
Destiny V

As I catch my breath, a mix of triumph and relief rushes through me. Beads of sweat trickle down my temples, artificially pumping the adrenaline through my veins via indirect self-hypnosis with the aid of Empathetic Imitation. Standing here, facing the colossal Frost Dragon, I can't help but feel a surge of pride mixed with a hint of disbelief at what I've just accomplished.

The daggers, snugly buried in the dragon's eyes, are my only connection to this monumental victory. They're not the longest blades, but they've served their purpose well. With gritted teeth, I lean into the handles, using all my strength to ensure they've pierced deep into the dragon's skull. My arms strain as I press further, delving halfway into the creature's head, aiming for the one fatal strike that can end its reign.

The dragon, despite the lethal strike, resists succumbing to its fate. It's a Master Rank monster, and its vitality is astounding. As expected, its dying moments are far from graceful. The thrashing is violent, a blind rampage of colossal proportions, lasting an agonizing five minutes. I hunker down, waiting patiently for the inevitable, knowing that any attempt to engage it further would be reckless… and would be just a waste of energy for me.

Some might call it a cowardly tactic, waiting out the dragon's demise rather than engaging it in a fair fight. But to me, it's a pragmatic approach. It's just a monstrous entity, after all, devoid of the complexities of honor or fairness. Why bother with pointless theatrics when the ultimate goal is victory?

So, with a blend of pragmatism and determination, I conquered the challenges of the 21st floor, employing whatever means necessary to emerge victorious.

After finishing the 21st floor, I return to my original strategy. I go invisible and bypass the next 22nd to 30th floor without a fight. I don't have to engage the monsters, so I ignore them. It is so nice being able to just run away! I fondly recall my memories in my original timeline when Suho and Nayun asked me for buffs. Within the organization, it is customary to come to me for buffs. Basically, I cast overpowered invisibility on the two of them before they go on a dungeon run or a tower challenge. Kim Suho and Chae Nayun are our biggest earners when it comes to dungeon or tower subjugation, considering their firepower alone.

While fondly recalling the past, I find myself stuck on the 35th floor. I easily bypass the floors 2nd to 30th since they are just filled with monsters that can be left behind. The 30th to 34th are a bit something since they are filled with puzzles. The 35th floor, however, proves more of a nuisance. This floor reminds me of a certain floor in the Tower of Wish. Everywhere I look, there is only darkness.

I navigate through the obsidian shadows, my invisible form a mere whisper in the black void. The absence of any discernible path makes progress difficult. In the Tower of Wish, the darkness was a challenge to embrace, a puzzle to solve. But here, it feels more malevolent, more unpredictable.

As I cautiously move forward, I sense a subtle shift in the atmosphere. The darkness becomes denser, more suffocating. It's as if the shadows themselves are alive, watching, waiting. I tread carefully, my instincts on high alert.

Suddenly, an otherworldly howl echoes through the obsidian expanse. Startled, I halt in my tracks, straining to see through the pitch-black surroundings. The shadows seem to coil and writhe, forming grotesque shapes that dance on the periphery of my vision.

I try to retrace my steps, but the darkness plays tricks on my memory. Panic sets in as I realize I am disoriented, lost in this abyss.

In the inky blackness, I hear whispers – unintelligible voices that seem to come from nowhere and everywhere simultaneously. A sense of foreboding grips me, and I brace myself for whatever awaits in this nightmarish realm. Though I know nothing will really happen to me, it still hurts my brain with whatever sorcery is at work here.

With each step, the darkness intensifies, becoming a tangible force that presses against my very being. Yet, despite the challenges, a spark of determination ignites within me. I've faced countless trials before, and this will be no different.

Summoning the resilience that carried me through life, I press forward into the heart of the 35th floor, determined to overcome the darkness and emerge victorious once again.

I walk straight, though I don't really know if I am walking straight. This particular floor is the kind that would challenge people with low perseverance stats. Everywhere I look, there is only darkness, and the only thing I can do is blindly move around. I am still as calm as a cucumber, though. I'm not really great when it comes to my own perseverance stat, but at least I know of another floor like this. This is a floor that tests a person's conviction. If I fall into despair, then I am as good as dead, so I think of happy thoughts. With my enhanced memory, I can easily recall such happy thoughts... but while reminiscing about the past as I walk forward, I realize I have sadder memories more often than happy memories.

