
Quinn Oakhaven, Part 2

A few hours after the horde attack on Rosmic, the uninjured men helped in cleaning up the rest of the corpses and rubble off the roads and ruined houses. There were no signs of an Orc Lord or any flag in the known areas where the horde came from, and mysteriously enough it seems that they didn't speak either. Orcs appearances are harsh enough but they are surprisingly just another race that are intellectual, they just have physical abilities that surpass any other race. Though they look like Goblins the lot of them have a huge distinctions. The bells ring in the town square.

"Sir Oakhaven, we are going to hold a meeting in the guild. We hope that you would participate in holding this meeting amongst the guild members and citizens of Rosmic. Anymore of these hordes could attack at any moment. There were no evident signs of these Orcs leader in any side of the town." says Cratus.

"Bring around your Council, they might provide a set of things for the town" Quinn suggests, "We've lost a lot of resources in just a couple hours, it couldn't be more of a pain in my ass right now." Quinn sighs for how tired he is.

Every member of the guild is holding a meeting inside the Rosmic Guild, every soldier, and towns people who caught the horde approaching the town first. The silence of the room holds a lot of fear and anticipation to what may come. Cratus decides to lean on Quinn's decisions but he thinks Cratus should do what he think is best for the town. He's in charge.

"The town of Rosmic isn't made to hold out a number of Hordes until the end!" The legal advisor speaks.

The legal advisor stands up and slams the table, "We should mention this to the nearest Lord, Cratus. This isn't something we can handle on our own!" saying it with fear.

Cratus responds, "We can't, seeking for aid to a Lord might make us owe more than what we can afford and we are in no state to try and do it right now."

"Might as well do it, we have no choice." the Chief Warden interrupts. "Being half a town in debt will save us. Send a squire, tell a Lord we need at least a little help from them."

The guild meeting is not going well enough for the members and the council. The people inside the room continue arguing loudly about what to do if another horde attacks. Quinn can't suggest anything so he holds on a neutral side and stays quiet in front of the council table. A large bang sounds for the common hall, Cratus and Quinn looks at each other and checks it out. A man enters and tries to find someone.

Cratus calls him out, "What is it?"

The man glances at Cratus, "Three armored men with a Verthurst banner just came through the town square!" the man says while being out of breath.

"King Verthurst's men? Why would they go out this far to the east?" Cratus asks.

"I'm guessing the situation is ranging throughout other cities." said by Quinn with uncertainty.

The horses gallop is heard in the common hall and is getting closer to the Rosmic Guild. Cratus, Quinn, and some curious men head out of the guild to see what's going on.

The armored man talks to Cratus, "Are you the one in charge of this town?"

"I am." Cratus looks at him and tries puzzling what's going on. "Is there a problem? Why did the King decide to check out in this town?"

"We're not from Oldsummer, we just carried the Kings message in his position, we came from Lord Aven." The men drop down from their horses. "We need to talk in a private place."

Cratus and the messengers gets inside the guild to hold a council meeting with the three men. It seems that it was confidential, and they held this council meeting for quite a long time. Soon after the common hall cleared slowly. Earlier most of the men in the common hall snoop at the front door to check out for anything suspicious.

"Why would someone in the place of King Verthurst, to go to the rough old town of Rosmic to give out a message eh?" Harwen shows suspicion of what has happened through out the last couple of hours.

First the explosions, the hollow orcs, and then the King of Ikaria's messengers.

Cadmus creeps at the window of the Guilds council room, "It looks like they're talking about the Kings words, you think this massive boulder of a guy Cratus has anything to do with it?"

"It's none of our business, let's go." Quinn loses interest in keeping up with the sudden appearance of the horde attack.

"We might get stuck in things that might get us killed, these are the kings messengers." Quinn stands away from the window.

"Eh, we're gonna stick out here for a while. Where you goin'?" Harwen asks.

Quinn puts his hands over his mouth and yawns, "To get some sleep, I've been working my ass off all day. I'm gonna try find an inn across town."

