
The Oddity By: DGmoonlit

As the young man wandered the streets in search of a late night snack. But little did he know, his journey would come to an abrupt and tragic end. However, death was not the end for this brave soul. A higher being saw fit to grant him new life in a foreign land, imbuing him with extraordinary powers. As he adapts to this strange new world, the young man is faced with a choice: will he use his abilities for the betterment of those around him, or will he succumb to the temptation of power and become a figure to be feared? The path ahead is uncertain, but one thing is for certain: this young man's journey will be one filled with emotion, adventure, and the unknown. Will you join him on his quest to find his place in this new world?

DGmoonlit · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 1: The Incident

My name is Aaron Stranezza, and I'm currently a college student attending a university. Throughout my life, I've mostly been alone, lacking the love and support from my parents that others seem to enjoy. Sadly, my parents' treatment of me has been far from ideal, and they even went so far as to attempt to sell me to settle their debts. Escaping from that nightmarish situation, I ran away to find my own path. Despite my efforts to make friends, I've been left feeling isolated as people often come and go in my life. I tend to avoid parties and events, and some might label me as a neet, but in reality, I juggle both school and a part-time job as a delivery man, trying to make ends meet amidst this chaotic existence.

One night, as I strolled down the street to buy some snacks, an inexplicably bright light caught my attention on the road. Initially, I brushed it off and continued walking toward the convenience store. Inside, I carefully selected some affordable food items like canned goods and noodles, mindful of my budget constraints.

After paying for the food, I stepped outside and began my journey back home. Surprisingly, that same bright light still illuminated the road, igniting my curiosity. "Could it be a phone?" I wondered. The allure of the radiant glow drew me closer, and though it turned out not to be a phone, I found myself captivated, unable to look away. Unbeknownst to me, danger lurked nearby, poised to change the course of my life. A meteorite, seemingly harmless to the surrounding buildings, hurtled toward me and struck. Its impact was profound, and although my body still registered sensations, it felt as though I was drifting into a deep slumber, unaware of the unfolding events around me.

I woke up, I felt rested and rejuvenated, as if I had just slept for an entire day. I stood up and looked around, confused and disoriented. I felt a mix of emotions - happiness, sadness, and curiosity. It was as if this place was imbued with some kind of energy that was both uplifting and overwhelming. Tears would suddenly fall from my eyes. I wiped the tears of my eyes and continue to looked around… what I saw was an infinite nothingness, a void of emptiness.

All of a sudden, a voice reached my ears. "You're finally awake," it said. In a state of panic, I scanned my surroundings, attempting to identify the source of the voice, but there was no one in sight. Yet, the voice seemed intimate, as if the entire place was speaking to me. "Who are you? Where am I? Why am I here?" I questioned, perplexed, while absentmindedly scratching my head.

Once more, the voice echoed with its loud and thunderous tone. "I am known by many names, but you… you can call me Revenant. You, a confused human, harbor many questions… fear not, I shall provide answers."

"Revenant? Wh-where am I?" I asked, feeling beads of sweat rolling down my forehead.

With his thunderous voice, Revenant responded, "You are in a plane outside the Universe… beyond it. This place is an extension of me—a realm of living ideas, the Ideos Nexus, composed of pure thought."

"And what are you? Why can't I see you?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

"I am a Living Idea, a necessity for the existence of the Universes and their fundamental structures of logic, thought, and concepts. Your people would call me a god," Revenant answered. "However, your limited mind couldn't possibly comprehend my true form."

"A god? Have you taken me to heaven? Or am I in hell?" I stammered, my hands trembling.

"Fret not, human, for you are not dead… at least not yet," Revenant reassured.

"What do you mean 'not yet'? I'm sorry, God, I've made a lot of mistakes, and I'm not ready yet," I said, my eyes welling up with tears as I knelt down.

"You amuse me, human, but don't misunderstand. You are not here because of what you're thinking," he replied with certainty.

I stood back up, wiping away my tears and calming myself. "Then why am I here?" I asked. Then an Idea popped in my head. "Have I been chosen to be a hero or something? Is that it? Am I gonna have an elf wife with big honker? Because if it is… I'm in!" I continued, excitement bubbling within me as I assumed a fighting stance.