For example, my good friend Yoo Yeonha was forced into a comatose state, my little Evandel has died once already, and now my idol Kim Hajin is off-world alone. Aaah~ fuck… I sigh, and then I recall the past four years I have experienced with Rachel. I hope Rachel is doing fine. I wonder at what timeline she is now?

The darkness around me seems to echo the somber tones of my memories. I take a deep breath, trying to shake off the weight of sadness that threatens to engulf me. Happy thoughts, I remind myself. Think of the moments that brought warmth to my heart.

As I continue walking through the obscure void, I recall the laughter and camaraderie shared with Yoo Yeonha, the joyous moments playing with Evandel, and the adventures and challenges faced alongside Kim Hajin. But the happiness is overshadowed by the shadows of loss and separation.

My thoughts inevitably drift to Rachel. The uncertainties of her whereabouts in the multiverse gnaw at me. I hope she's safe and thriving wherever she is. The passage of time becomes a blur as I navigate through the darkness, each step echoing the complexity of emotions within me.

I try to push away the melancholy by focusing on the positive, but the darkness seems to amplify the ache in my heart. Yet, I persevere, clinging to the belief that even in the most obscure depths, there is a glimmer of hope waiting to be discovered.

It is unlike me to speak of hope, but everything works as long as it is positive… yes, optimism is a power of its own.

In the past four years, Rachel and I have been trapped in this timeline. We only have each other to rely on, but then our own little Evandel came into our lives, a little girl we can call a daughter of our own. We are without resources or any fancy superpowers like we used to in our original timeline, but at least we have each other. I sigh at the memories as I navigate the eternally dark corridors of the 35th floor testing my conviction.

Rachel is super capable, and she knows how to run a business, but it took her a lot of great effort too to be the breadwinner of the family. Meanwhile, I busy myself with science stuff, trying to search for a safe and stable way home to our original timeline. Occasionally, I will help Rachel too with her business by giving her blueprints for her products, and cutting-edge technology that can be sold in the market.

As I walk through the shadows, I think about our makeshift family and the strength we've found in each other. Rachel, with her resilience and business acumen, has become the anchor that holds us together in this unfamiliar reality. She navigates the complexities of this world, ensuring we have the means to survive.

In contrast, my focus is on the scientific puzzles that may lead us back home. The 35th floor's darkness serves as a metaphorical reminder of the uncertainty that shrouds our journey. Yet, I persist, driven by the hope that one day we'll find the path back to where we belong.

Occasionally, I lend a hand to Rachel's business endeavors, providing her with blueprints and technological insights. It's a small contribution, but it's my way of supporting the woman who has become the backbone of our makeshift family.

Our little Evandel, with her innocent laughter and curious eyes, is a beacon of joy in our challenging existence. Despite the hardships, our family thrives, bound by love and determination. The memories of our struggles become fuel for my determination to overcome the obstacles of this mysterious floor.

Finally, I finish the 35th floor, finally seeing light again. It is honestly an annoying floor. I proceed onwards, making valuable time. Soon, I arrive at the 50th floor, requiring me to defeat the floor's boss. A Master Rank monster stands before me, a lich capable of wielding very powerful magic. I am hoping there is a loophole I can exploit, but that's asking for too much. I am like... Hey, I am an undead too, so can you give me a free pass? But no. The damn lich throws three fireballs at me like I don't matter at all. My feelings are hurt, man… But what is a little bit of pain in the ass if it is only temporary? With seemingly so much more ease than fighting the dragon from the 20th floor, I easily dismantle my foe by giving him a love pat on his joints with my daggers. For me, fighting humanoids is just the best!

As the lich crumbles, defeated, I revel in the satisfaction of a well-executed victory. The temporary pain and wounded pride fade away, replaced by the thrill of triumph. Fighting humanoids, it turns out, is indeed my forte – a fact that adds a touch of swagger to my step as I proceed to conquer the challenges that lie beyond the 50th floor.

