

Rita looked up to the dirty ceiling, this wasn't the kind of life she dreamt of as a kid, she had imagined a pleasurable life filled with goodies, a life where she will be the centre of attraction, have fame and money. but here she is slowly breaking down with depression in prison....."hey, what's up with you bitch??? one of the inmates said with a mocking tone.

"having some petty regrets already??? she added as others echoed with tremendous laughter "it's too early for that, I guess you have a whole lifetime to spend here" another added amidst laughter"

one of the ladies stood up, she was too gigantic to be a woman, Rita stared at her, she couldn't read her expressions because her face was ugly and scary, she grabbed Rita's neck in a tight grip, " you're too fragile to be this stubborn, didn't you find the jokes funny?, why ain't you laughing" she screamed angrily, Rita was grasping for breath.

A heavy bang on the cellar made her release Rita, she scurried to a corner holding her dear neck.....a policeman was standing there looking at her "Miss Dakora, you have a visitor hurry" he said looking at Rita then he turned to the ladies "don't cause drama here" he said as he open the cellar to let Rita through before locking it firmly.

Rita partially breathless, moved to see her visitor, she saw a slim light skinned woman, she was beautiful dressed in a black suit, she stared at her and wondered who it might be.

"Rita? the woman called out and Rita headed towards her and sat in the vacant seat "am Rita and who are you?

the woman sat down and dropped a black briefcase on the table, she opened it and brought out some sheets, she paused and looked at Rita "I am Barrister Diana Bachor, am your lawyer" she said to the shock of Rita

"I Know you're surprised, the state asked me to defend you in court since you don't have family or friends to help you get a lawyer.

Rita started crying "I don't need a lawyer, it's just a waste of time, I can't win" she looked at Diana " we can't win" she said with a whisper.. Diana took her hands " don't give up, just have faith, and be honest with me, tell me the truth, how it all happened, I think that's where we should start"...

'i don't know, it's a long story, I don't know where to start' Rita said in tears..... Diana shook her head " start from the beginning, I want to hear it all... Rita smiled and looked at her, she bagan her story