding from White Harbour to Winterfell allong with Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu, Gimli, Legolas and two new generals i had summoned, two lovely ladies from League of Legends the Radient dawn Leona and of course the Grand Duelist Fiora, both of them serve as my guards. As we were riding, Fiora rode up to me and Zhuge Liang along with Leona.

Fiora Laurent is known as the most feared duelist in all Valoran her inhuman reflexes along with her skills with a rapier makes sure she is unbeatable by even the most powerfull of opponents, Fiora is as renowned for her brusque manner and cunning mind as she is for the speed of her bluesteel rapier, a magic infused steal on par with Durins steel. Born to House Laurent in the kingdom of Demacia, Fiora took control of the family from her father in the wake of a scandal that nearly destroyed them. House Laurent's reputation was sundered, but Fiora spends her every effort to restore her family's honor and return them to their rightful place among the great and good families of Demacia.

Leona Solari is a paladin imbued with the fire of the sun, Leona is a holy warrior of the Solari family who defends Mount Targon with her Zenith steel Blade and the Shield of Daybreak. the fire magic imbued in both her weapon and armor along with her body causes her skin to shimmer with starfire while her eyes burn with the power of the celestial Aspect within her. Armored in gold and bearing a terrible burden of ancient knowledge, Leona brings enlightenment to some, death to others. Although her armor and weapon are five times heavier than reagular knights use she handels them with easy and skill as to her they weigh less than paper, this proves her physical prowess.

"My lord, A report has come in, Eddard Stark has left winterfell with his sons and squire, it seems a deserter from the wall has been caught." Said Fiora, "Huh, where are they now Fiora?" "They are currently 50 mile south of castle black just south of breakstone hill."She responded "And Robert's party, when will they arrive at Winterfell?" I asked "If my calculation's are correct Lord Stark should be back in Winterfell in two days and Roberts party should send a message any moment that they should arrive in three weeks." Reported Zhuge Liang. "Good, we will match our march to Roberts and arrive in Winterfell at the same time. Let's go." "Yes sir! X3 " they responded.

Four days later Eddard stark was informed by his wife that John Arryn had died and that king Robert was on the way to Winterfell and would arrive within Two weeks. Lady Stark grew worried and had an argument with Lord stark, "If the king ride's this far north there is only one thing he wants." Said Eddard. "You can always say no, Ned." said Catelyn.

The day King Robert's royal procession was on approach to Winterfell one could see Little boy on the roof of the tallest tower on Winterfells main gate, this boy is Brandon Stark Born at Winterfell in 290 AC at the height of summer, Bran is the second son and fourth child of Catelyn Tully and Eddard Stark, head of House Stark. He is named after his late uncle, Eddard's elder brother Brandon, whose death was one of the major events that led to Robert's Rebellion in 282 AC. Bran favors his mother Catelyn in appearance, having the thick auburn hair and deep blue eyes of the Tullys. Bran is a sweet and thoughtful boy, well-loved by everyone at Winterfell. He has a fascination with climbing and exploring along the walls and ramparts of the castle and he does so with great skills. Catelyn once jested that Bran could climb before he could walk, however, his climbing often distresses her. Like his siblings, Bran is also dutiful and tough-minded, but also possesses a propensity for adventure and excitement; he yearns to see far off places one day and dreams of becoming a knight. His half-brother Jon Snow fondly thinks to himself that Bran was always "stubborn and curious", and in like manner constantly wanted to join in the play of the older boys, believing himself an adult at seven. But when when it comes the connections with their dire wolves, none of his siblings can compare with him not even John Snow. Bran owns grey breeches and a white doublet, the sleeves and collar of which are trimmed with vair. When riding, he wears a dark grey woolen surcoat with silver buttons, as well as fur-lined boots and gloves. Bran clasps his fur-trimmed cloak with a heavy silver pin, but the boy's favorite clasp is a wolf's-head brooch of silver and polished jet which makes him look lordly.

