
There is a mistake !

He turned his gaze to me, Teacher King Soon stood up and introduced himself to him shortly afterwards the priest took the floor and introduced me to the professor.

_Mr. Darcy as you already know almost everyone, Teacher King soon who teaches History, our security guard who supervises the institute and finally I want to introduce you to our Brother Ryan .

I held out my hand to him all nervous inside, he stood up and looked me in the face, squeezed my hand tight and said.

_Very pleased, Teacher Brandon Darcy at your service.

He smiled with those perfectly symmetrical white teeth and I immediately let go of his hand, I was not ashamed, because I was the cause of his embarrassment, because of my fault I was selfish, from then on I was thinking about my vows, what kind of friar I would be, where my generosity was, charity had passed away with my attitude, that was how I wanted to serve the poor with holy poverty, discriminating against the brother, because I judged him bad.

For a brief moment of trance, I was interrupted when the priest began to speak, Teacher King Soon left the central corridor and the security guard had left the room and there was just me and the new Teacher.

Before the priest disappeared down the hall, he looked at me saying.

_ Brother Ryan  you will be responsible for showing the entire orphanage the rooms and the room where Mr Brandon will be staying - ordered the priest in a melodious voice.

_Yes of course priest.

Before priest finished teacher Brandon interrupted.

I was surprised that that good teacher would accept to sleep in a convent, by the way he looks, I bet he goes out a lot and goes drunk every night.

Thank you very much, Priest Domingos. 


Brandon .

I arrived at the institute of the brothers of the holy face, I was excited about the possibility of working as a teacher, because I had not been working for almost a year for personal reasons that I don't even want to remember, I know that I have a good curriculum as an educator, more for reasons greater than which I do not want to mention I had to stop, but now that this vacancy has arisen I am very excited to start teaching again, and not to any problem if it is in a school of Priests.

it will be a very rewarding experience and will help me professionally, I was confident I wore a Slim Jacket very well made by the brand of a very famous Irish stylist here in Ireland wore a navy blue tie and a dress shoe, I was well dressed because I wanted to cause a good impression.

When I entered the school entrance, I didn't see anyone, but the door was open, I called for someone else or a sign of life, so I thought there would be no problem for me to go in and move on.

The place was really beautiful and big, and had an absurd calm and sacred music in the background, I looked around the walls with pictures and images of saints everywhere and two pictures framed with the photo of Pope Francis and a man dressed in a habit black smiling.

I thought, that must be the priest, I didn't know what his position would be in that place, because he wasn't very religious but he believed in God. some air through my lungs.

No, I wasn't believing it was happening again, just another one of my asthma attacks, no, not at that moment that was so important to me, I immediately hunted my inhaler in my pockets and unfortunately I had forgotten it.

I panicked, I was running out of air, I needed to go to a bathroom, that's when I saw the bathroom and soon I went in, I took off my jacket and unbuttoned the buttons of my shirt to get air, but it was no use, I was having a crisis of asthma. I approached the sink, throwing the suitcase aside and turned on the tap to wash my face.

When I went to get the water a dog appears barking at me very angry, ready it was just that I needed to be attacked by a dog, I tried not to make any kind of movement so as not to frighten the dog and he growled at me and made me afraid.

But for my bad luck I felt my breathing weaken, I couldn't breathe I lowered my head in order to find the air, that's when I came across a young priest wearing some robes that looked like a monk who appeared there in front of me, I was relieved and I fell on top of him, I was no longer in me, I was almost fainting, but I could hear the priest's screams, I tried to move up, but I couldn't, so I felt someone pulling me with all violence.

-What's going on here, brother Ryan ? Who is this guy?

I went to try to get up to explain myself and the security guard who pulled me with all my strength, I tried to speak, but he would not allow me.

I just saw that he was pulling my arm out of the bathroom like a dog.

-Come on, you pervert. I'm going to take you to Priest Domingos' office, you'll see him.

While the security guard pulled me looking at the afflicted priest, he seemed to want to say something, but we continue on the way to the priest's office, when I arrive I see a woman approaching us and it seemed that I knew her from somewhere. She was saying something, but I could barely hear with the security chatter.

We arrived at the priest's room and he was very surprised by the turmoil looking at my face.

He seemed to be a good man with fine features, looking tired from years and years of hard work and dedication, I noticed that his habit was a dark black lead color that brought an air of superiority to him.

The security only needed to throw me in front of the Priest feet and he was talking.

-What a mess this is in my office, how dare you enter without being mentioned ?

-Sorry Priest Domingos, one more of your brothers was in danger, I found this miscreant in the women's bathrooms.

I looked at the priest's face beside me with a flushed face, he seemed to be very ashamed, the confusion was so great that he barely noticed his beauty, the small and mysterious eyes, the fleshy lips and the absurdly light skin of his clothes that it was quite different from Priest .

I watched and he looked at me and lowered his head right afterwards, he wore a white habit that indicated purity, his face perfectly matched that whole white, he noticing that I watched him, practically eating him with his eyes.

He looked at me with a closed face and I avoided looking at the priest.

_I'm sorry, Priest, for a great misunderstanding ... I. The priest in white robes addressed the elder Priest, trying to explain what was happening.

_ Shut up, you are in a lot of trouble boy.-Said the security guard still holding me by the arm.

_ No Father to a great mistake I ... The woman who accompanied us tried to speak and I was almost sure to know her.

"Shut up, everyone, please," ordered Father seriously, looking at me - Let him Mr John, Come on boy, first tell me who you are and what are you doing here in a convent?

_ Firstly Father, my name is Brandon Darcy , I am the math teacher, and I saw for the interview that was scheduled today with you.