When Quinn walked along the towns road, he thought that it was not much of a problem after all. The people were recovered as if nothing happened, but as soon as he of thought of that, he still saw that people can not bounce back from any disaster. He saw peasants begging in the sidewalks and he felt bad for them. Quinn was a child who once had a cold face, he feared his father, yet he still looked up to his qualities as a man, he still wanted to trace back to him. To where he began, he thought he's missing a lot of things that he needed from his father. A fool then, still a fool now.

Pieces of rocks fall down from the house on his right but he ignores it after, but then he hears movement from under the debris. He sprints toward the ruined house and shovels the mountains and mountains of rubble out of the way.

"Hang on down there!" he shouts as he hears someone struggling. His face shows worry and pain that's coming from his wounds. As he pushes of the last piece, he sees a young woman lying on her side but... She's already stopped breathing. Quinn shouts in anger. He lays down on the ground as his body felt weak when the woman gave up on breathing from being buried in too much concrete and wood. He turns around slowly and hears a child coughing. His slowly moves toward the woman and slowly moves her arms to the side. Quinn's eyes get bigger when he saw that the woman saved the child she was holding in her arms. He carries the crying child into his arms with caution and calms it. There was an inn near the town square that Quinn found after he found the child, it's name was Kosmikos Inn. He goes in with the child he found so he can clean and feed it. The chimes from the door sounds when he opens the door

"Oh, welco-" The tall mans eyes enlarge when he saw Quinn, "Well if it isn't the Lancer of Ikaria. Welcome to my inn." The owner was big and muscular, he smiled at Quinn and walked out of the bar counter.

"You gonna stay here for the day, we got some cheap rooms for veterans like you." the owner insists on making him stay.

"Yeah, I'm gonna doze off for a little bit. Haven't sleep since last night, I'm Quinn. Quinn Oakhaven." he introduces himself.

"Rickard Borough, you could just call me Rick. Quinn uh, you look pretty young to have child." Rickard points at the child and smiles.

He looks down on the child and smiles at it and responds to Rick with a sad voice, "I found this poor kid under a building earlier. I'm trying to get the kid fed up and cleaned. Don't know anything about kids heh." he laughs off softly.

"Oh uh, I'm sorry 'bout that, you want me to help you out? My wife and I had a kid, I'm pretty sure we can help you a little." Rick feels bad for the child. "Rache!" Rick shouts for his wife.

"Keep it down... " Rachel while going down the stairs, "Why are you shouting early in the morning?" Rachel complains,

"Well we got a valued guest who needs a few things, can you help him?" Rick points at Quinn.

"Ohhh, why you're very much welcome here Mr. Oakhaven!" she bows and Rick and Quinn smiles and chuckles.

Rachel carries the child and cradles it in her arms. Rick makes some coffee for them in the bar.

Both of them sit down on an empty table beside the bar and talk about where he found the child and how Quinn's been doing in the past few hours.

"It must have been difficult for you to fight since yesterday, the war just finished over a year ago. I can't imagine how that must've felt for you. Rick and I never heard the news since we were far from the attack but we heard the bells around town so we went to the town square immediately. There were already people fighting these things. Good thing it was nearly over when we came by."

Rachel told Quinn that they weren't involved any fighting but they witnessed some people fighting orcs in the town square. Rick pours some coffee for the three of them while they're having a conversation about the recent chaos.

"You look so tired, Quinn. Get up stairs, I prepared a room earlier." Rachel suggests. Quinn's eyes were as if it was going to snap off his face if he was awake for longer.

Quinn looks at the kid. "How about him?" he asks Rachel.

"Don't be anxious about it Quinn, I'll take care of the boy for you. Now go rest before, you might get sick."

Quinn goes to his room upstairs and takes off his shirt. A lot of bruises and bandages over his chest, so many stab wounds on any corner of his body. He was more than exhausted with how his body looks. It's like he's getting melted to bone, being burned alive.

I kept repeating some words, it kinda sounded off sometimes because of the grammar but I tried to fix some of it. I'm continuing in reading some of my favorite books and right at the moment it's a novel by GRRM. This story was thought by me for a long time. I try to give this one a bit more realism. By realism it's about how the flow of life works and how it's has a chain reaction that will soon change the life of many people.

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