Brandon Stark sat on top of the heighest tower of Winterfell's main gate looking upon the kingsroad that snaked it's way far to the south setting his sights on the royal procession, he grew excited and wanted to inform everyone that they shall be arriving soon, He proceded to decend the tower but not in a common sence he did it assassin's creed style with such skill that it would remind people from my world of a young Ezio Auditore da Firenze, my favourite assassin's creed character, too bad he was about to be caught by his mother as she was approaching passed Winterfell's gate with Maester Luwin, she noticed a growing Dire wolf pup, it was her son's pup that he nammed Summer, who was looking upwards to the wall.

"God's, but grow fast!" She said, it was only then that she noticed the pups gaze and quickly did a 90 degree turn and her heart nearly jumped out of her body seeing her son decending the wall of the Gate, and she foolishly yelled out to him, "BRANDON!!!" Not realising she could startle the boy causing him to loose his grip but the boy was better than that and stayed composed, he even stoped mid climb and turned his gaze to his mother shouting in exitement. "I saw the king. He's got hundreds of people!" and continued to decend but his mother had no mood to entertain his exitement and chastized him "How many times have i told you no climbing!" But Brandon was still exited and said "But he is coming right now, down our rode." while making his way to the ground from the roof of the smithey only to come face to face with his mother as she approached his decent point. He looked his mother in the eye as she sternley looked at him and bent over, looking him dead in the eye sayng "I want you to promice me, No more climbing." Brandon had the look of a child who was being punished and looked to his fee saying "I promice." Catelyn pulled back with a knowing smirk and asked "You know what?" "What?"asked Brandon. "You always look at your feet before you lie." She said smirking causing Brandon to form a smirking grinn on his visage. Catelyn couldn't het but shake her head with a smile and said "Run and find your father, tell him the king is close." and Brandon took off running to find his father with summer trailing behind him.

Soon enough the Royal procession arrived into Winterfell with Kinght after Knight ridding in while the Starks were waiting for the arrival of the King and his family side by side while behind them stood several sworn bannermen, Maester Luwin and Lord Starks master-at-arms ser Rodrik cassel. The Stark family lined up from right to left, the first was the youngest son of lord stark, named Rickon Stark who's hand was being held by his mother Catelyn Stark nee Tully preventing him from missbehaving then Lord Eddard Stark, Rob Stark, Sansa Stark and Brandon Stark. Next to Brandon or rathe just behind him was Eddard Starks ward or more acurately said prosoner of war was Theon Greyjoy but most Surprisingly and unsurprisingly the two Starks with the puurest Stark bloodline were the ones not in the lineup, the first was John Snow the supposed bastard of lord Eddard Stark, and the second was Arya Stark, who's mother couldn't help but ask her children and Sansa Stark "Where is Arya? Sansa where is your sister?" Only for Sansa to shrugge as she didn't know where Arya had run off to, wel Arya had actually run off to get a knights open Barbuta helm and was hopping to be introduced to the king as a pottential knight but was actually caught by her father as she ran by asking her as he took the helm from her "Hey Hey Hey Hey what are you doing with that on? Go on." Causing her to pout while Rob Stark held a laugh in amuzement, she moved to her spot between Sansa and Brandon and sternly said to Brandon "MOVE!" pushing him aside.

Just as Arya was in her place between her family a white cloak or kingsguard passed the gate along with a cockly little blond shitstain who wore red leather armor and a red cloak with black fur on his shoulders, this was the crown prince Joffrey Baratheon,

Joffrey has the Lannister look and is tall for a boy his age, with blond curly hair, but unsurprisingly no Baratheon features, that in and of it's self should be impossible, Known to be handsome, he has deep green eyes and pouty lips. Jon Snow thinks that Joffrey looks like a girl. Twelve years old at the beginning of A Song of Ice and Fire, Joffrey was strong-willed as a child but not in a good way as Joffrey grew up as a spoiled and indulgent child with a cruel streak within him and although he can be gallant and courteous, he has an uncontrollable temper not unlike his mother, Queen Cersei Lannister, and an unchecked sadistic streak that could compete with a slave master from essos. He has little sense of right or wrong, which often leads him to trouble, especially when he loses his temper. When things go wrong, Joffrey blames the problems on others. Despite being willful he is reckless, vicious, cruel and not particularly intelligent, all of which combine to make him prone to irrational and bad judgements. Joffrey's surcout is divided, showing both the Baratheon stag of his father, King Robert I, and the Lannister lion of his mother, Queen Cersei. He always wears the finest clothing and accents, as befits the royal heir, including blue wool, black leather, and a deep blue doublet studded with a double row of golden lion's heads. The prince possesses a slim coronet made of gold and sapphires. Joffrey wields a longsword named Lion's Tooth. His dagger has a jeweled pommel and inlaid goldwork on the blade.Joffrey is a skilled dancer but a total failure in combat, much to his supposed fathers disapointment.

