
Destiny XV

The cold, metallic walls of Under Cube stretch endlessly as I navigate its intricate hallways. Shin Jonghak, a fellow companion, strides alongside me.

"So, Jonghak, you adapting well to this timeline?" I inquire, my gaze fixed forward.

Jonghak nods, his eyes reflecting determination. "Yeah, I'm getting the hang of it. Give me another week, and I'll be back to my peak strength."

Relief washes over me, and I let out a soft sigh. "Glad to hear that. I wish I could say the same for myself."

Jonghak raises an eyebrow, and his curiosity is evident. "What's holding you back?"

I hesitate, contemplating how to explain my predicament. "Since I transitioned into this new body, I lost my Undead Perks and AI System. It's been a struggle, but at least I can still tap into my Gifts and Arts."

Jonghak's expression shifts to one of understanding. "That's tough, but you're resourceful. You'll figure it out."

I manage a small smile, appreciating the encouragement. "I hope so. Until then, I'll make the most of what I've got." The hum of uncertainty lingers in the air, but I should manage just fine.

In the aftermath of Tomer's briefing, Jonghak and I share a silent acknowledgment of the impending challenge. The air is thick with tension as we make our way back to the base, the weight of Tomer's words settling in.

Judgment Day, huh?

That's definitely not a Skynet reference.

The control center looms before us, a hive of activity. Tomer, the fiery leader, commands attention with her shouts echoing through the cavernous space. Djinn subordinates scurry, responding to her urgent directives about monitoring the chaotic surface above.

I watch Tomer, her energy palpable as she stresses the importance of managing the monstrous traffic wreaking havoc on Earth's surface. The safety of Under Cube, our underground sanctuary, contrasts sharply with the chaos above.

Amid the controlled chaos, Kim Hosup remains engrossed in his computer, fingers dancing over the keys. The hum of technology fills the air as he navigates through the digital intricacies.

I release a heavy sigh, the weight of the situation settling on my shoulders. "Tomer," I call out over the tumult.

She turns to me, her usual spirited demeanor absent. I brace for a playful jab or a swift, friendly kick, but instead, I'm met with the unexpected. Despair lingers in her eyes, a stark contrast to the usual fire that defines her spirit. The gravity of the situation unfolds in the silence that follows.

As we reach her, chaos reigns in the control center, mirroring the chaos above ground. Tomer, still consumed by the gravity of the situation, meets my gaze. I can almost taste the despair in the air.

"Nayun," I inquire, my voice cutting through the clamor. "Where is Chae Nayun?"

Tomer's eyes flicker with a mix of sorrow and concern. "Chae Nayun has been missing for a good week. No one has seen her since."

A knot tightens in my stomach. Nayun, missing in the midst of this impending apocalypse? It's a cruel blow, a feeling of helplessness washing over me.

"I've been missing too," I admit, the words escaping almost reluctantly. "Courtesy of Lancaster's ambush."

The weight of the lost week, the ambush, and Nayun's disappearance presses down on us, amplifying the negativity that hangs heavily in the air. I cannot summon one bit of my optimism at the moment. We are in unknown territory, and no amount of future knowledge can save us from whatever this is we are facing.

"From what we gathered, it appears that Nayun has been with her grandfather since the last time…" Tomer adds, telling me what we currently know.

I nod.

The air in the control room is tense as we pore over the latest intel on Nayun's whereabouts. Kim Hosup, our skilled information master, breaks the silence with a sudden shout, announcing his discovery of Nayun's trace. "I found it! There is a trace!" My brows knit in concern, hoping that this isn't a trap.

I hate traps.

Tomer, my seasoned subordinate, leans in to explain that Hosup has been diligently tracking Nayun for some time. The enemy has proven to possess formidable anti-information capabilities, making our task more challenging. "Jonghak, wait for me from the hangar… I will follow." I immediately instruct Jonghak to prepare for action, but before I can move, Tomer seizes my wrist, her eyes searching mine.

"Are you going to be fine?" she asks, her voice filled with genuine concern. The Djinn subordinates under my command possess Soul Perception, allowing them to gauge my current strength.

I respond with a reassuring smile, assuring her that I have a trump card up my sleeve. "Don't worry about me, worry about yourself. Anyways, I'd make sure to save Nayun, and from there, let's see where we will go."

Turning to Jonghak, I inquire if he's ready to join the mission. "Yo~ just a head's up… Our enemies are going to be tricky, so please be watchful… From what I know, we are going to be fighting someone possibly at the level of Chae Joochul." I caution him about the enemy's formidable strength, estimating them to be at the level of the Nine Stars. Jonghak grins confidently, his determination evident.

"I'll crush them," he proudly declares, ready to face the looming threat head-on.

Before I go, there are some things that I must do. I tell Jonghak we'll be meeting in the hangar.

"Jonghak," I say, "we'll meet in the hangar."

And then I call to Tomer in a formal militaristic tone, "Second-in-command Tomer, I order you to initiate evacuation protocols ASAP! I want you to save as many lives as you can, bring them into Under Cube, and ensure their safety!"

Tomer looks at me with a determined nod. "I will do just that to the best of my abilities," she replies.

I leave the room, knowing that the fate of many rests on the shoulders of those I've entrusted with this crucial task. I leave Tomer and head in a certain direction—towards the Core of Cube.

On the deepest floor which no eyes can reach, I arrive in front of a cuboid machine, which I assume to be Cube AI's real body.

"Cube," I say, addressing her, "I just lost access to my AI System. I might not be able to use most of Under Cube's functions."

Cube AI's electronic voice fills the quiet space, soothingly assuring me, "Everything will be fine."

I smile at her confidence, finding comfort in the midst of uncertainty.

As I stand in the heart of Under Cube, the AI's soothing voice resonates in my mind. "The Synchronization has been recorded. No matter the distance, I'll always know the extent of your synchronization."

A surge of relief courses through me as Cube AI continues, "Congratulations. Your synchronization is at 100%, granting you full access to Under Cube's functions." I achieved 100% a long time ago back in the First Iteration, so it is not so surprising for me to learn that Cube also knows my progress.

The AI System and Cube AI have always been connected with each other.

I can't help but laugh, a mixture of joy and gratitude. "You're my lucky charm, Cube."

With a newfound confidence, I command, "Initiate the dimensional evacuation protocol."

As the protocol begins, I turn around, my focus shifting to the imminent battle ahead. There's a fight waiting for me, and armed with the full might of Under Cube, I'm ready to face whatever challenges come my way.

Dark shadow slithers across my skin, weaving a mysterious pattern that seems to pulse with otherworldly energy. The shadows envelop me, gradually clothing me in the ominous attire of the Savant of Sloth. The gear clings to me like a second skin, its malevolent aura seeping into my very being.

The featureless white mask begins to materialize on my face, obscuring my identity, while my innocuous brown hair turns a dark shade of ebony. The transformation is nearly complete, and the air in the room crackles with an unholy energy.

I attempt to access Witch King's Wisdom Ability, but it seems elusive, like a locked door in a forbidden realm. It is concerning that I cannot seem to hear her voice. Frustration creeps into my thoughts as I realize that the sentient hat is not functioning as usual, yet I busy myself with what is to come.

I shake my head, deciding to put the issue aside for the moment. There is no time to dwell on the malfunctioning magic; I have a scheme to execute. "Leave it for another time," I mutter to myself, refocusing on the task at hand.

First, I have to rearrange my consumables and weapons.

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