Hahaha," Revenant laughed, the sound echoing like a thunderstorm, causing me to instinctively cover my ears. "You truly are an amazing fellow. Now you act as if you are not in front of a god."

I cautiously uncovered my ears and shook my head. "Is it wrong to be excited?" I nervously inquired.

"There is nothing wrong with being excited… To be honest, kid, that glowing thing you saw on the street was just a crack on my plane, which coincidentally showed in your world. And you weren't summoned here because of what you're thinking. Moreover, you don't even have a physical body at the moment," Revenant explained.

I was shocked by the revelation. "What?! You sent me here for nothing, then?" I asked, frustration evident as I placed my hand on my head.

"Calm down, kid," Revenant said, attempting to soothe me. "Look, I felt somewhat responsible for your near-death experience due to the crack. Since you already expressed the desire to be a hero, why not pursue it? I can help you fulfill your dream of becoming a hero and finding an elf wife with… well, you know."

"Really?" I asked, my eyes lighting up with hope.

"Really," he affirmed. "However, let me clarify something. What you do in your world, I cannot directly intervene. Whether you choose to do good or bad things, I cannot stop you."

"Why not?" I inquired. "Can't you just snap me out of existence if I do anything stupid?"

"Though I do have that power, creation must not be abused by us, the higher power," Revenant explained.

"I see," I said, looking down briefly before meeting his gaze again. "Don't worry, I won't do anything stupid in this new world," I assured Revenant.

"Let's not conclude a story that hasn't been written yet," Revenant replied. "I will start exploring a new world for you," he continued.

"How will you find the right world for me?" I asked, constantly turning around to speak to Revenant.

"As a god, I can perceive things differently. I can see every universe that I want to see, and there are infinite numbers of them," he responded with authority.

let's do that," I said, filled with eagerness to embark on my new life journey.

Suddenly, a bright beam of light struck me, and I felt as though I was being pulled downwards.

"I have found the world you are looking for," Revenant stated.

"Already?" I replied, taken aback by how quickly Revenant had discovered a new world for me. "I thought you didn't have it in you," I playfully added.

"Don't push it, kid," he responded sternly. "Look, I'm sorry that this happened, but hopefully, you can find happiness in this new world. Although I could have returned you to your own world if you wanted."

"No way!" I exclaimed, a surge of determination rushing through me. "My world is boring, and elves don't exist there. Do you know how lonely I was in that damn place? My parents even tried to sell me to pay their debts. Who does that?"

"Your parents, apparently," Revenant replied, unable to contain his amusement.

I scowled, feeling annoyed.

"So, I'm going to send you to the new world, but I'm going to give you something to help you survive," Revenant said.

"What is it?" I asked curiously.

"A power to adapt to any situation," he answered.

"Adapt? How do I use that? I mean, it sounds great… but how can I use it?" I inquired.

"Let's just say some things are best left discovered on your own," Revenant replied. "Now… close your eyes while I start to transfer you. You're going to feel something while you're being transferred, but don't worry. It won't hurt. Hopefully."

"Wait, what did you sa–" I couldn't finish my sentence, as I was already being transferred. The beam of light pulled me downwards, and I traveled through vast infinite universes to reach my new world. It felt horrible, akin to being seasick during the journey.

Upon arriving in my new world, a beam of light struck the ground, creating a pillar of light that vanished after a short while. Slowly, I stood up and dusted myself off, only to hear a confident, female voice from behind me.

"You there, I haven't seen you in these parts of the kingdom. Identify yourself!" she demanded.

I turned around to see a beautiful woman on horseback, accompanied by knights, projecting a sense of high authority. Although slightly disappointed she lacked elf ears, I was ready to face this new world head-on.

"Don't make me ask you again! Rebels or threats to the kingdom of Aurora will be punished," she said, assuming the beam of light was an attack.

"Aurora?" I asked, scratching my head. "Are there elves in this kingdom?"

"What kind of question is that?" she responded, her gaze fixed on me. "Elves live in the Underwood Forest."

"Enough questions," she declared, pointing her finger at me. "Guards, capture him and bring him to the kingdom for questioning."

Despite my resistance, the guards dismounted their horses and captured me. I realized that I would have to adapt to this new world, as we started walking toward the kingdom.

Sigh, well, this is a pretty bad start.

End of Chapter 1.