Joffery Baratheon actually came through the gate looking upon Sansa Stark the Little naive girl with lust.

Sansa Stark was born at Winterfell, with Maester Luwin aiding Catelyn Stark during the delivery. In her eleven years, she has been tutored by Septa Mordane in the traditional womanly activities along with maester Luwin who has also educated the Stark children. Sansa Stark is traditionally beautiful, taking after her mother's family (House Tully) with her high cheekbones, deep blue eyes, and thick soft auburn hair lighter than her mother's. But with all the good also came all the bad as she was extreamly naive. She is eleven years old at the start of A Song of Ice and Fire. As she has grown up, her figure has been described as tall, graceful, and womanly. Sansa is described as soft-spoken and sweet-smelling. Raised as a lady, Sansa possesses the traditional feminine graces of her milieu, with a keen interest in music, poetry, singing, dancing, embroidery, and other traditional feminine activities. Like many girls her age, Sansa is enthralled by songs and stories of romance and adventure, particularly those depicting handsome princes, honorable knights, chivalry, and love. She keeps faith with both the old gods and the Seven. Sansa's relationship with her sister Arya is often strained, and the two are opposites in most respects. Her dearest friend is Jeyne Poole, the daughter of Vayon Poole, the steward of Winterfell. Sansa is fond of lemon cakes, an likes to make sweets and bake when ever possible.

That she was naive was actually an understatement as when she saw Joffery looking at her with lust she actually reciprocated with a smile. Rob Stark actually was not lauching at this as even if you are the crown prins, coming to a high lord's home and doing as such can be seen as extremely rude to your host, he was clearly not happy as you could see he was unable to hide his emotions like his father Eddard Stark the quiet wolf.

Robb Stark was conceived during the first fortnight of the marriage of Lord Eddard Stark and Lady Catelyn Tully on the wedding night at Riverrun, according to Catelyn. While Eddard rode south to fight in Robert's Rebellion, Catelyn remained at House Tully's castle. Near the end of the war, she gave birth at Riverrun with the aid of Maester Luwin. After war ended Catelyn traveled to Winterfell with Robb. Robb's appearance favors his Tully side, with a stocky build, blue eyes and thick red-brown hair. He is strong and fast and skilled in combat but untested in war. He opens the series as a boy of fourteen years. Robb wears a white cloak and surcoat over his mail. He wields a longsword and an oak shield decorated with a direwolf's head. Robb's horses include a big grey-and-white gelding, a grey stallion, and a piebald gelding. Robb is better with a lance than his half brother, Jon Snow, although Jon is more skilled with a sword. Robb is his father Eddard's son, with a keen sense of justice and courtesy, but too much honor as he shares his father's devotion to honor and is frequently accompanied by his direwolf, Grey Wind. Robb is a follower of the old gods.

