
The Novel's Extra Nobody

This is... so trippy... Like... Hmmm... How do I explain this? I am now inside the novel, where the main protagonist is inside his own novel. Does that even make sense? After reading [The Novel's Extra] by Jee Gab Song over and over again from the novel, manhwa adaptation, and back, I am now in this situation where I have to live throughout the story as another extra. Sigh... and... daym... What is Chae Nayun doing there? *** Author's Reminders. This is a fanfic based on TNE by Jee Gab Song. The story will start diverging after Yeonha's incident a lot. Expect new devils, stronger Djinns, stronger villains, and lots of struggles from fighting scenes. MC will start weak and grow into an OP character. MC might seem happy-go-lucky, but give him a chance. Also, MC can often be cringe. Also thank you for reading. Updates are every 11 hours.

Alfir · Book&Literature
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235 Chs

Devil Hunter VI

After giving Rachel the knockout, and helping her to the infirmary, I return to the rooftop where we conduct our secret meeting. Rachel is strong and a certified genius and despite being a freshman, she possesses skills far more advanced to her age and year level.

I am not saying I am already past her level, as I believe it is a mismatch. Rachel is a swordsman, and I am a unique combat-type Gift-user. The fight might change if the two of us are allowed to wield weapons.

As the princess of England, Rachel possesses some hefty techniques suiting her lineage. It is not elaborated well in the novel, but after experiencing her combat ability one-on-one, I can see the signs of prodigious skill, and tell that she is quite adept at it.

In terms of combat power, we are on the same level. That is my honest assessment. Still, that is not enough for her to qualify for fighting against the Devil.

My survivability with my Stealth Gift is what gives me a smidgen of a chance to survive an encounter with a Devil, but that is not the case with Rachel. Yeonha is also out of the question. The instructors might be able to do something, but they will still not be able to compete with a Devil.

Shin Jonghak might prove to be an asset, but in the end, none of us agree on involving Jonghak as he is not really a team player. Even if Nayun does her best to reign him in. I see no way in hell that Jonghak will conform to our strategies.

Speaking of a 'strategy', Hajin has come up with a method to flush out the Devil's Seed.

"We will flush them out like how we exterminate pests…" He remains standing while the others comfortably sit on their benches. Each of us chooses to remain silent to wait for Hajin's explanation.

"According to our intel," Hajin glances at me while emphasizing Intel, and then he proceeds with his opening words. "There is a Devil's Seed here in Cube. I sense that everyone here knows what a Devil's Seed is. As we all know, this Devil's Seed is the prerequisite for a Devil to descend to this world… This is what we know. First, the Devil has not descended yet. I have ascertained this fact already. Second, we don't know where this Devil's Seed is… Who is its host? How long is its incubation time? What Devil is it?"

Hajin clicks on his smartwatch, and pops up several hologram frames, showing data of various characters around Cube. "Our goal is to find the Devil's Seed and destroy it. I lack the resources to completely locate it (meaning it costs too much SP), but I have a plan. Do you see all of these faces here? Do well to remember them…"

I listen to Hajin's words carefully, while keeping my thoughts to my own.

Hajin manipulates his smartwatch, spreading the hologram frames for all of us to see. I imagine Hajin's smartwatch to have some upgrades through his SP too with his Setting Intervention.

With Yun Huk, the president of the Academic Club at the center, several more faces of students hover over Hajin's smartwatch. There are even a couple of instructors mixing with the data he is able to collect. "I am able to complete our information thanks to Rachel's and Yeonha's hard work. I hacked the two's accounts and disposed of all of their traces, so they should be safe for now."

Hajin is the most flexible character in the whole 'The Novel's Extra' universe thanks to his Setting Intervention. As long as he has the SP, he can do anything. Hacking might not be within his skillset, but he can include it in his repertoire all thanks to his Setting Intervention.

"The head honcho and the most influential Djinn inside Cube is this man— Yun Hyuk. The plan is simple, we will kill him, and then we kill every Djinn that leads their own factions. After that, we'll kill their subordinate Djinns until we encounter the Devil's Seed. We'll keep on killing them until we find the Devil's Seed. Time is of the essence, and that is why we must take drastic measures. I should be able to build a technology that can detect Djinns. I hope none of you disclose about it."

I gulp at Hajin's words. His plan is very brutal and will shed a lot of blood... context-wise, we will shed a lot of ash. It is crude, but this will work. The fact he is not sparing any SP to accomplish victory against the Djinn faction within Cube speaks of how important we find success in this.

