
The Odd One Out - COTE

OG : Anime Physicist In this timeline, Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, masterpiece of the White Room, attends Tokyo Advanced Nurturing High School in hopes of living the peaceful life of a normal high school student. However, a few weeks before the start of the first semester, news about the White Room shutting down due to an information leak spread around the country. The White Room was a secret facility that used cruel and unethical methods to raise humans and it had not been disclosed to the public prior to the incident. The name Ayanokōji Kiyotaka became known to everyone, as rumors spread about a certain 15 year old being the Demon of the Fourth Generation of the White Room. How will Ayanokōji face his new classmates after they learn his identity? What will happen during his time at ANHS? One thing is for certain, amongst all these students, he's the odd one out. This fan fiction may contain spoilers from the original light novel, so read at your own risk. Disclaimer: This is just a fan fiction. Characters may or may not be OOC. I do not own Classroom of the Elite nor its characters. All credit goes to the author, Syougo Kinugasa.

Yandere_is_LoVE · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 2.3 - The Puppet Master

A chance to join the student council, huh?

Yesterday, Manabu invited me to join the student council as Second Vice-President.

Music to my ears.

Since it was the position of Second Vice-President, I didn't have to go through the election process. All I had to do was get Nagumo's approval, since Manabu basically already accepted me.

This also meant that if Nagumo were to ever step down, or get expelled after I become Second Vice-President, I would automatically get promoted to Vice-President.

I was now resting in my room, thinking of an efficient plan to put into action, when suddenly I got a message from Hirata.

[Can we meet? There's something I want to talk to you about]

[Sure, where?]

[How does the café at the entrance of the Keyaki Mall sound? How about 3PM?]

[Sounds good, see you then]

I wonder what he wants to talk about, nothing significant has happened yet.

It better not be a love confession.

On a serious note, I think I've come up with a plan to deal with Nagumo, and deal with some other problems. Kill two birds with one stone, as they say.

As I was approaching the Keyaki Mall, I bumped into Nagumo. At first, it seemed like an accident, but I crossed his path on purpose after noticing he was stalking me.

"Hey, you, Ayanokouji."

This is perfect.


"So Manabu wants you to become Second Vice-President, eh? Seems like he couldn't resist himself after hearing the news about you spread."

It is true that contact with the outside world is prohibited, but the first-years probably spread rumors about me all around the school, so now, all students from all years know about me.

"Look, Ayanokouji, I don't know what the hell Manabu sees in you, but I'll beat you to a pulp. How about we fight right here, right now?!!"

"No thanks. I'm good."

"Running away, huh? Seems like you're not so impressive after all."

"I'll fight you on one condition."


"Accept me as Second Vice-President."

"Haha! If that's all it takes, sure thing. I can't wait to beat the shit out of your genius ass!"

"I'll message you the time and place later, give me your phone number."

"Oh ho, you're getting me all fired up, you bastard!"

With that, we exchanged contact information.

"The truth is, Nagumo, I already prepared a contract. I've always wanted to fight you, ever since I heard your name."

That was a lie. He didn't interest me in the least.

I took out the contract and a pen from out of my pocket. In truth, I had this contract and pen in my pocket in case he ever decided to approach me one day. Seems like today was that day.

These were the conditions of the contract:

A refers to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

B refers to Nagumo Miyabi.

A will face B in a 1 v 1 fight after B accepts A as the Second Vice-President of the Student Council.

After B accepts A as the Second Vice-President of the Student Council, in the case where A and B don't fight, only A will be expelled.

Simple, no? In other words, as long as Nagumo accepts me as Second Vice-President, I'd have no choice but to fight him, otherwise I'd be expelled.

That's what Nagumo thought.

"Now we're talking," said Nagumo as he signed the contract without hesitation.

"I'll let the President know of my decision, I'll be looking forward to breaking your face, Ayanokouji."

"Sure, see you then, Nagumo. I guess I'm looking forward to it too."

For it will be one of your last moments in this school.

With that, we parted ways and I made my way to the café to meet up with Hirata.

"Hey, Ayanokouji, thanks for coming."

"No problem, Hirata. So, what did you want to talk about?"

"You see, Ayanokouji, I want to become the class leader. Of course, you could argue that that's already the case since most of the Class D students trust me, but I just wanted your approval. You know, you're really amazing, the way I see it, you could easily take control of the class if you wanted to. After all, I've talked to everyone, and most of them all seem to have a good opinion about you. Surviving in the White Room must've been so tough, and you're without a doubt the smartest in our class. That's why I respect you. I wanted to ask you if you don't mind me taking the class leader spot, if not then I'll be taking it for myself."

"Sure, Hirata. I was never good with talking anyways, so I figured it was better if someone like you took the lead. Of course, I'll be willing to help you and you can count on me for help."

"Thank you so much, Ayanokouji. Well, that's basically all I wanted to ask you. I'll see you tomorrow then."

"See you tomorrow."

I never wanted to become a class leader.

At least not Class D's leader anyway.


[I'm willing to join the student council as Second Vice-President]

I texted Manabu to inform him of my decision once I got back to my room. A little while after, he called me.