Following Joffrey Baratheon like a loyal guard ridding a black heavy courser horse was a large man almost as tall as the Mc standing at 6'8 and 140 kg with blacksteel armor and a hound head helmet that the man opened up revealing he was Sandor Clegane who's house served house Lannister for years. Sandor Clegane is a huge and heavily-muscled man who although skilled in combat is more brawns than brain, but despite that, the man is still quite intelligent when it comes to the ways of the world, he has long hair that is dark and thin. One side of Sandor's face is gaunt, with sharp cheekbones and a heavy brow, while the other side is a burned ruin of scars. Slick black flesh is pocked with craters and deep cracks that ooze red and wet, his ear is only a hole with a stump, nd a hint of bone shows on his jaw. The scars extend down to his throat. Reminding me of Two face Harvey, There is a twisted mass of scars around his eye, which is still good, not harmed by the fire, but he has no lips on that side. Sandor brushes his hair so that it covers his burned side, since no hair grows there. Sandor speaks in a rough, rasping voice,and has a laugh "like the snarling of dogs in a pit." The burnt corner of his mouth twitches when he speaks. According to George R. R. Martin, Sandor is taller than King Robert I Baratheon, Brienne of Tarth, Lord Renly Baratheon, and Ser Jaime Lannister, but shorter than Hodor and Lord Jon Umber. Jaime regards Sandor as one of the strongest living men in Westeros, but the Kingslayer thinks he could defeat the Hound's strength with his own speed and skill, but i highly doubt that. The cynical Sandor dislikes knighthood and has a temper, but he is dutiful and likes dogs. He often makes fun of Tyrion Lannister because of the dwarf's height, which amuses Prince Joffrey Baratheon. According to Lord Varys, Sandor gambles and patronizes whores and winesinks. Sandor hates and fears fire, but will carry a torch or light a campfire when needed. The Hound regularly wears an olive-green cloak over plain, soot-dark armor, and a distinctive helm sculpted into the shape of a snarling dog's head. He also sometimes wears a brown roughspun tunic and studded leather jerkin. He also has worn a red woolen tunic with a leather dog's head sewn on the front. When wearing the white woolen cloak of the Kingsguard, he fastens it with a jeweled brooch. Sandor wields a longsword, a warhammer, and a dagger, and can wield an axe. His stallion is a heavy courser named Stranger. He has had at least one unnamed squire.

A couple of seconds later in rode a large red wheelhouse emblazened with Lannister house's banners followed by more white cloak's and the man himself King Robert I Baratheon is the King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm of Westeros, and the head of House Baratheon of King's Landing. The Fat Stag.

Born in 262 AC, Robert Baratheon was the first born child of Cassana Estermont and Steffon Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands, and head of House Baratheon. Robert has the classic Baratheon look: black hair and bright blue eyes. His heavy black hair is thick on his chest, and coarse around his neck. He is a very tall man, Eddard Stark estimates his height to be six and a half feet. As a young adult, Robert was a handsome, clean-shaven man, with rough and hard hands. He was strong and powerful, and muscled "like a maiden's fantasy." In 289 AC, after putting down Greyjoy's Rebellion, Robert's appearance began to change. Due to excessive feasting and drinking, Robert gained a significant amount of weight. In the nine years since, he gained at least eight stone. Now, he is often red-faced from drink, with dark circles underneath his eyes, and walks as if he is half in his cups, while sweating through his silks. Robert's beard, a wild, thick and fierce thing, that very much reminds me of Zhang Fei and hides his double chin. But despite becoming a fat Stag Robert Baratheon is well loved by soldiers, Robert is brave, but headstrong, rash, and impatient, He is proud, and will not likely back down on words spoken in a drunken bravado. He would do extreamly well in Bravos as a selsword but as king, Robert is no longer used to someone disagreeing with him, and he can be manipulated by others if advised not to do something. Tyrion Lannister considers Robert to be a great blustering oaf, while Varys describes him as a fool. Cersei Lannister considers her husband to be an ignorant, dumb, slow-witted, drunken brute of a man, who does not have the ruthless streak she believes a king requires. Although several people consider Robert to be brave, Cersei believes him to be a coward. According to Petyr Baelish, Robert is practiced at closing his eyes to things he would rather not see. Robert is as strong as a bull and fearless in battle. He loves the song of swords and considers poison to be a coward's weapon. As long as they are honest and brave, Robert can be merciful towards his defeated enemies, A foolish notion as being merciful to ones enemies is being cruel to ones self. He can inspire loyalty and friendship in those he spares. The only exception are the Targaryens; his hatred for them is a madness within him. A peerless warrior in his youth, Robert fought with a spiked iron warhammer, crafted at Storm's End by Donal Noye, although he also carried a blade. In battle, he wore a great antlered helmet, which made him look like a horned god. He prefers melees, in which he can hit people with his hammer, over jousts. Despite the numerous weapons in the royal armory, the only blade Robert uses is a hunting knife he received as a boy from Jon Arryn, his foster father. Although his condition has deteriorated due to his weight gain and frequent drinking, Robert remains a strong man; Jaime Lannister believes that Robert is stronger than him. Robert possesses a powerful battlefield voice. King Robert's Warship nammed Hammer is the largest warship in the royal fleet. Robert is a man of huge appetites, who knows how to take his pleasures. He is quite promiscuous, and has fathered multiple bastard children. His lusts are the subject of ribald drinking songs throughout the realm. As king, Robert is not loath to impose upon the hospitality of his subjects, no matter whether it is voluntarily or forced. At the same time, however, Robert possesses a great, but rather careless, generosity. He is an avid hunter. Some of Robert's favorite songs are "A Cask of Ale," "Fifty-Four Tuns," and "The Bear and the Maiden Fair." Robert owns a black velvet doublet decorated with a crowned golden stag, a green doublet, and a golden mantle with a cloak of black and gold squares. When riding his horse, Robert wears thick brown gloves and a hooded heavy fur cloak.