"Okay, back to easy mode, I hope…"

I make quick work of the 51st to the 90th floor. The boss monsters are chumps, easily killable considering that they are humanoids to begin with. As I said, I am invincible when it comes to fighting humanoid creatures. I am just so good at dispatching them since they share nearly the same weaknesses that a human does. Moreover, humanoid creatures don't have unnecessarily strong vitality like dragons, griffins, and other big-ass monsters. The only exception to humanoids when it comes to vitality are trolls…

Speaking of trolls, I fight a Warrior Troll on the 91st floor. It might be the toughest fight I have experienced. The damn thing just doesn't die. I always complain about this, but I really need a special move that dishes out massive damage. In the end, I am able to kill the big pain in the ass of a Warrior Troll by severing its body parts, imbuing my Flash Ability in the said body parts, and teleporting them to other floors. For example, I teleport its head to the 1st floor, its respective limbs to the 20th, 30th, and 40th floors, its torso to the 50th floor, and its heart to the 60th floor. Thankfully, the Warrior Troll doesn't have any cloning ability.

Hmmm… It is quite a learning experience. At first, I planned to teleport the Troll to a different floor since that seems easier, but the <Weight of the Soul> of the Warrior Troll is too heavy for me, thus I need to dismember it.

Proceeding onwards, I challenge the 92nd, 93rd, 94th, 95th, 96th, 97th, 98th, and 99th floors with much ease if compared to the Warrior Troll. Master Rank monsters guard floors 91 to 100, so I know it will be a hassle. But hey, at least the other Master Rank monsters are not a big pain in the ass!

The Master Rank monsters I fought are namely a Bicorn, Gorgon Witch, Wyvern Knight, Silver Ape, Necro Sword, Great Beholder, and Lich King. The Necro Sword is a bit harder if compared to others, but in the end, they are all manageable foes that don't need much thought. The Necro Sword is like a ghost-type monster; it is literally a floating sword, which disoriented me at first since I really don't know how to kill such a thing. And the Necro Sword is unexpectedly nimble too.

Arriving at the 100th floor, I face off an Elder Dragon. Now, this can be a little complicated. The air is charged with tension as the colossal creature looms before me, its scales glistening with an otherworldly sheen. Its eyes are languid, sleepy even, yet I can sense the power emanating from this ancient behemoth.

The Elder Dragon moves with a grace that belies its massive size, each step echoing through the chamber. Its wings stretch out majestically, casting a shadow that seems to engulf the entire cavern. I tighten my grip on my weapon, fully aware that this battle will demand everything I've learned so far.

The Elder Dragon looms before me, a formidable presence in the cavernous chamber. Its size, though impressive, pales in comparison to the Frost Dragon I faced on the 20th floor. The scales covering its immense body are a deep shade of red, signifying its affinity for fire. Elemental damage doesn't concern me much; my abilities allow me to brush off such concerns with ease.

However, my focus shifts to a more pressing matter—the Spirit Speech this Elder Dragon possesses. Unlike Aileen, the Human Dragon whose Spirit Speech I can dismiss effortlessly, the magnitude of the Elder Dragon's spiritual prowess demands a more intricate strategy. I can't rely on the same soul-dominance tactic here.

Chae Nayun has told me this particular Elder Dragon is quite challenging even for her.

As I ponder my approach, my research on souls floods my thoughts. According to my findings, a soul's weight can be measured through three interconnected factors—age or longevity, the intensity of memories, and the depth of information imprinted upon a creature.

The Elder Dragon, undoubtedly ancient, possesses a soul steeped in the rich tapestry of time. Its memories, etched across millennia, form a dense layer within its spiritual core. Moreover, the vast pool of knowledge imprinted on its soul adds a weight that I can't simply ignore.

I need a plan that goes beyond overpowering with sheer soul strength. The Elder Dragon's Spirit Speech, intertwined with centuries of experience and wisdom, requires a more nuanced approach.

But hey, this can be good practice, right?

Next chapter