
Countdown III

Aileen's small figure darts through the echoing corridors of Cube Facility. The urgency in her voice slices through the air, "Run for your lives!"

An instructor, stern-faced, calls out to her, "Cadet, come here and evacuate! Follow the protocol, this way!"

Aileen, shaking her head, yells back, "I'm not a student! I'm undercover!"

The instructor, firm and resolute, insists, "No time for games, follow the evacuation protocol!"

With a defiant stance, Aileen gathers her energy and casts her Spirit Speech. A fiery imp rushes at her, claws burning, and eyes full of malice. She commands it, "Get Crushed," demonstrating her power. The offending imp as if encased in telekinesis gets crushed physically as if a hand of God clenched at it.

The instructor, eyes widening, stammers, "Wait… Aren't you Aileen the Human Dragon? Aren't you a criminal?"

Aileen, frustrated, retorts, "It's a misunderstanding! I'm not what they say I am!"

Aileen continues to weave through the chaos, her Digitally Hollowed Facemask clutched in her hand. The corridors echo with the sounds of destruction, but Aileen's focus remains on the Cube Cadets she can save.

A group of Cube Cadets huddles in a corner, frightened and helpless. Aileen approaches them, eyes determined, and says, "Stay close, I've got this. Burn, you lot!!" She raises her hand, and with a forceful command, a fiery imp bursts into flames before it can reach the cadets.

One of the cadets, wide-eyed, whispers, "This is Spirit Speech? Aileen, the Human Dragon... you're saving us?"

Aileen nods, removing her Digital Hollowed Facemask, revealing her determined expression. "I'm not the criminal they say I am. Now, follow my lead, and we'll get out of here."

As Aileen continues her mission to protect the Cube Cadets, she spots a familiar figure across the corridor. Tomer, a fellow cadet is using Djinn abilities to fight off the monsters.

Aileen rushes towards him, confusion etched on her face. "Tomer?" she exclaims, "Are you a Djinn all along?"

Tomer, battling a swarm of smaller creatures, glances at her. "Aileen! This isn't the time for questions. We need to survive this first."

Aileen, still shocked, asks, "But you're a Djinn? How is that even possible?"

Tomer grins amid the chaos. "Long story. We can talk later. Right now, let's focus on getting out of here alive."

Aileen nods, realizing that the Cube Facility holds more secrets than she ever imagined. Together, they continue to unleash their powers, fighting side by side to ensure the safety of the Cube Cadets. The truth behind Aileen's circumstances and Tomer's Djinn identity can wait – survival is the priority.

Amid the chaos, Aileen and Tomer fight side by side, their powers complementing each other. Tomer uses her Djinn physique and telekinesis to overwhelm imps that get too close, while Aileen employs her Spirit Speech to crush anything from a distance. The air crackles with energy as they navigate the treacherous corridors.

As Tomer effortlessly dispatches a group of imps, she quickly makes her way to Aileen. "We can't let personal inclinations get in the way now, Aileen," Tomer explains, a hint of urgency in her voice. "The Djinns might be considered enemies of humanity, but given the circumstances, we need all the help we can get."

Aileen, still fending off threats with her Spirit Speech, glares at Tomer. "Djinns? In Cube? Are you telling me this whole time, there were more Djinns among us?"

Tomer nods, deflecting an incoming attack with a wave of her hand. "Yes, but not all of us are hostile. Hyon Hyung has been secretly sheltering the good Djinns for over a year now. We've been preparing for this moment, knowing something like this might happen."

Aileen's eyes widen in astonishment. "Hyon Hyung... sheltering Djinns? I can't believe this!"

Tomer grips Aileen's arm, pulling her out of the path of an approaching creature. "Believe it, Aileen. Right now, we have a common enemy. We need to put our differences aside and focus on survival. Hyon Hyung believes that together, humans and Djinns can overcome any threat."

Aileen, still processing this revelation, reluctantly concedes. "Fine, but after this, we're going to have a serious conversation about all this secrecy. I deserve to know the truth."

Tomer nods, a flicker of understanding in her eyes. "Agreed. But for now, let's concentrate on getting out of here alive. We can sort out the rest later."

With a shared determination, Aileen and Tomer plunge back into the chaos, their combined powers cutting through the relentless onslaught of creatures. The Cube Facility holds more mysteries than they could have ever imagined, and the truth behind the alliance between humans and Djinns is just one piece of the puzzle. Survival remains the immediate goal, pushing everything else to the periphery for now.

As Aileen and Tomer battle side by side, Fatima, Tomer's Djinn subordinate, joins the fray. The air buzzes with tension as more creatures pour into Cube, and Fatima shouts urgently, "We need someone in Sector D! A named devil has appeared!"

Tomer, acknowledging the severity of the situation, orders Aileen, "Hold down this place, Aileen! We can't let that devil wreak havoc. I'm heading to Sector D!" With determination in her eyes, Tomer swiftly departs, leaving Aileen to fend off the relentless onslaught.