As Robert came to a halt and looked upon his best friends house who were kneeling at his arrival he ordered his squire and attendants to bring him his step so he could dismount his warhorse safely due to him becoming a fat fuck, much to the surprise of Eddard Stark who was beyond surprised at how much his friend changed all these years, but did not let it show on his face. Dismounting his Stallion Robert actually walked up to Eddard Stark with spring in his step arriving upon him soon after, looking down at Eddard he gave a small gesture with his right hand for Eddard to get up and he did followed by the rest of his family and he proceded to greeting Robert "Your Grace." only to get a contemptuous "You got fat!" From Robert. Eddard gave Robert a up and down look as if to say your one to talk causing both men to burst out laughing and hug eachother as brothers, He then greeted and hugged Catelyn "Cat!" "Your grace." she responded while he patted Rickon on the head. He soon turned back to Eddard and said "Nine years, why the hell haven't i seen you?" he asked. "Gaurding the north for you your grace, Winterfell is yours." Responded Eddard.

Meanwhile Queen Cersei Baratheon Nee Lannister decended from the Royal wheelhouse along with her ladies in waiting and the rest of the royal children Tommen Baratheon and Myrcella Baratheon, and Arya the whee little devil not noticing someone asked her sister "Where is the imp?" only for Sansa reply in a stern tone "Wil you shut up!" while their little interaction had gone unnoticed by everyone Robert approached Eddard's heir apperant and greeted him "What have we here, you must be Robb." Giving him a firm Handshake, and then proceded to greet Sansawith a "Hai, your a pretty one." causing her to look down with a smile. he then bent down at Arya and asked "Your name is?" But Arya was a tomboy for a reason and reponded with her name full with confidence for her age. "Arya" He noded and turned to Brandon saying "Show us your mussles" and Brandon was happy to oblige Robert and flexed his arm, causing Robert to smirk saying You'll be a soldier." as the smalltalk continued Jaime Lannister caught Aryas attention while removing his helm and she stated to her sister "That's Jaime Lannister, the queen's twin brother!" only to receive another stern reply "Wil you please shut up?" from Sansa.

Jaime Lannister, the queen's twin brother was everybit attractive as his sister, appart from beint a total incestuous nutcase. Jaime was born in 266 AC, as the first-born son of Ser Tywin Lannister, As young children, Jaime and his sister Cersei looked so much alike that not even their father was able to tell them apart. Jaime grew into a tall, handsome man, with curled hair the color of beaten gold. He has flashing cat-green eyes, and a smile that cuts like a knife. Jon Snow thinks to himself that Jaime is "what a king should look like", and Bran Stark feels that Jaime looks like "more like the knights in the stories" but they both haven't seen me yet. He is muscular and extremely strong, musing that he could only think of a few men in the Seven Kingdoms stronger than him, and that his speed and skill can defeat them. As a Kingsguard knight sinds his 15th name day, Jaime wears white armor and a white cloak. On occasion he wears golden armor decorated with the Lannister lion, with gilded longsword and ornate lion's helmet. He slew the Mad King Aerys II Targaryen while wearing his white cloak over his golden armor. Although only a handful of people know the true reason as to why he did so, i am one of them and can't fault him for that as i would have done the same, Jaime alternatively wears a crimson silk tunic embroidered with a golden lion, along with black boots and a black cloak.[1] He also wears crimson cloaks and a leather jack. Jaime wields a lance of golden wood. Jaime is a born warrior, with little interest in politics and court intrigue. He takes few things seriously. By his own admission, Jaime only feels truly alive when fighting or making love. He comes across as arrogant, emoral, and dishonorable, i dont know about all that but what he did to Tyrion does prove he is a person who would even backstab family. Because of the death of King Aerys, Jaime has earned such a bad reputation that everything he says is usually cast in the worst possible light. Jaime is rash, headstrong, and angers quickly. He is known to have little patience,and he worries about the consequences of his actions only after committing the act. A great and especially skilled warrior, Jaime inspires loyalty in his men. He is bold and does not fear death. According to Catelyn Stark, Jaime is an experienced battle commander.

