

Scary stories are always told to kids to make them scared and be good. It always seems to make children behave no matter what, at least most of the time. Stories like the Boogyman and the monster under one's bed were always told to kids, but I was never scared of them as a kid.

My parents tried everything to scare me as a kid. I wasn't necessarily a good or bad kid, I just did things any kid would probably do when one has a minor nefarious action in mind like stealing or breaking things. They told me the story of old folklore of our generation. They told me the story of the Nun from the Underworld.

The Nun from the Underworld is a Nun who will supposedly show up to kids who misbehaves as a beautiful woman who seemed benevolent and she helps the children get onto the right path. If they behave and change their ways, she leaves. If they don't behave, she kills them by taking their soul in their sleep. It was a folklore that scared children of many generations, but no one has ever seen her.

Well, that's a lie...I have seen her. The Nun is a beautiful woman, a tall woman with a voluptuous body and large breasts. She has fair skin, long brunette hair, and blue eyes the first time you meet her. She wears a standard blue nun dress and veil with a necklace with a cross on it.

That's how she appeared to me on that day I saw her in my room 15 years ago.

•15 years ago...•

I sat in my room playing my DS when I was supposed to be sleeping. It was raining that day and I was hoping school would cancel, but my district is never known to close down even after a storm that had enough power to rip houses from the ground.

I heard a knock on the door and closed my DS and acted like I was sleeping. I heard the door slowly open and thought it was my parents checking on me. I heard footsteps approaching me and began to grow a bit annoyed because I was good at acting so they should've left by now.

"I know you aren't sleeping. Just like Santa Claus, I can tell when you're asleep and when you're not...Xander." The woman's voice said and grabbed my arm. She noticed I hadn't flinched and she loomed over me.

I felt her presence, but if I made any sudden movements whoever the woman was would've known I was awake. Soon I felt her let me go and walk away, closing the door. I sighed and turned around and noticed her in my face. I froze as I looked at her directly into her unnatural blue eyes.

"You can't outsmart me." The woman said. "My name is Estella Priscilla Aponius, you probably know me as the Nun of the Underworld.."

I sat up in bed and stared at her. "You're real?"

"I am real. I am alive. I am here to help you steer you on the right path." Estella said and stood up. "You will never see my face without reason. If we have to meet again, it will not be a good thing."

I stared at her and smiled. She noticed I was smiling and crossed her arms.

"I'm serious." Estella said.

"Yeah, you're probably someone Mama hired to just scare me." I said and laid back down then pulled out my DS.

Estella's left eye twitched then she snapped her fingers and my DS began to glitch then turned off. "See?"

I sat up and sighed. "That's just a coincidence."

"Really?" Estella asked and snapped her fingers again then the TV came on and it was static.

My lights began to flicker and the air became colder. I looked at my arm and noticed a few goosebumps. I looked up at Estella and noticed her true form.

She wore a sleeveless corset dress with slits on both sides going up to her thigh. She was now wearing blue fingerless bridal gauntlets with a gold ring on her middle fingers. She had black shakles on her wrists with golden chains attached to them. Her fangs began to show and her eyes glowed red.

She held her hand over my body and noticed I still wasn't afraid of her. "What the hell..? Why are you not afraid?"

"I'm just not. I grew up watching scary movies and shows with my cousins, they've always scared me everyday but soon I grew immune to their tricks. I've just grown immune to scary things." I said.

She frowned and made the entire room pitched back and when the light came back on, I noticed a demonic creature in front of my face. I looked at it and held my DS in front of her face.

"Can you fix my DS now if you're done?" I asked.

Estella reverted to her human form and looked at me with shock. She couldn't believe that I was the first child to never be afraid of her.

•Present Day•

I am now 25 years old with a nice job, car, and apartment...I grew up and matured over the years. I am nothing like I used to be, but Estella still sticks by my side, trying to do anything to scare me like induce nightmares upon me and pull Bloody Mary type tricks on me when I'm in the bathroom. She would even possess my TV and show some Madela level images on my screen, but nothing worked.

Currently, I was getting ready for the day and was in the bathroom brushing my teeth when suddenly a ghoulish reflection of myself appeared in the mirror.

"Oh my God, what the heck is that for the millionth time?" I said sarcastically then spit my toothpaste out and washed my face. I looked up and noticed the reflection had turned back to normal. I noticed Estella standing behind me.

"How? How are you still not scared?!" Estella asked.

I turned around to look at Estella and smiled at her. "You've been trying for 15 years. You're not scaring me. Your tricks have been getting repetitive. It's time you found some new tricks and prove you're legit." I said then kissed her cheek and walked off.

Estella blushed and puffed her cheeks then hurried after me then summoned a void on the floor in front of me. I hopped over it then she made a shadow hand emerge from the void and grab me.

"Tell me how you do it?!" Estella asked.

"Do what? I do a lot of things." I said and smiled at her.

"How are you not afraid of me? You were even crazy enough to make me your fiancee...You realize if you marry a demon you will never make it to Heaven right?" Estella asked.

"I'm aware, but you've stuck with me for a long time. You've even protected me at a few points of time in my life. You obviously care enough to accept my proposal." I said then noticed she had let me go.

"I may be engaged to you, but I'm gonna make you scared of me! You can bet your apathetic ass I will!" Estella pointed at me.

I chuckled softly and walked toward her then held her waist with one hand and pinned her against the wall with my other arm against the wall. I placed my forehead against hers and noticed her bright red face.

"I would love to see you try that...even if you go another ten years trying to make me fear you, I will never fear you.." I said softly.

Estella's breathing deepened as she stared into my eyes. She began to pant softly as she felt the sexual energy between us increasing. "When I say I will scare you, I mean it...I am as legit as they come.."

"Oh I believe you're legit...but you aren't scary to me. You never will be.." I whispered to her and tucked her hair behind her ear.

She held my wrist and closed her eyes as I kissed her lips gently. She gently kissed back then bit my bottom lip. She noticed I had pulled away and opened her eyes. "I hate you sometimes.."

"I love you too...but I have to go sell my soul to a corporate business. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone.." I said and leaned closer to her ear then whispered, "Or you won't be rewarded tonight.."

She began to sweat a little and gulped. She liked when I would take control of her, but she hated the fact she couldn't even get me to jump at her scare tactics. She watched me walk off and finish getting ready for work.


I grabbed the keys off the counter and walk to Estella who was waiting for me at the door. I kissed her lips and she kissed back, slightly annoyed but still enjoying my physical affection.

I pulled away and smiled at her. "See you later this evening..~"

"Yes whatever." Estella rolled her eyes and blushed.

I chuckled and left my apartment and locked the door behind me. I walked down the stairs and went to my car.

Estella and I have been engaged for a few months. No one knows she's the actual Nun from the folklore, but they do say she closely resembles her. Even my parents don't know that Estella is the woman from folklore, but it's better this way.

Some nights we barely spend time together because at night time she's answering to the calls of parents to scare children into behaving. On the nights we do spend together, it's either her trying to scare me until it's time for bed, or we are actually doing activities normal couples would do.

Although I do believe that our relationship is morally wrong, we obviously do love each other. She's just obsessed with trying to scare me, but her attempts only make it more entertaining.

Becoming engaged with her was pretty much the equivalent of signing a contract, but she let me keep my soul because and I quote "A soulless human is like dating an empty husk, neither of us are pleased by it."

I am sure one day either I will cave in and become scared of something or she will eventually quit trying to scare me, but until then the cycle of our every day lives continues.

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