
The Omniscient

When you see and know everything that has happened, when you can hear and see through the treacherous world, and when you know the secrets hidden deep in their memory. The more he knows, the less happy he is. Looking up at the starry sky, Huang Ji feels the malice from the entire universe and the despair that awaits mankind. He is just a small farmer in the countryside all he can do is sigh : “I know too much.” Whether it’s technology, mythology, or the hidden bugs in the universe… they cannot escape the perception of information. In the face of human beings being raised by higher civilizations without knowing it, Huang Ji is the only one who can compete with the aliens as no one knows more than him! *************************** It is a Sci-fi novel where MC can see the world as information . It makes him semi-omniscient where he can know everything about the object or person as long as he knows the basic knowledge of it. Example, as long as he understands what age is, he can see the age of anything. Read the first few chapters to understand more

spacepirate · Urban
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50 Chs

Fate : Part 2

Huang Ji was only sixteen years old, yet he was already old and withered. They'd finally unearthed Huang Ji's talent. He could have a decent livelihood in his future. Was he still not going to let go?

"It's time to for you to see the world. You have a gift, you need to learn how to use it. Do you hear me?"

The grandfather couldn't help crying when he thought about how he'd raised the child to simply go along with everything he said. The memories of Huang Ji being called an idiot under his upbringing also cause him great pain.

Huang Ji cried together with him. He wasn't intellectually disabled anymore, but he couldn't tell his grandfather.

His words were the result of him discerning his grandfather's mental weakness. He knew that his grandfather was always wrapped in guilt. He knew that if he said he would always stay by his side, his grandfather would worry about his future and what Huang Ji would do after he died.

This was a problem that constantly weighed on his mind. That's why Huang Ji's words were able to sway his grandfather. He could see through the human heart and learn the weaknesses of all people.

Seeing his grandfather suffering from his words also caused him immense pain. He was racked with guilt for using his grandfather's weakness against him...but, he had not choice.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa, I'm so sorry. I have to go, there are so many thing I want to do..." Huang Ji held onto his grandfather, apologizing in his heart.

The reason he'd stung his grandfather with these words wasn't for all of humanity. Neither was it to study and grow faster to solve Earth's predicament. All of that came second in his heart.

He was still young. So many years had passed by, and Earth was still doing perfectly fine, right? Everyone was still living their happy lives, weren't they? The aliens weren't actually a pressing matter, nor was there anything that could be done any time soon.

The root cause of why Huang Ji had to leave, even at the cost of hurting his grandfather, was for his grandfather's health.

He wanted to study medicine and find a way to cure his grandfather. There was no time to waste. His grandfather seemed healthy enough, but he would die within five years. This was clearly perceived from his data

Everyone's life came to an end eventually. All people had a lifespan. The lifespan of most children was between 100 and 130 years.

In other words, most children had a lifespan bordering the human limit! But as they grew older, their overall lifespan would continuously shrink! By the time they were 18, most people's lifespans would have dropped to around 100.

He had also observed numerous people in their twenties who generally only had a lifespan of 80-90; some would even die when they were 60.

Lifespan was an everchanging piece of data! From a different perspective, it meant that a person's fate wasn't predetermined, it wasn't set in stone!

A person might have been able to live until 120 years old, but because they had bad resting or eating habits, their lifespan would immediately plummet!

A person who would have been able to live to the age of 80 might get seriously ill, and because they couldn't control their desires during that period, their lifespan might drop from 80 to 60 even after they recovered.

The problem was, virtually nobody was aware of these changes. When that person contracts some other illness and dies at the age of 50, they would probably think they were meant to live a short life.

Unbeknownst to him, the illness he had contracted when he was younger had drained his body; there was no way he was living past 60!

Every change in a person's habits, circumstances, and even mentality would cause a change in a person lifespan.

That was why Huang Ji was to to observe, summarize, and experiment to see what actions could preserve one's health, and what actions would reduce lifespan.

The driving force behind his grandfather's death was illness. This was a terminal illness, but if he could cure it, his grandfather would undoubtedly live longer than five years; his lifespan would even be greatly prolonged!

Fate wasn't predetermined, it was decided by the intertwinement of an infinite series of cause and effect.

Theoretically speaking, if a person could identify a sufficient number of causal lines and had enough information, they would be able to predict the future.