Aileen, using her Spirit Speech, fights fiercely to keep the creatures at bay. The surroundings are chaotic, but she knows she has to focus on the immediate task. As she battles, she overhears a distressed voice over the intercom, "Help! I'm pinned down!"

Fatima's katana gleams with magic power as she expertly swings it, saving an instructor who is about to be outflanked. "Thanks," the instructor exclaims, regaining composure. "Cadets, follow me, we'll retreat in formation!" The instructor shouts to the cadets scattered about.

Aileen, still in the midst of the chaos, hears the urgency in Fatima's voice. "Tomer needs backup in Sector D! We can't let that devil cause more damage. I am going…"

Aileen nods, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Go, Fatima! I've got this area covered."

Fatima, with a determined nod, joins Tomer in the race to Sector D. Aileen, now holding the ground alone, continues to channel her Spirit Speech, unleashing waves of energy to repel the advancing creatures.

Deep within the confines of Under Cube, Kim Hosup monitors the unfolding chaos on the surface. In the dimly lit control room, he grips the Orb of Solomon, channeling its power to amplify his Gift, High-Speed Networking. Flickering screens display the war raging above.

Hosup's voice echoes through the comms, urgency lacing every word. "Attention, all sectors! Designated V to Z are under attack by new hellspawns—demonic dogs. Deploying golems now!" His fingers dance across the keyboard, initiating the release of Under Cube's formidable golems.

Over the intercom, the mechanical whirring of golems awakening resonates, and Hosup continues to relay instructions. "Golems dispatched to V-Z. Engage and neutralize the threat. We can't afford to lose those sectors!"

As the chaos intensifies, Hosup's eyes remain fixed on the array of monitors, tracking the movements of the demonic dogs and the golems responding to the threat. His fingers move with precision, coordinating the defense effort from the depths of Under Cube.

The war above and below reaches a critical juncture, with Hosup acting as the strategic orchestrator of Under Cube's defenses.

Hosup clenches his teeth as the strain of channeling the Orb's power takes its toll. The dimly lit control room flickers with an ominous glow, and a trickle of blood seeps from his nose. He wipes it away, determined to maintain focus.

"Evacuation orders in effect! All aerial transports, converge on Cube for immediate evacuation!" His urgent voice reverberates through the comms, reaching every corner of the globe. On the screens, demonic dogs multiply like a relentless infection, and the monsters from hell spread with alarming speed.

As Hosup's nosebleed worsens, he grits his teeth, fighting to keep his Gift active. His fingers blur across the keyboard, sending out distress signals to every corner of the world. "This is not a drill! Cube is the last stronghold. Evacuate immediately!"

In the midst of chaos, the mechanical whirring of golems echoes through the control room, drowning out the urgency of the intercom. Hosup's eyes dart between screens, monitoring the progress of the golems engaging the demonic dogs. The fate of V to Z sectors hangs in the balance.

A holographic world map materializes in front of him, marked with blinking signals indicating the incoming aerial transports. Hosup's voice strains as he issues instructions, "Coordinate landing zones! We need to get as many people inside Cube as possible. The world depends on it!"

Hosup's eyes widen as he scans the anomaly on his monitor. "Ah, shit," he remarks under his breath. The usual hellspawn patterns have shifted, and his detection reveals an unexpected presence in Africa. "An angel has finally appeared!" he exclaims, the dim control room illuminated by the glow of the screens. "An egg with wings, of all things."

His gaze narrows, and a sigh escapes him. "Orden is there—the Monster King." Hosup taps a few keys, bringing up additional information. "The intel suggests he's not fully matured, but he should still pack a punch. This could be a game-changer."

With a determined expression, Hosup reaches for the controls. "Send a drone to Africa. We need to make contact with Orden. If he can join the evacuation, it might just tip the scales in our favor."

The drone launches, its mechanical wings slicing through the air. Hosup's fingers dance over the keyboard as he establishes a connection. "Orden, if you can hear me, we're in the midst of a world-ending catastrophe. Cube is the last stronghold. Join us. Help us turn the tide." He records a video message and hopes for the best.

Hosup's gaze shifts from screen to screen, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on him. "This is the greatest threat humanity has ever experienced," he mutters, his voice edged with urgency. The chaos unfolding above and below surpasses the horrors of World War 2 and Outcall combined.

The dimly lit control room pulsates with the dire reality of the moment. Hosup's fingers hesitate over the keyboard, a momentary pause in the relentless dance of commands. The fate of humanity rests on a delicate precipice, and the enormity of the responsibility is palpable.

A deep breath escapes him as he speaks into the intercom, his words charged with a mix of desperation and determination. "Evacuation efforts are in full swing. We're facing something beyond anything we've encountered before. Hold on, humanity. Hold on to hope."

Hosup's eyes flicker with a blend of exhaustion and resolve. "World War 2 and Outcall seem like nothing now," he confesses, acknowledging the unprecedented scale of the threat. "I only hope there's still a future for all of humanity."

As the monitors continue to flicker with images of chaos and destruction, Hosup's commitment to the defense of Cube and the evacuation becomes a beacon in the darkness.

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