Kim Suho expresses his surprise at Hajin's words. "It is amazing if you really can build a technology that can conveniently detect Djinns despite their disguises, but do we really have to purge all of the Djinns?"

Not all Djinns are completely fallen. There are two kinds of Djinns, first which is directly subordinated to a Devil, and second which is directly subordinated to another Djinn. The latter are only victims of malice and still can be rehabilitated.

"We have to be thorough," Hajin argues.

"No," But Suho is insistent. "If we cause such a bloodbath, we might earn so much hatred that it will impede our future endeavors."

I like the way Suho phrases it. He seems to be thinking we are a complete team now. Moreover, Suho is not wrong either as I recall, there is a Djinn from the original 'The Novel's Extra' who turns to the good side.

"I have an alternate suggestion," I voice out my thoughts, offering a different avenue for us to take. "Let's use Yeonha as bait…" I direct Hajin my intentions. He should know what I mean.

""Huh?"" Nayun and Suho are confused, as they lack context.

In 'The Novel's Extra,' Yun Hyuk is the inciter of the second incident which will add more flavorful conflict to the story. And the target of this second incident is none other than Yoo Yeonha. If we consider 'The Novel's Extra' I know to be in parallel to this world, then the possibility that Yeonha will be attacked is highly likely.

Yun Hyuk will cause several kidnappings of women cadets which will become the plot of the second incident.

"Assassination… We can only resort to this…" I add. "Hajin, we cannot wait for you to build this technology…" And no matter how much SP Hajin has, it will be too much of a strain on his resources, and on our resources.

The Hajin of the future will possess an OP skill that will allow him to build all sorts of amazing stuff, but Hajin is not yet on the level where he can easily create such technology, I understand that with Hajin's rise in power, his ambition also gets bigger.

"I am sorry, Hajin… But you cannot save those other girls… We can only let it play out as my clairvoyance has foreseen…" I lie and quickly explain to Nayun and Suho the context using my clairvoyance as an excuse. "Several girls will be kidnapped from now on with Yun Hyuk as the perpetrator. Yeonha will be the seventh… I am sorry that I don't know the other girls' names… As we don't have justification, we cannot really attack Yun Hyuk as we see fit. And just as I said, it will be too difficult for you Hajin to build the technology you speak of. You have to grow up more in the next four years to reach the level where you can build such technology."

My words seem to sober Hajin as he shows a look of understanding. Nayun and Suho feel just as bad. Truthfully, Hajin's planning is brilliant if not overly reliant on his SP, and our combat prowess.

There is recklessness in his plan, but also wisdom as time is of the essence. We do not even know where the Devil's Seed's incubation period is already at or who is its host. Hajin has scoured the villains who can possibly be the Devil's Seed's host within Cube that he knows, but he still has nothing. I can deduce that much from the strategy he is recommending to us.

If he does know the host, then he will be presenting us with that target instead of suggesting committing a massacre on every Djinn we can identify.

Kim Hajin resolves himself and decides on a course of action.

"No, our plan doesn't change. We need to find the Devil's Seed fast and get rid of it. We kill Yun Hyuk. We will start with him. We take baby steps. It is necessary we take him down first as he will be the cause of such a heinous incident. We will not wait until more innocents are lost. To kill him, we must hear a direct confession from him first.

"I am confident I can make a prototype, but as Hyon says, it will strain our resources. So on top of the club resources, I will also be asking you guys to pinch in. I should be able to create a prototype to discern the Djinns shortly after.

"Suho, thanks for your reminder… We really cannot commit such serial killings as it will impede our future. I will work extra hard on narrowing down the possible host and guardian of the Devil's Seed."

The burden in Hajin is a lot. Still, I find it amazing how well he is taking the role of a leader.

Chae Nayun gives her word of support. "Then… I and Suho will confront Yun Hyuk immediately… And Hyon… I think it will be best for you to do bodyguard duty for Yeonha as we should also take care of any unexpected development." She suggests with good intentions.

"Yes… that should do…" Hajin gives his nod of approval finally looking the part of a leader.

Exactly at that moment, a message notification appears on each of our smartwatches. It seems to be a group message.

[This message is for all cadets TT. Has anyone seen Seungyeon from World Class? I haven't been able to contact her since yesterday TT]