"Hello Ayanokouji. I'm delighted that you accepted my proposal. I'll be looking forward to working with you. I'll inform you that Nagumo has given his approval as well. Did you do something?"

"Who knows."

"Well, anyway, welcome to the Student Council, Ayanokouji. Or should I say, Second Vice-President Ayanokouji? The school has already confirmed your position."

"I'm happy to join, President."

"I'm glad you are. Anyway, I have matters to attend to, so I'll need to hang up now. Tomorrow, come to the student council room after class so that I can tell you about the work you'll be doing."

"Understood. Also, President, are you free at 8PM?"

"Hmm... I think so, although I might be late to whatever you're planning. What do you need?"

"Come to the alley next to the special building. There's something I need you to see."

"Well, I don't know what you're planning, but I'll make sure to come. It better be worth it. See you then."

With that, he hung up. I then texted Nagumo.

[Come tonight at 7:45 PM in the alley next to the special building, don't be late. I'll smash your face into pieces.]

As well as another person.

[Hey, I need to talk to you about something. Can we meet next to the special building at 8PM?]

It seems like my plan was really going to work.


It was turning dark. After all, it was already 8PM.

I was hiding in the bushes close to the dark alley next to the special building.

Like an artist admiring his own artwork. Like a writer reading his own book. Like a director reading his own script. I watched the scene unfolding in front of my own eyes.

"Ayanokouji-kun? Are you here? Where are you? I asked me to meet you so I'm here. This is place is dark and... scary..."

"Well hey there Ichinose..."

"N-Nagumo-senpai?! What are you doing here?"

"Same reason as you. Ayanokouji asked me to meet him here for a fight, I guess he chickened out," he chuckled, "But I guess I'm happy as long as you're here with me..."

"S-stop, what are you doing?!"

Nagumo was getting closer and closer to Ichinose, until he finally pushed her onto the wall.

"You didn't want to be my girlfriend, so I guess I'll just have to treat myself right here right now."

"S-stop! Someone help... me..."

It was useless to ask for help. The special building was separated from the main part of campus. Since most people were probably in their room at this time, even a lot of noise would go unnoticed.

Nagumo then started touching Ichinose all over her body. Ichinose wasn't strong enough to fight back, as she obviously couldn't beat Nagumo in terms of pure strength. She gave it her all, but it was all for nothing. Tears started coming out of her eyes...

"Ayanokouji...-kun... where are... you... did you... do this to me..."

Nagumo started putting his hands on Ichinose's breasts. Clearly, he was enjoying himself. But this enjoyment won't last much longer.

Ichinose lost hope, she gave up resisting and cried until her eyes were all red.

Nagumo started putting his right hand under Ichinose's skirt, while caressing her hair with his left.

Nagumo turned around and jumped back. Manabu had arrived at the scene, shocked by what he was witnessing. Tachibana was alongside him, and couldn't hold back her tears when she saw Ichinose in the state she was in.

"Tachibana, take care of Ichinose please, and call security."

Tachibana rushed over to Ichinose, giving her a tight hug and reassuring her that everything would be okay. She then called security with her own phone.

"What are you going to do now, President?"

"You're going to be expelled, Nagumo."

"Expelled? With what proof?"

"You're a fool, Nagumo. I don't need proof."

"You're the fool, Manabu. Nobody can expel me if they don't have proof."

"You're naive, Nagumo."

It was about time I made my appearance.

"W-what are you doing here, Ayanokouji?"

"I'm here for your expulsion."

I took out my phone and played the video I was recording, leaving Nagumo lost for words.

"Nagumo-senpai?! What are you doing here?"

"Same reason as you. Ayanokouji asked me to meet him here for a fight, I guess he chickened out. But I guess I'm happy as long as you're here with me..."

"S-stop, what are you doing?!"

"You didn't want to be my girlfriend, so I guess I'll just have to treat myself right here right now."

"S-stop! Someone help... me..."

Tachibana and Manabu were disgusted with what they were hearing.

"That's enough, Ayanokouji. I believe I've heard enough. Thank you for the evidence. Nagumo, say goodbye to the school."

As the President finished talking, the school's security came and started taking Nagumo away.

"W-wait wait, but the contract, Ayanokouji, the contract! We didn't fight, so you'll have to be expelled too! You bastard, you think I would forget that?!"

"Oh, this contract?"

I took out the contract we had signed this afternoon.

"Yeah, this contract!! Look on this contract, it says that if we-"

"This contract is fake."

"What? You're kidding, stop fucking around! We even signed this contract this afternoon. We agre-"


I interrupted him as I looked at him with darkness in my eyes. He stopped talking.

"...Did you really think I would sign a contract like this? Look at it, there are no signatures on it. This is the real contract."

I took out another piece of paper out of my pocket and gave it to Nagumo.

"This... w-what the fuck is this? I never signed this shit!"

"Look below."

Indeed, he did sign it. His signature was right there.

"No way... I don't remember signing this, the hell did you do you bastard?!"

The real contract was even more simple than the fake one.

A refers to Nagumo Miyabi.

B refers to Ayanokouji Kiyotaka.

In the event where A gets expelled, A has to transfer all their private points to B.


You lost the moment you decided to challenge me."
