
New beginning (1)

"Yeah we both suck at story writing, but there is really nothing we can do about it now, don't you think?"


"So, we should do things as we please while keeping ourselves a little out of the main storyline"


And just like that, we both accepted the fact that we completely trashed at making any story, and in the end, we decided to do as we please while still following the storyline.


I was eating with mom and Emma, once again and decided to tell mom, the excuse that I and the system had planned out.

I told mom about my wanting to do my own research on something I found interesting and travel around the human realm to visit many places and learn more about life.

She didn't agree so easily this time, especially since I would be alone but I showed mom the watch, which she already knew about, and told her, that someone had given it to me, in exchange for me working for them in their research.

Even that didn't work, so I had to pull out the best card of all, the victim and determination card. I cried and told mom that this was exactly what I have wanted my whole life.

I then started to persuade her using my determination and told her that no matter what happens, I would still continue forward no matter what.

She finally agreed after a grueling battle against her own child and I told her, that I had already received advance payments regarding the research.

Similarly to my past life, she denied the money but I told her that she had to accept it, no matter what, but in the end, it was settled with her only getting 30 billion, which was no small amount.

I told her to move to the first district with Emma and told her that I would visit frequently and maintain communication at all times.

And then another grueling battle started, with me convincing mom to move to the first district, she didn't accept until I told her that it would be best so I could visit a lot more, since the lab I would be working on, was closer to the first district.

But even then, it was to no avail, until I remembered the library and told her about it, and how she would be able to buy it for 10 million and remodel it for like 15 million.

Only then did she finally accept.


The last few days were spent dealing with many things relating to the first district, as number 1, I had to call the bookstore and buy it, which I did under my mom's name.

Then I had to call the remodeling place and finally I was getting "ready", to go out.

I had packed everything up, and was finally ready to leave, of course, mom was still reluctant but I told her that I would be messaging her often so there was nothing to worry about.

The academy also knew that I had dropped out, so everything should be fine by now.

After I was far enough from home, I decided to put on the fox mask, as well as the detective hat.

I changed my plain clothes to the white suit from [Elegante], and then used my skill [Two Faced], to change my appearance, although it was exactly a big change, as I only made my hair and eyes change color to black.

Before all of this, I and the system decided to get the [Mhingseng], because it would be more useful in our hands than in the ones of others.

Normally I would have taken the train to get there, but since I had an (SS+) ranked agility, I decided to run all the way there.

Last time it took us around 2 days to get to the dungeon but after skipping the first dungeon I and Alicia entered, it was just a matter of 1 hour for me to finally reach the dungeon.

The clearing was a breeze and once again, I grabbed the [Mhingseng] and the little orb.

[That was fast]

"Yeah, it's quite the easy dungeon for such a powerful item, you know"


Yup, we both knew the story sucked, but since everything was done over here, it was finally time to meet Ray. There was nothing else to really do, the [Elixir of Growth], wasn't even worth getting because it only increased all potential ranks to (C).

With my stats, I could probably run all the way to the first district in a flash, but I didn't really want to catch as much attention, even though I'm literally wearing a suspicious fox mask.

In the end, I decided to take a train all the way to the first district.


I finally arrived, but it was already getting dark outside, but even then, Ray should probably still be lazing in around the hall of the branch.

After walking from the station, all the way to the market, I was finally able to spot the Round Table's branch.

After walking inside, I looked around for Ray and was able to easily find him, but this time he was talking to someone unexpected.

[(S+)Lucia Vsy]

She also seemed to be in disguise, but I didn't really understand why, but either way, I decided to approach them as this was also the perfect chance to make a connection with both of them.


"Huh? What do you want?", Ray said in an annoyed tone.

"Well shouldn't the manager help a customer in need?", I said in a cocky tone.

Ray still looked annoyed but a curious and interested expression flashed across his face.

The blonde lady in front of him stood up but before she could leave, I said, "I would also like to speak to you, number 1"

Lucia and Ray were both surprised and in the end, they finally accepted my request for a private meeting.

I was guided to the second floor, and a familiar scene appeared before my eyes.

I sat down on the only chair inside the room and Ray went and sat in his usual chair while Lucia stood beside the wall.

"What do you want?", Ray asked.

"I wish to become the new headmaster of the academy"

"Straight to the point, huh?"

"Well, of course, I'm not here to waste anyone's time, especially from that person over there"


"So what do we need to do?"

"Well, it's quite simple overall, first I need you to create a new identity for me"

"New identity?"


I then began to explain that my real identity is not something that can be shown to anyone in this world, but that was of course a lie and that I needed a new identity to accomplish my goal of becoming the headmaster.

"Suspicious", the blonde woman behind me said.

"Hmm, how so?"

"Why do need to hide your identity, and why do you wish to become the new headmaster?"

"Because I know the future"


"You will see, soon enough"

Lucia still seemed suspicious of me and Ray who was getting more interested in the situation had already created a new identity for me, in a matter of seconds.

I gave him my watch, whose previous ID, I had deleted just for this moment and Ray, easily transferred all the information inside of the watch.

"Now explain more about your plan"

"Well, you see, for someone to become the headmaster, either they have to be assigned by the previous headmaster as the successor or, the Round Table chooses someone after the death of the headmaster"


"But there is no possible way for someone like the current head of the embers house, to possibly hand the position to someone else, right?"

"You bastard, you are saying that you want to kill the headmaster?"

"No, I'm not saying, I will kill him but didn't I say that I knew the future?"

"So you are saying he is going to die?"

"Yes, and the next headmaster decided by the Round Table, will do something unimaginable, that will affect the future of humanity"

They didn't seem to believe me and started to deny the fact that the headmaster would die and even then, they would just need to stop his death.

Lucia and Ray then started to explain that it would be better to put someone else other than me in the position of headmaster, as they would be more trustworthy than a random guy that appeared out of nowhere.

[You didn't think this through, huh?]

'Shut up'

"Well, that could indeed be the truth, so how about I tell you something quite interesting"


"The first (SS) ranked human, will be attending the academy this year"


"Yeah, surprising isn't it, but that is also why I need to become the headmaster, and it is to protect his life that will be taken during an attack planned by the demons"


Next chapter