As the queen Cersei Lannister approached Lord Eddard and his wife to greet them one could not help bur admire her beauty, though those people like me who know her personality would find her utterly revolting no doubt Cersei is a strikingly beautiful woman, with curly golden hair, emerald green eyes, fair skin and a slender, graceful figure. But her vile character utterlly ruins that.

When they were children, Cersei and her twin brother, Jaime, looked so alike not even their father, Tywin, could tell them apart. As adults, they still significantly resemble each other. Cersei is willful, ambitious, and according to her brother Tyrion Lannister, has a certain low cunning. She is hungry and greedy for power. Cersei believes herself to be subtle and politically astute. She hates being excluded from power on account of her gender, and resents the customs and conventions put on her because she is female.She thinks of herself as a female version of her father,What a horrefying thought and image if you ask me. She feels slighted when people do not obey her commands as they would have done for Lord Tywin, but instead give her their counsel, or disagree with her, which she faults on her gender. Cersei is impatient, and never forgets a slight, whether real or imagined. She considers caution to be cowardice and disagreement for defiance. Her quick temper and her easily wounded pride frequently lead her to make rash decisions, and she rarely considers what unintended consequences her actions might have. She does not shy away from using sex as a weapon. The queen's fine gowns include one of sea-green silk trimmed with pale Myrish lace, one of black silk with red rubies sown into the bodice, a low-cut gown of deep green velvet, a snowy white linen gown with sleeves lined with gold satin, a cloth-of-gold gown slashed in burgundy velvet, a gown with stripes of green satin and black velvet with black Myrish lace above the bodice, a jade-green gown with sleeves of silver Myrish lace, and a white gown slashed with cloth-of-gold. When Cersei wants to be discreet, however, she dresses in hunting green with leather boots and a brown cloak. Cersei's jewelry includes a golden ring with a large emerald, a necklace of diamonds and emeralds, and a golden necklace with a large emerald. Her jeweled tiara is also decorated with emeralds. Cersei's huge royal wheelhouse is a double-decked carriage of oiled oak and gilded metal, and the queen has an ornate barge located at the harbor of King's Landing. Truly spoiled, entitled and vain.

Queen Cersei reached Lord Eddard and Raised her hand, that Lord eddard took and kissed greetting her in a formal manner "Your Grace." followed by Catelyn who bowed to the queen saying the same. Robert turned to Eddard and said "Ned, take me to the cripts, i want to pay my respects." Causing Cersei to frown and give a snide remark that clearly insulted Lord Stark but he barely showed a reaction "We've been riding for a month, my love, surely the dead can wait." Robert looked at her with venom in his eyes. Arya not paying attention to the situation again asked her sister again. "Where is the Imp?" Her sister did not answer but the queen heard her and walked away asking her brother "Where is our brother, find the little beast!"

Robert said "Ned!" in hopes of getting him to lead him to the cripts but soon a guard came from winter town came galopping on a horse in full hast yelling "My lord!" getting attention from every person in the castle gates courtyard, he practically leapt down from the horse and kneeled befor the king and lord Stark. "Calm yourself and explay boy!" Said Robert. Exhausted the young guard said "Your Grace, my lord, I am here to report at your request to inform you that the travellers you were expecting have just passed winter town and are arriving!" "Are you daft boy we're already here!" Said Robert in a anoyed tone as he was once again delayed from paying his respects, but was cut off by Eddard. "No Robert the one coming here at the moment, is my long lost cousin." "COUSIN!!!!????" Exclaimed Robert surprising every person in the courtyard once again.

To be continued.

Next chapter