Everyone stood with their mouths open, remaining totally silent, as if they wanted to be sure of what they had just heard, the security guard looked me up and down scratching his head, the other priest was speechless and his face flushed with shame.

But the priest came up to me and took my hand and said.

_I apologize a thousand apologies for the embarrassment that passed, I ask you to forgive our security and our novice for the misunderstanding., Are you okay? Do you look pale?

- I'm fine, I didn't want anyone to know that I was having an asthma attack, that's why I fell on him, it wasn't my intention.

So I faced the future priest and realized that he was trying to force a smile.

I noticed the curious looks on top of me, I looked to my left, some employees gathered to see me, so I smiled at them, the security guard who looked up and down smoothed his hair a little and said a thousand apologies.

_ I ... I am sorry for my way, if I was rude if I hurt you.

_ Okay, no need, stay calm.

teacher Kyoung soon got up and introduced herself to me shortly afterwards the priest took the floor and introduced me to her.

_ Mr. Brandon as you already know almost everyone, Professor Kyoung Soon who teaches History, our security guard who supervises the institute and finally I want to introduce you to our brother Ryan.

He held his hand out to me, all nervous, and I stared at him and squeezed his hand tightly. I looked into his eyes, his well-designed lips and even him inside those cloths that kept him from knowing what his body was like, yet he made him attractive.

Nice to meet you, Mew at your service.

I smiled and he immediately let go of my hand, and I noticed in his gaze how embarrassed he was as soon as he looked into my eyes.

_ Brother Ryan you will be responsible for showing Mr.Brandon the entire orphanage.

_ Show the whole place, and show your rooms at our institute, as a sign of my apologies, Mr. Brandon would like you to accept the position of Professor and live here with us.

I was very surprised by the priest's decision, in fact I did not expect it, even though I was worried about looking for a place to stay, but I was not in my plans to live in a convent even more after it happened to me, a tragedy that even I like to remember that it made me stay away from school for a year, but I wanted to forget all that and start a new life

The novice took me to my chambers, I followed him in a corridor towards the rooms in a deadly silence, I looked at him and I could not deny that something about him called my attention even though he was a future priest, he was still an interesting man.

He was walking in hurried steps, his thin hair moved slowly at his every step, his thick, dark robes made me curious to know what his shapes were like under that white and beige habit.

I know I may be sinning for thinking like that, but he had something that made me want to know more about him, a mysterious look in which I wanted to unravel.

I confess that I am Homosexual, I am discreet about my sexual orientation, I do not like to talk about my preference for Men, I just live in the moment, since my last relationship, which was not so pleasant, I was in love with my ex, but he stepped a lot on the ball with me, giving me no value, until he got ready with me and it almost cost the end of my career, so I moved to another city to forget about him and all of this for about two years.

It was there that I moved and fell in love with Ireland.

We stopped in front of a beige door and a cross hung, he opened the door with a key turned to me and I was so close to him that I could feel his breath, our eyes met for a minute, I looked at his pink lips and he couldn't stop looking at them, his face was flushed and he looked away, getting embarrassed and said.

-Here's your key, and ... well ... I must warn you that on the other side of these walls is the enclosure and the entry of employees is prohibited, only the friars can pass through the door.

This time he met my eyes and I continued to remain silent just listening to him and I can't help but notice a lock of hair that fell over his forehead, making him attractive.

- Sorry for the misunderstanding.

-Don't worry, it's over.

Then he went around and I watched him disappear over the corridor with quick steps.


The next morning I woke up at five in the morning to the lauds (Morning Prayer) but I had hardly slept that night just thinking about what happened all that confusion, that teacher did not leave my head, and only remembered that awkward situation he was over me, then him and me standing in front of his room, almost our faces touching and me looking at his lips, what a sensation was that I felt in my stomach, my breathing was sharp, I never felt that, it was new to me.

And it scared me I never felt like that with anyone, I just felt my breathing stronger and my heart beat faster, when I realized the Lauds were over and everyone went to the cafeteria, but the Father before I accompanied them called me aside and said.

Meet me in 5 minutes in the employees' cafeteria, let's have breakfast with them and introduce them to the new math teacher.

And he left and I was thoughtful because all this was happening, I was all nervous inside knowing that I would be in the same place as him. Why did it need to be me, couldn't it be someone else?

Brandon .

I woke up in a good mood that morning, I confess that my room was not quite the way I wanted, but I had to get used to it, I got up for my luck I had a bathroom inside the room and I took a shower quickly, as it would be my first day in the room, I chose a black dress pants, a white sports shirt and a black suit with a dress shoe, I washed my hair and put a fringe aside showing my shaved undercut on the side, I believe it would be okay to be like this, I was being me same.

I took the key and my stuff and headed towards the classroom, but when I get to the main hall I find another priest, a monk, I don't know how the clothes were all wearing the same clothes as the other brother I bumped into in the bathroom.

he had a curious and manipulative look, he looked serious and cold and he had a peculiar beauty, he raised an eyebrow when he saw me and walked towards me.

You must be the new teacher that Father Domingos told us.-He said looking at me.

-Yes, let me introduce myself, I'm Brandon Darcy, very pleased !

I offered my left hand to him, and he measured me from top to bottom with a cold disinterested look without taking my hand and he continued.

-We don't need these formalities, my name is Angelo, you can accompany me to your classroom.

By . Luciana M.M 

Hi everyone are you enjoying this story? I wanted to know if you are giving yourself to understand the story,because i am using Google Translator and i know that it is a robotic translater. If the translation is bad,leave it in the comments so i can fix it. Thank you so much. 


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