

"I, Dante, am standing on top of this building, looking at the world around me, thinking about how everything got to this point. Being a person who has climbed from the very bottom, I have managed to become a relatively successful person, with a university degree, a master's degree, and I even found a dream partner, beautiful, with a smile that could light up the sun. But getting back to the point, my life had been on the rise, but a dark event came into my life that has drastically turned it around. I found out that my girlfriend had been cheating on me with my boss. When I reported them to management, they dismissed it, telling me that no such event had occurred. And they still told me that I was slandering the boss, which led to my dismissal as a result. Now I am standing on top of this skyscraper, 120 meters high, looking at the clouds and the sun, in its maximum splendor."

"(Change of perspective) What am I doing here in the first place? I was just walking. What did I do wrong for this to happen to me? I know I'm not the best man in the world, my appearance is normal, my weight is also within the standard and I always took care of her. I took her on dates every weekend and bought her expensive gifts like earrings, bracelets, bags, I even took out a damn credit. Damn it! What do women want? You give everything, you strive to get the money to be able to see her smile every time you gave her a gift, which filled your soul with happiness every time that smile appeared. You worked extra hours, even extra jobs, you even helped her study so she could finish her university studies. And this is how they pay me, that damn bitch. All angry, I thought I better end it here. I jump from this building and end it all, this life, this suffering. "Could I be happy at that moment? Could they free me from this suffering they call life, an infinite cycle of emotions until I die? Dying is the only solution to this. I approached the edge of the skyscraper looking at the city, its people, the shops, the cars. Although it would be a normal view down there, here you can see a different perspective. People look like simple ants. That's how aliens will look at us when they are in their spaceships. My mind is already wandering, seeing that these could be my last moments of life. As I was looking, my leg moved on its own into the abyss that will bring my death. My mind came back to itself, I know they cheated on me, all that, but this will be the end, no! I'm still alive, I can get a girlfriend again and get a job or even build a company. I'm still young, in my late 20s. At that moment I realized that life goes on and I pulled my leg back, but at that moment I felt something like a hand pushing me into the abyss. Before I fell into the abyss completely, I grabbed onto the building with my arms. What the hell happened at this moment? There is no strong wind. At that moment I felt fear of death, also that I want to keep living. With all my strength I held onto the building and with all the strength of my arms I pushed myself up. When I managed to climb up, I felt extreme relief. At that moment, I told myself that I would enjoy my life to the fullest and would not waste another moment thinking about nonsense. I got up, dusted off my clothes and went back the way I came. I opened the rooftop door and went down. Now that I realize where I am, what building is this? It looks like an office complex. I walked by and saw quite a few people in cubicles. I wondered if in this type of building the access to the rooftop was not restricted and I kept going down the stairs, which were a lot. I think more than 30 floors until I reached the first floor that showed me a luxurious reception hall. It had a reception hall and several receptionists who were helping several people who were looking for information for more than one site where there were several company offices. Remembering that, I was walking looking for a job. I think my subconscious took me to this place and the eagerness to calm this pain took me to the rooftop to end it all. At that moment, if I want to continue with my life, I need a job to be able to feed myself and maintain my housing. Then I went to the bathroom to fix myself up. I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw the face of a haggard man with dark circles under his eyes. Although his face is somewhat beautiful, his bad habits of sleeping late and eating healthily made him look bad. After fixing my hair and washing my face, I approached the receptionist. -Hello, miss, good afternoon. I want to inquire about the job offer. -Yes, good afternoon sir, we currently have some job proposals. Tell me, in which sector do you want to work? (Do I look that bad, I'm only 29 years old)"

"Yes, miss, I want to apply for the cybersecurity position, if it's available. -Let me check, sir. As she was checking, I looked at her. Although a little chubby, she had a pretty face. If she exercised, she would be a beauty. Maybe if I join this company and can win her over and guide her so that her body becomes curvy, I could create a beauty and mold her to be only mine. "Out with psychotic thoughts". This must be effects of having a near-death experience. -Yes sir, we currently have some vacancies. Put your data here and your CV and we will contact you. -Thank you very much, miss. I left my phone number and CV and left the building to the street and saw people walking. At that moment I thought, what a beautiful day. And suddenly my stomach growled, guuuur. I'm already hungry. Before leaving my rented apartment, I took my cell phone out of my pocket and checked the time, it was already 3 in the afternoon. Did time pass so quickly? First, I have to go eat and then fix my messes, like student loans. How am I going to pay them and how to get rid of that car debt that I bought for my ex? After thinking about that, I walked around the city looking for something to eat and saw a street food stand that sold hot dogs. I sat on a stool that the stand had. As I sat down, I saw several families walking: a father, a mother and their children. Some were only brothers and sisters. As I was watching them, I saw a man who was walking suspiciously. As I was watching him, suddenly the guy ran and tried to snatch the purse from a mother who was alone with her two little children. As he was taking her purse, the thief pushed her onto the track leaving her lying down and the children crying. At that moment I thought about what the only person who raised me, my grandmother, told me. My Dante, "if you want people to be good to you, be good to people". At that moment I went to help the lady. First I went to take care of the children who were crying on the track. I tried to calm them down but I couldn't, so I took them to the sidewalk. Then the mother, who was lying on the ground, seemed to have fallen badly and twisted an ankle and fell on the asphalt of the road and her leg was bleeding. The thief was nowhere to be found and as the mother of the children still had her purse, the thief escaped, realizing that many people had noticed the robbery and ran away. At the moment I was helping the lady, a loud noise was heard. At that moment a trailer was running at maximum speed. This is strange, this is a school zone where only cars and small trucks can circulate. At that moment I couldn't think much, I grabbed the lady with strength, lifted her up and ran to the sidewalk. At that moment I felt, that feeling again, what should I do? I told myself, I have to live at any cost. I ran towards the sidewalk but the custer was approaching me, will it be the end? I looked at my side, if I drop the lady and run, I will survive, but if I do, I look at the two children, they will lose their mother. Although I don't know what the feeling of having a mother is, I had something very similar that would be my grandmother. If she died, I wouldn't know what to do. At that moment I made a decision, I grabbed the lady and with all my strength I threw her towards the sidewalk. Even if she fell badly injured, they wouldn't die. I threw her and she fell on the sidewalk with a thud. At the moment I decided to keep running, I felt something that hit me, I felt my head flying. At that moment I thought, I didn't think I would die by the famous truck-kun. The only thing I hope is that that family can continue to be happy."

Hello. To all of you, my readers, this is a brief prologue about this story. I already have an idea in mind about how the course of the story will go. This story will mix several anime worlds, I’m still thinking about which ones, any suggestions in the comments. This is my first novel and I’m also not a native speaker, so if there’s a mistake, let me know. Here, Mather says goodbye.

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